Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 768 Only such a man deserves to be liked

The qualifiers are coming to an end, and the competition on the field has reached a fever pitch!

They were all Chinese warriors, but they showed no mercy at all. Some people kept getting knocked down and then carried off!

There was a strong smell of blood in the competition venue, which made people sick to smell it!

A strong man wearing a white training suit stood in front of his opponent like a madman, and his fists and kicks fell on the opponent like a violent storm!

Blood kept splattering from the local's head, and the front and sleeves of the man in the white training suit were already stained red with blood, which looked shocking!

In the stands, everyone was shouting and watching this scene without feeling any discomfort at all.

Those who had just lost a lot of money in peripheral gambling were now full of anger on the contestants on the competition field!

Now no matter who wins or loses, as long as it is exciting for everyone to watch!

The bloodier it is, the more exciting it is.

It seems that the depression of losing money has been vented under such violent fists and kicks!

"Something's wrong!" Wang Yi murmured while holding up the camera and filming very seriously.

Konoha asked in confusion: "What's wrong? It's like this even if your eyes are red!"

Xiaojiu shook his head and said: "Those people's physical strength is not right!

They have played at least three games, and at most they have played five games!

In a high-intensity game like this, everyone will be exhausted after one game.

But they only rest for less than one minute in each game and can go directly to the next game!

And every battle is such a physically demanding battle, but they become more and more courageous as they fight!

Are these people robots?

Don’t you know you’re tired? "

Konoha said matter-of-factly: "What's so strange about this?

The strength of some warriors is unparalleled!

Not to mention only these few hours, even if they play for a whole day, they will not feel tired!

If nothing else, he is just like Chen Xin'an, that's the kind of person he is!

If you let him play, see if he is tired! "

Wang Yi said helplessly: "Would you rather not use that kind of monster?

Not to mention these, even among the people you know, how many people are like him? "

Konoha was speechless for a moment.

Indeed, Chen Xin'an is not a normal person at all, and he really cannot be used as a standard.

Wang Yi raised the corner of his mouth, put it close to Konoha's ear, and whispered:

"Ye Zhen, you are a bit suspicious!

When that boy Chen Xin'an fell from above, you shouted the loudest!

If Xiruo hadn't pulled you, it seemed like you would have been the first one to rush down!

There's something wrong. Could it be that you were treating that boy..."

"Don't talk nonsense! That's my eldest nephew!" Konoha looked a little flustered, glared at her and said:

"Aren't you nervous if something happened to your family member?

Besides, who am I?

Xiao Jiucai was exaggerating and even hugged Xiruo and started crying! "

Xiaojiu's face also turned red, and she said with embarrassment and anger: "That's my young master, can I not be worried?

But the first sister seems to have nothing to do with my young master, right?

Ye Zhen and I wanted to touch your camera before, but you refused.

How much did it cost to buy it? It was very expensive.

But when the young master fell, your camera fell to the ground and you didn’t care!

If my master hadn't helped you get the camera back, I'm afraid you wouldn't have cared if someone else had taken it away!

Especially since the young mistress said that the young master will be fine, she has already confirmed it, so you can calm down!

Sister, if you want to say that the most suspicious person is you, right? "

Konoha Shinya nodded vigorously and looked at Wang Yi with a smile.

I'm such a mean-mouthed person!

Why are you talking about this topic when you have nothing to do?

Wang Yi wanted to slap his mouth, and said with a dry smile:

"Two good sisters, don't you still know my relationship with him?

That kid saved me, so it's natural for me to care about him! "

Seeing that the two people next to him looked like they would be surprised if they believed you, Wang Yi also felt a little unsure.

He sighed and said: "Okay, let's not get involved here!

In the past 20 years and more, I, Wang Yi, have not found many men that I can like, and Chen Xin'an is one of them!

So I admire him and like him.

I admit!

But this kind of love is really not the kind of love between a man and a woman that you imagine.

Just treat him as a buddy!

Besides, what does that guy think about his wife? Does he still need me to remind him?

This is an emotional idiot, a straight man!

Who would like such a piece of wood! "

Konoha said quietly: "But it's just because of him that he fascinates women, isn't it?"

Xiaojiu nodded and sighed softly: "Yes! Today's men are too glib!

It’s so turbulent!

As long as I see beautiful ones, I want to keep them all as my own.

There are so few and rare people who are as dedicated as the young master! "

The three women nodded at the same time, and then sighed in unison.

Wang Yi came to his senses, looked at the two women beside him and said, "What are we discussing?

Aren't you talking about the abnormality of those people on the field?

Why did you end up with that boy Chen Xin'an?

Are you too capable of crooked buildings? "

Konoha and Xiaojiu rolled their eyes at her at the same time!

It's your fault, but you still blame it on others. How shameless is it?

Xiaojiu pointed to the field and said: "Foreigners are on the field!"

A warrior who had won three consecutive matches stood in front of a blond foreigner.

The warrior spat on the ground, his eyes were red, and he stared closely at the foreigner in front of him. He stretched out his right arm towards him, and then hooked his fingers to signal him to come over!

The foreigner strode over and punched the warrior in the face!

His movements looked clumsy, but they were very powerful, as if every step he took made the earth tremble!

There was a look of contempt on the corner of the warrior's mouth. The moment he rushed towards him, he ducked to the side and avoided it easily!

But at this moment, the foreigner suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the warrior's arm, and then punched the warrior in the back of the head!


"Despicable! This is a sneak attack! How shameless!"

"Isn't this a whistle? Is it enough to disqualify you from the competition? What? Just a warning? What the hell!"

The audience stood up, pointed at the boss on the field and yelled!

Although it is a fight without distinction, some moves cannot be used.

Gouges in the eyes, kicks in the crotch, hits the back of the head, etc. Because these moves are vicious, they are prohibited in the competition!

But this foreigner used it and punched his opponent to the ground.

In the end, it was just a warning. The result of this kind of treatment is really difficult to convince the public.

The foreigner shrugged his shoulders and said lightly:

"Sorry! You Chinese people are too weak!

I was just testing his reaction, but I didn’t expect that he couldn’t bear even one punch..."

"What nonsense are you talking about, foreigner! If you have the guts, let me punch you in the back of the head and see if you can bear it!"

"They use despicable means to sneak attack and still have the nerve to defend here. These dead foreigners are so hateful!"

"Brother, weren't you very powerful just now? Stand up! Knock this damn foreigner down and let him know how powerful our Chinese Kung Fu is!"

The person lying on the ground seemed to have heard the shouts of the audience in the stands, and finally stood up with his hands up!

Everyone was applauding him, but when he turned around, everyone was shocked!

The man's face was red, as if he was drunk.

The most terrifying thing was that blood flowed from his nostrils.

But his blood was as black as ink!

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