Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 801 This is the arrogance of the noble master of Kyoto!

When did such a trenchant guy appear in Kyoto City?

The key is that he, Master Huo, doesn’t even know him yet!

Drinks costing 360,000 yuan were opened directly?

And you said it tasted as bad as swill?

Huo Haocun looked gloomy and waved his hands.

The bodyguards standing not far away originally wanted to come over.

Seeing Mr. Huo Wu's gesture, he stepped back.

Huo Haocun squinted his eyes at Chen Xin'an and said with a smile:

“My friend, you have very good taste!

I am Huo Haocun from the Huo family in Qianfeng.

Without asking for advice…”

Chen Xin'an came over, stretched out her hand and shook it hard, then patted his shoulder, nodded and said, "Thank you! A good man! As expected of a son of a wealthy family!"

What does it mean?

Huo Haocun was confused.

Am I familiar with you?

What do you thank me for?

Am I still a good person?

Even I don’t think so…

Chen Xin'an smiled and waved and said, "Come on, Feiyang, Lao Fang, come and sit.

The location is great! They're all friends!

Waiter, please add some more chairs! "

Huo Haocun's face turned dark!

You're welcome!

The key is who is your friend?

I don't even know who you are!

He looked at Chen Xin'an with a straight face and said, "Do you think this table can accommodate so many people?"

This table is the largest table outside the dance floor. There are two small square tables put together. It can accommodate six or seven people just right. Any more will seem a bit crowded.

Chen Xin'an glanced around and said to Huo Haocun apologetically: "That's right, there are a lot of people and I can't sit down.

Otherwise, Mr. Huo Wu would feel aggrieved and go to another table?

Sorry, I blame the boss here for being too small.

In such a big place, such a small table is not as big as my dining table! "

Huo Haocun was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

This is the fucking table I booked!

It's over, you came and blew me away?

The dove occupied the magpie's nest?

Do you still think this table is too small?

What do you mean, a big dining table next to the dance floor?

Where did this bumpkin come from?

Have you never been to a place like this?

Normally, Huo Haocun would have asked his bodyguards to throw out such an eyesore!

But it won't work tonight, these beauties haven't taken advantage of it yet.

More importantly, this guy opened a pirate ship casually, his strength is extraordinary!

Konoha didn't really hear anything else, but heard the person next to him recognize the bottle of wine in Gongsun Feiyang's hand, and his eyes immediately widened.

"Okay, Bald Sun, are you ready to make a career?

I am willing to drink such expensive wine!

Give me a drink to try! "

Gongsun Feiyang held the wine bottle and said with a smile: "Everyone has a share. Come on, bring the cup!"

"What cup are you taking, you bastard! You have to get a new cup, it won't taste good!" Konoha glared at Gongsun Feiyang with disdain and waved to the waiter.

Soon new cups were delivered, and Gongsun Feiyang poured wine for everyone diligently.

He and Fang Xiang had drank a lot just now, and now this was barely enough for a small cup each.

But Konoha is really greedy and loses more than others.

Later, when it was Huo Haocun's turn, there was no more!

Gongsun Feiyang held the wine bottle with both hands, the bottle mouth facing down.

He shook Huo Haocun's cup hard and only poured out a drop or two.

"I'm sorry, it's gone! How about we share some with you? You haven't even drank yet!" Gongsun Feiyang looked apologetic.

Huo Haocun wanted to give him a slap in the face. I don't care about your drink?

The wine worth more than 300,000 yuan is indeed a bit expensive, but for me, it’s not something I can’t afford!

He couldn't get angry in front of the beautiful woman, so he just said with a gloomy face: "No need!"

Give some advice to the bodyguards around you, and if that doesn't work, forcefully drive away these troublesome men!

The good things I prepared in my pocket haven't been put to use yet, so we can't let these guys mess up the situation!

"Cheers!" Konoha shouted while holding the wine glass, and everyone laughed and clinked their glasses together.

Huo Haocun was the only one who didn't have any wine and sat awkwardly in his seat.

