Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 791 Women cannot be intimidated

"What is it? Do you see it?"

"It seemed like a knife, or maybe a needle! I couldn't see clearly, it was too fast, it disappeared in the blink of an eye!"

"My hand! The man is nearby, kill him! No, kill Luo Xiaoman first!"

Someone quickly raised a gun and pointed it at Luo Qianxue and Luo Xiaoman on the ground.

Now Luo Qianxue is lying on Luo Xiaoman. If Luo Xiaoman is to be beaten to death, Luo Qianxue may have to be beaten to death first.

It's such a pity that such a delicate beauty was beaten to death without even tasting it, isn't it?

Just when he was hesitating, a cold light suddenly flashed before his eyes, and before he could react, his throat felt cold.

His whole body froze, his eyes lowered, looking at a thin, almost invisible metal wire extending from behind a big tree to his throat.

Before he could see clearly, the metal wire retracted with a swish.

His throat also seemed to be hollowed out, a large amount of air poured in uncontrollably, but he could no longer breathe!

"Behind that tree!" A person pointed at a big tree next to him and shouted, shooting and running over!

The others followed closely and went around behind the tree.

It's empty here, no one at all!

Dazzled? I read it wrong?

The person who just spoke was a little confused. He clearly saw a figure hiding here?

Suddenly, he seemed to have a premonition of something and looked up.

A black figure clamped its legs on the tree trunk, hanging upside down, and seemed to be holding something in its hand.

Before he could scream, a thin metal wire was wrapped around his neck.

Then he saw that all the scenery in front of him was red!

"Fugui!" People on the side suddenly saw Fugui's head flying up and rolling to the ground like a ball!

The headless torso spurting blood took two steps forward and fell heavily to the ground!

"Ah!" This terrifying scene made the remaining three people shoot over their heads.

There was a loud sound of gunfire for a while, but apart from a few leaves falling, not even a hair was seen!

A man in black fired all the bullets in his pistol, took out the magazine, and tried to replace it.

His eyes suddenly darkened, and a young man appeared in front of him like a ghost!

He was so frightened that he took a step back and was about to scream loudly when the opponent's right hand slashed and he felt that his neck had been completely cut open!

Blood spurted out, and he quickly threw away the pistol and covered it with both hands, trying to seal his wound.

But it was no use, his trachea had been cut open, and blood entered the trachea.

He could only cough violently, then collapsed to the ground, helplessly watching the shroud of death!

"Who are you?" A man in black was frightened. He was like a ghost, appearing and disappearing.

Which master from the Luo family is this?

Didn't it mean that someone else was going to deal with the Luo family tonight?

Why are there reinforcements from the Luo family here?

Only one person was heard sneering in the darkness: "You don't even know me, Chen Xin'an, tell me whether you should die or not!"

Chen Xin'an!

The man in black's eyes narrowed, he had obviously heard of this name!

Just kidding, who hasn’t heard of this turbulent disaster that has disrupted Kyoto within a month of coming to Kyoto?

What's more, many masters from the old law hall died in his hands!

Why is this guy here?

Is he here to save Luo Xiaoman or Luo Qianxue?

A man in black continued: "Chen Xin'an, this matter has nothing to do with you!

If you are here for Luo Qianxue, you can take him away now, we will never stop you! "

"You're here for Luo Qianxue!" Chen Xin'an immediately became anxious.

Can you say this nonsense?

Is that the kind of person I am?

You deserve to be ruined for ruining my reputation!

Beside Luo Xiaoman, the army did not dare to move and even stopped screaming.

He just stood there obediently, the cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing down.

Luo Qianxue held a pistol in both hands. It was the same pistol that Da Jun had injured on his hand and dropped to the ground.

The gun was pointed at the army, and Luo Qianxue was also very nervous, staring at him!

Luo Xiaoman was not dead yet. He forced himself to sit on the ground, straightened his upper body, and said to Luo Qianxue: "Shoot! Kill him!"

Now that he has lost his combat effectiveness, according to Luo Qianxue himself, he is no match for the army!

Now that you have a gun in hand, let's eliminate that guy quickly!

Luo Qianxue said with a cry: "I, I don't dare!"

Luo Xiaoman said to her anxiously: "What is there to be afraid of? Just aim and pull the trigger hard!"

If you don't kill him, he will kill us later! "

"Kill people, I have never killed before, I don't dare!" Luo Qianxue really cried.

To end a living life with your own hands is not the courage that ordinary people can have!

Luo Xiaoman felt that it was difficult to maintain his consciousness. He did not dare to imagine what would happen after he fainted, and shouted anxiously:

"I told you, close your eyes, aim and shoot at him! Otherwise we will all die!"

Luo Qianxue burst into tears, looked at him pitifully and said, "You are cruel to me!

You men are not good things, you don’t cherish them when you get them! "

"How could I..." Luo Xiaoman felt aggrieved and quickly explained, "I just told you how to shoot..."

"Hahaha!" Dajun laughed, looked at Luo Qianxue with sarcastic eyes and said:

"So what if you have a gun? Do you dare to shoot?

Do you know what it's like to kill someone?

You don’t want to know, because it will keep you up all night!

The person you beat to death will turn into a ghost and haunt you every day..."


Luo Qianxue let out a scream of extreme horror, and then bang, the gun rang out!

Dajun's smile froze on his face.

He lowered his head in disbelief and looked at the blood seeping out between his legs. There seemed to be a piece of flesh falling into his pants and then sliding down his trouser legs.

"You said you didn't dare to shoot again!" Da Jun felt that his entire head was blank, and the pain of being shot had not yet reflected to his brain.

Luo Xiaoman grinned, looked at Dajun sarcastically and said, "Don't you understand that women can't be scared?

Under a high level of fear, even if they are holding a bullet, they will lose it! "

Only then did the severe pain come over, and the army fell to the ground with a roar, screaming and rolling around!

He said he didn't dare to shoot, but he shot after trying to scare him!

And the whole body is so big, why did you hit it here!

Dajun feels that he is finished. Even if he is cured, he is still a cripple!

"Ah!" Luo Qianxue, who had fired a shot, screamed and dropped the gun on the ground. Unexpectedly, the pistol went off when it hit the ground. Another shot hit Dajun's right thigh!

Luo Xiaoman was also shocked!

Fortunately, the muzzle of the gun was pointed forward. If it had been pointed backward, this shot would have killed him!

Not knowing where the strength came from, he picked up the pistol on the ground, pointed it at the army tremblingly, and then fired several shots with bang bang bang.

He doesn't like using this weapon very much.

China itself is very strict about gun control, and even he rarely comes into contact with firearms.

But that doesn't mean he can't shoot.

Someone in his family is a military figure, and he was specially trained to use a gun when he was eighteen years old!

So his marksmanship is pretty good. At least at this distance, he can hit wherever he points.

Jun couldn't even scream anymore and lay on the ground twitching.

He was shot five times, just like Luo Xiaoman.

But Luo Xiaoman can still sit up now, but he can only lie on the ground, motionless, waiting for death peacefully.

Over there, Chen Xin'an had already dealt with the remaining two men in black. He strode over and shouted to Luo Xiaoman, "How are you? Are you dead?"

Chen Xin'an? Why is he here?

Luo Xiaoman was confused, and after taking a look at Luo Qianxue beside him, he understood.

Smiling slightly, she fainted in Luo Qianxue's arms.

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