Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 770 He knows we took medicine

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, who had just come out of the office, happened to see Hong Tai fall to the ground.

Seeing the black blood he spit out, both of them were a little shocked.

How can a person have blood of this color? It’s so abnormal!

A young man ran over and shouted to Luo Xiaoman: "Fourth Uncle!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded and asked him, "Xiaohu, what's going on?"

Before the man could speak, Chen Xin'an looked at them inexplicably and asked:

"I see that you are older than Luo Xiaoman. You call him Fourth Uncle? Why don't you call him Five Classics?"

Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes and cursed: "You idiot, in a family like ours, there is a relationship called seniority!

His father is my cousin, is there anything wrong with him calling me uncle? "

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said: "That's right! I just want to express my feelings for your father.

You are so old and strong, I gave birth to a son like you when you are over fifty! "

Yue Zhihua snorted and said, "What the hell! There are still people who are almost sixty years old and can still give birth! There are people around you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around and tugged at his waistband.

Fortunately, the distance was relatively far. Yue Zhihua finally reacted this time, took a step back, turned around and ran away.

Avoided another opportunity to be humiliated in public!

"Chen Xin'an, I'm going to poke you!

You are sick, you like to take off old men's pants in broad daylight! "

Yue Zhihua was so angry that this bastard was so mean.

If you don't pay attention, he will make you lose face!

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, this is what happens if you can't keep your mouth shut.

Are things about the Martial Saint and the Phantom God something that a transparent little guy like you, the Dragon Shield, can make irresponsible remarks about?

Xiaohu reported to Luo Xiaoman some things that had just happened, and Luo Xiaoman was so angry that he almost chewed the roots of his teeth!

One thing about him is very similar to Chen Xin'an, that is, he doesn't have the slightest fondness for foreigners.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

Being friendly to you is just trying to take advantage of you.

When you are no longer valuable to him, his face will change faster than turning the page of a book.

It will make you feel less and less like nothing!

Diaz clenched his fists, raised his arms high, and beat his chest like a gorilla and roared:

"Is this what you call a master?

Simply vulnerable!

Are there any other experts?

Come, fight me!

You so-called Chinese warriors are simply frogs sitting in a well!

I thought I was very powerful, but in fact I was just as weak as an ant!

I can crush you to death with just one hand! "

All the foreigners in the stands laughed and gave Dias a thumbs up.

But when they turned their hands to the Chinese warriors on the sidelines, they all pointed their thumbs down and booed!

"What the hell, I'm going to fight you!" Lao Cui got angry, picked up a bottle of mineral water and drank half of it.

Then he threw the bottle at his feet and walked towards the ring.

Now there are no more trials and promotions, it has become a Chinese warrior challenging a Western boxer!

This is a battle to defend the dignity of Chinese martial arts, and there are no rules.

Either stand or fall!

Hong Tai was carried off the stage, and when he passed by Lao Cui, he suddenly grabbed Lao Cui's arm!

"Don't fight! Old Cui, you are not his opponent! He, he knows that we take medicine!"

A shocked expression appeared on Lao Cui's face, and he looked at Diaz in disbelief, with fear on his face.

No wonder he always attacks the back of his opponent's head!

If you take this medicine, it will take effect within about one minute.

But the weak point is the head, or the back of the head to be exact.

You must not be shocked. Once you are hit hard on the back of the head, even if you do nothing, within a minute, the person taking the medicine can fall into a coma and lose all ability to move!

At the same time, someone ran up to the judges' table and whispered something into Luo Lie's ear.

Luo Lie's expression changed, he took the microphone and said to everyone: "I just received a sad and sad news!

One of our contestants, Zhai Gang, unfortunately passed away due to excessive injuries while being rescued in the hospital just now! "

People in the stands were stunned, then pointed at Diaz and shouted: "Murderer! Murderer!"

That Zhai Gang was the warrior who competed with Diaz just now. He was beaten to death!

Diaz looked indifferent and still raised his hands and said:

“I was just competing.

I can only express my regret that something like this happened.

But I still want to advise you so-called Chinese masters.

It's best to send a few people who can fight!

You can save yourself from being beaten to death by my punch, and you want to call me cruel again!

Finally, I want to say that this is a competition, not a game played by children.

You Chinese masters, if you don’t know your own strength, don’t come here to die.

I won't show mercy to you!

I accept the challenge from any of you!

Even if you all come together, I can knock you all down! "

All the Chinese people in the stands were irritated, pointing at Dias and yelling.

Luo Xiaoman also gritted his teeth and turned to Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Chen Xin'an, punch me!"


Without saying a word, Chen Xin'an punched Luo Xiaoman in the nose!

It's crazy today, why do people keep making such mean requests?

The chess boy made such a request. In the end, his butt was so swollen that he couldn't even pull up his pants. He cried loudly and was let go by Chen Xin'an.

Now Luo Xiaoman is trying to imitate him, and Chen Xin'an is too embarrassed to refuse!

"What are you doing!" Xiaohu became anxious and clenched his fists at Chen Xin'an.

But the request was indeed made by his fourth uncle, and he was too embarrassed to fall out.

Luo Xiaoman covered his nose, tears and blood flowing out together.

He shook his head and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "I let you hit the Tanzhong point on my chest, but I didn't let you hit me in the face! Besides, you made me prepare to do it again!"

It turned out to be a typo!

Chen Xin'an said with an embarrassed look: "How about I do it again?"

"Okay, that's enough!" Luo Xiaoman quickly waved his hand.

This bastard doesn't know how to control his strength at all. One more punch and Luo Xiaoman will probably have to lie here!

"That's enough!" Seeing his nosebleed staining his shirt red, looking very embarrassed, Luo Xiaoman turned around and walked onto the field!

Xiaohu widened his eyes and asked, "Uncle Fourth, what are you going to do!"

Chen Xin'an also understood Luo Xiaoman's approach and said to Xiaohu: "Your fourth uncle wants to teach that foreigner a lesson!

But he had attacked the foreigner just now, so those people knew that he had strength.

In order to prevent the foreigner from escaping without a fight, your fourth uncle is now showing weakness and tricking the foreigner into fighting him! "

Xiaohu nodded in realization.

Just now, in full view of everyone, Fourth Uncle fell from a height of thirty meters!

Although he didn't fall to death, it would be too miraculous to appear in front of everyone unscathed.

The worse he performs now, the more his opponents will despise him.

In addition to the conflict he had with those foreigners just now, these foreigners all wanted to teach him a lesson!

Lao Cui walked up to Dias bravely and simply changed his mind!

So what if the other party knows that he takes medicine?

As long as you pay attention and don't get hit in the head by the opponent, there will be no danger!

With his now greatly increased strength, this foreigner's movements were slowed down in his eyes, and it was not difficult to deal with him!

This time, Laofatang must get the championship medal, because only in this way can he win the favor of the Family Alliance.

At that time, Laofatang will be able to obtain a large amount of activity funds to fight against the martial arts association branch!

Just when he was about to take action, a voice suddenly came from behind him:

"Go down and let me fight him!"

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