She's like an unpopular daughter-in-law who doesn't fit in with the people around her!

"Don't finish the drink, save some!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to everyone:

"We would like to toast the Fifth Young Master! Thank you for your warm hospitality!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Then everyone raised their glasses to Huo Haocun and thanked him for his hospitality.

He raised his neck again and drank the wine in the glass.

During the whole process, Huo Haocun always looked confused.

These beauties have something to say to thank me.

What did I do to you three gentlemen?

Does standing at the table count?

This is all trivial, but the key point is that when you toast, you don’t have to ask the person being toasted to drink from it?

I haven't poured my wine yet, I haven't even picked up the cup, and you drank it all in one gulp. You are thanking your loneliness!

Konoha smacked his lips, nodded and said: "This more than 300,000 yuan worth of wine is much stronger than the garbage on the table, and the taste is pretty good!"

Huo Haocun, who originally wanted to pour himself a glass of wine to relieve his depression, quickly retracted his hand.

Who wants to drink garbage?

When did a bottle of wine costing more than 20,000 yuan become garbage?

Huo Haocun said to Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face, "Have you said hello? Then you can invite me..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an took the initiative and said to him: "This is my first time here today, and I met a rich and noble man. It was a worthwhile trip.

I happened to meet Mr. Huo Wu and invited everyone to drink. I have never seen such arrogance before!

As expected of a member of the Qianfeng Huo family, the pattern is huge!

Mr. Huo Wu is not just talking about it, is he? "

Hearing this guy praising him, Huo Haocun showed a hint of amusement on his face and curled his lips and said:

"When have I, Huo Haocun, spoken without counting?

I, Huo Wu, can afford a few rounds of wine! "

Chen Xin'an gave him a thumbs up and praised sincerely: "How heroic! I am determined to be my friend Huo Wu Gongzi!"

go away!

Do you think I'm a cabbage on the roadside and you can pay me if you want?

Are you qualified?

"Okay, you can play, let's go over there!" Chen Xin'an said to Konoha and the other women.

"I'm going too! I'm going too!" Konoha and Xiaojiu stood up together, clamoring to follow.

Chen Xin'an pointed at Huo Haocun, who had a dark face and said: "Master Huo Wu has invited you to drink. It's all ready. What's the big deal if you run away from me in the middle of drinking!"

Drink your wine, we'll come back when we've had enough fun! "

Konoha really knew that if Chen Xin'an came with Bald Sun and Xiang Xiang, something must have happened, so they had no choice but to give up.

Can't wait any longer!

Huo Haocun's face was gloomy. While the women stood up and sent the three men away, he took out a small bottle he had prepared from his pocket and quickly poured a few drops into the empty glasses on the table!

"By the way, Young Master Huo!" Chen Xin'an, who had already left, suddenly turned back.

Huo Haocun was caught off guard and was in a hurry. He held the vial in his right hand and picked up a bottle of Ace of Spades with his left hand, pretending to pour wine into the cup.

Chen Xin'an didn't seem to notice his actions, and asked him with a smile: "Young Master Huo really invited everyone in the room to drink just now, right?"

Huo Haocun glared at him, gritted his teeth and said, "How can I deceive people for this little money?"

"How heroic! How heroic!" Chen Xin'an gave Huo Haocun a thumbs up and left while praising him.

Huo Haocun curled his lips with disdain and cursed in a low voice: "Even if you open a bottle of Corsair, you are still a country bumpkin who has never seen the world!"

A bodyguard came over and whispered in his ear: "Fifth Young Master, Manager Cai wants you to sign an order!"

Huo Haocun cursed at a man in a suit who came over: "Manager Cai, what do you mean? I signed the bill before I left. Are you afraid that I can't afford the hundreds of thousands?"

Manager Cai's face looked like a bitter melon and said to him: "Master Huo, please don't be angry. Please take a look at the bill first!"

Huo Haocun lowered his head and glanced at the bill in his hand, and his whole face changed color instantly!

Four hundred and thirty thousand?

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