Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 788 Please take pity on me

I seriously doubt that these two bastards are here to get a job with him!

Returning to the Grand Hotel at noon, Chen Xin'an and his wife originally wanted to enjoy a romantic lunch in the restaurant.

With the indiscriminate entry of these two people, the lunch finally turned into a disaster relief scene!

I ate five plates of the sliced ​​duck alone!

It almost made the chef cry!

This thing is not troublesome to make, but the carving on the plate is troublesome.

You can eat duck meat, but every time you eat the carved radish too!

The chef has to carve out a new plate every time.

In the end, even Ning Xiruo couldn't stand it anymore and told the kitchen not to put the dishes on the plate, but just serve the duck meat!

Chen Xin'an still has a life, and directly told the restaurant manager: "Whenever you see them two coming to eat again, just change all the carvings into clay sculptures!"

After eating and drinking, Director Niu arrived with the filming team.

When they heard that Chen Xin'an was going to make a movie, both Gongsun Feiyang and Fang Xiang looked incredulous.

Is this guy still going to do this?

The two of them are just idle men who don't even care about their own tasks.

I spent the whole afternoon in the studio watching Chen Xin'an filming.

Seeing Chen Xin'an dressed in a crisp suit and doing polite actions, the two of them almost fainted with laughter!

Is this Chen Xin'an?

Can he also play the piano?

What's even more outrageous is that he can actually sing love songs?

The most unbearable thing is that he actually sheds tears?

Are these the legendary crocodile tears?

What an eye-opening afternoon the two of them had!

This is how the movie was made!

It turns out that Chen Xin'an has such a funny side!

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an's greatest advantage is that she is thick-skinned.

No matter how others make fun of him, he takes it easy and is not shy at all.

Very cooperative with the director's requirements and did not delay filming.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the shooting ended and everyone called it a day.

Konoha and the others are also back, and everyone is eating together in the restaurant.

Just halfway through eating, Chen Xin'an's phone vibrated. He took it out and saw Luo Xiaoman's number.

Isn't this guy going home tonight? Why call him?

Chen Xin'an, who was eating, pressed the hands-free button, and a woman's cry came from inside:

"Chen Xin'an, come here quickly, we need you!"

Swish, swish, swish!

A series of eyes all stared at him, like arrows, pinning him down!

Ning Xiruo's arms stiffened, but her face was calm. She gave Chen Xin'an a piece of twice-cooked pork and asked calmly: "Who is it? Why do you speak in such a tone?"

Chen Xin'an broke into a cold sweat and wanted to grab the phone.

Konoye Zhen, who was standing across from Ning Xiruo, immediately stood up and reached out to hold down the phone.

The eyes under Erpi's face stared at him sinisterly.

Chen Xin'an licked her lips helplessly and cursed: "Who the hell are you? How did you talk? Did you admit the wrong person?"

The woman's voice sounded like she was crying again: "I'm Luo Qianxue! How long has it been and you can't recognize my voice anymore?"

It's this woman again!

Konoha scolded: "This woman is really shameless..."

Ning Xiruo immediately covered her mouth, glanced at Chen Xin'an and said, "Stop talking and let him handle it by himself!"

Chen Xin'an darkened her face and said into the phone: "Luo Qianxue, my patience is limited! If you tease me again and again, then don't blame me for being rude!"


Gongsun Feiyang spit out the drink in his mouth.

"Excuse me for asking!

Is this Luo Qianxue the most beautiful woman in Kyoto? "

The little girl said angrily: "Who else could it be if it wasn't her? She pesters my young master all day long, it's really annoying!"

No, she is the most beautiful woman in Kyoto!

Other men wouldn't be able to get her around if they wanted to!

Chen Xin'an, are your eyes used to vent your anger?

your wife……

Of course, the lady-in-law under the attire can also be considered a beauty.

But such beauty is not on the same level as the most beautiful woman in Kyoto, right?

If you are a man, you already know how to choose. How can you still...

Gongsun Feiyang didn't know how to evaluate this guy. He could only say he admired him!

I can’t tell that this guy Chen Xin’an is still an emotional person!

Of course, it could also be that he is henpecked and doesn't dare to speak nonsense in front of his wife.

Luo Qianxue over there actually started crying and yelled at Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, we are going to die, do you care?"

"I don't care about you!" Chen Xin'an became angry as the woman's words became more and more outrageous, and cursed at her:

"Can you please stay away from me? Does it have anything to do with me? Why are you telling me this?"

Gongsun Feiyang gave Chen Xin'an a thumbs up, you are here in Versailles!

Just when Chen Xin'an was about to hang up the phone, Luo Qianxue over there cried: "Okay, Chen Xin'an, we all misjudged you!

Fortunately, Xiaoman has always regarded you as a friend. Now that your friend is in trouble, you actually ignore him!

Forget it, pretend I haven’t done this before…”

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xin'an shouted, grabbed the phone and asked: "What did you say?

Something happened to Luo Xiaoman?

What's up with him? "

Luo Qianxue shouted on the phone: "He was shot! People from the old law hall came to kill him, but now he has lured those killers away!

I am really scared!

Those people are crazy and they have guns!

Moreover, even if one’s arm is broken, one does not know the pain, and they cannot be beaten to death no matter how hard they are beaten..."

Chen Xin'an stood up suddenly and said to the mobile phone:

"You can just say something happened to Luo Xiaoman. What do you mean something happened to you?"

Luo Qianxue cried: "I've been talking about us!"

Chen Xin'an thought about it and realized it was true!

He scolded angrily: "Next time just say Luo Xiaoman, don't take you with me!

It's none of my business if you die!

If something happens to Luo Xiaoman, I will help! "

Luo Qianxue cursed angrily: "Chen Xin'an, in your heart, am I not as important as a man?

Or do you just not like women at all?

How am I inferior to that guy Luo Xiaoman?

I'm taller than him..."

"If you say any more nonsense, I will reach out my hand from the phone and strangle you to death!" Chen Xin'an scolded her with a dark face: "Hurry up and tell me where you are now!"

Luo Qianxue was extremely frightened.

This is the first time in my life that I heard that someone can reach out and strangle the other person on the phone!

She cried and said tremblingly: "We are at the Great Emperor's Tomb in the eastern suburbs..."

"You're crazy!" Chen Xin'an yelled: "What are you doing there at night!"

Luo Qianxue stammered: "He said he never tried it in the cemetery..."


Chen Xin'an didn't even bother to listen!

These animals are really fierce!

Aren't these two teddies becoming sperm?

Regardless of the occasion or time period, meeting each other is a mess. Aren't you tired?

Taking out a tissue and wiping his mouth, Chen Xin'an said to Ning Xiruo: "Daughter-in-law, I want to go to the Great Emperor's Tomb!"

"Who knows whether what this woman said is true or false?" Konoha snorted and curled her lips and said, "Maybe she has set a trap for you?"

Wang Yiye nodded vigorously and said, "That kind of scheming girl can do anything!"

Ning Xiruo held Chen Xin'an's hand: "Husband, go ahead! But be careful!"

Gongsun Feiyang looked at Chen Xin'an with a look of admiration and said: "Mr. Chen, why don't you let me run for you, so that it will be clear whether it is true or false!"

"I can do that too!" Xiang Xiang raised his hand cautiously.

Gongsun Feiyang was angry, glared at him and cursed: "Old Fang, are you bored now? Are you going to rob me too?"

Xiang Xiang whispered: "Feiyang, I'm almost thirty-five and still single.

Just do it, have mercy on me! "

Chen Xin'an scolded the two of them with a dark face: "Shut up, you two!

I have something for you to help me with tonight. Please go to Zhenghe Hospital.

I tell you the goal, you go and guard their family for the night tonight! "

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