Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 804 Do you dare to deduct my card?

This name sounds familiar!

The people around were whispering to each other, wondering where they had heard it before.

Finally, someone yelled and said to the person next to him: "It's him! The man who caused a big commotion in the ancient and modern kung fu exchange competition at the Sports Exhibition Building a few days ago!"

"Yes, yes, that's the bad guy! I lost tens of thousands!"

“There’s something even more fierce!

The Wu family in Shen Qiao Hutong was picked by this guy!

Just one person, carrying a gasoline barrel, burned the old man of the Wu family, his sons and nephews to death! "

"Damn! So fierce? Real or fake? The police didn't arrest him?"

"The Wu family has a funeral today, go and take a look and you will know whether it is real or not!

I heard that it was the Wu family who burned this guy’s friends first, and that’s why he provoked his revenge!

Just one person beat him from the outer courtyard to the inner courtyard. Even though so many people from the Wu family couldn't stop him, blood flowed like a river!

In the end, all the men, women and children in the family were doused with gasoline and burned to ashes! "

"Let me go, this guy is really cruel! No wonder he is in trouble with Young Master Huo. The relationship between the Wu family and the Huo family is not simple!"

"They are not people to be trifled with. When gods fight, we mortals can just sit by and eat!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Hearing the discussions of those around him, Du Yunyan looked at Chen Xin'an in shock and asked, "Boss, was it really you who did this?"

Konoha hit her on the head unceremoniously and cursed at her:

“What a pig head!

Are you also stupid when others are stupid?

How could Chen Xin'an do that kind of thing!

How about a whole family of men, women and children burnt to ashes?

It’s impossible to think about it!

Although Chen Xin'an can be a jerk sometimes, he can't do such a jerk thing! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at her and asked, "I'm sorry to ask, are you complimenting me?"

"Of course! It's so obvious, can't you hear it?" Konoha Mari shouted confidently.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said with a dark face: "Why don't I feel the same! But one thing they said was right, I burned the old man of the Wu family to death!"

Konoha was stunned for a moment, spread his hands, and said to Du Yunyan: "Look, he is quite a bastard!"

Du Yunyan wanted to say something else, but her phone vibrated. She immediately took it out to answer it, nodded and said, "Okay, wait for me over there, I'll go over now!"

After hanging up the phone, Du Yunyan said to everyone: "Xiaojiu is at the bar. If you need anything, come to me. You guys go ahead and I'll come back to you later!"

As soon as she left, a man came over with a big smile, and everyone got out of the way: "Mr. Chen is here to welcome you. I hope you will forgive me for being a little distant to greet you!"

The big boss of the convention and exhibition center shows up!

This is a character that is rarely seen!

Chen Xin'an looked puzzled, looked at Konoha and asked, "What did he say?"

"Illiterates, you can't even understand this!" Konoha opened his mouth with a look of contempt on his face and said, "It's just a pretentious thing to say, so just pretend you didn't hear it!"

Chen Xin'an was even more confused, looked at her and asked, "What did you say?"

The visitor laughed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I am the owner of the convention and exhibition center, Mo Xinting.

Can you give me some face and let Young Master Huo go first? "

Everyone around was stunned. Young Master Mo personally begged people for mercy, which made this scene even more rare!

Everyone in Kyoto knows that Young Master Mo will never speak condescendingly to others.

Who dares not to give him face?

Chen Xin'an raised his head, looked at him and said, "I don't know who you are, and you still want to ask me for face? Do you think I run a flour mill and have so much face for you?"

The people around were in an uproar!

I had known for a long time that this Chen Xin'an was very crazy and caused a turmoil in Kyoto.

Now it seems that the evaluation of this guy is still a bit conservative.

This kid is really crazy, and he is so crazy that he has no boundaries!

This is probably the only person in Kyoto who dares not to give Mr. Mo face!

Mo Xinting's face froze, and the look in Chen Xin'an's eyes became very cold in an instant.

But it only passed by in a flash. He immediately laughed, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Mr. Chen is quick to talk, and he is indeed a sweetheart!

I just like to make friends with people who are not pretentious or hypocritical!

Let me do this. I will make amends to Mr. Chen on behalf of Mr. Huo Wu.

No matter what he did wrong, if Mr. Chen wants to beat or punish him, I will admit it!

There is no way, I give him Huo Haoran, the eldest brother, as a brother.

This kid is just like my biological brother.

My younger brother got into trouble. As the older brother, I can't just ignore it, right? "

"You want to take care of it?" Chen Xin'an glanced at him sideways, grinned, nodded and said, "That's easy, just answer me a question!"

Mo Xinting, you sat on the chair very generously and said, "Mr. Chen, please ask me! Mo Mou knows everything!"

Chen Xin'an took out the small bottle that she just snatched from Huo Haocun, placed it on the table in front of Mo Xinting, smiled at him and said:

"Is this yours or your brother's?"

The scene fell silent.

Mo Xinting looked at the vial in front of him with a smile on his face.

But in my heart, I have already greeted all the eighteen generations of Chen Xin'an's ancestors, men and women!

Is this a trap set for me?

Say it's mine.

Good guy, the owner of the convention and exhibition center personally sells prohibited items, who will dare to come and play in the future?

Moreover, the police, anti-narcotics, security department, health department, etc., a lot of troubles will swarm in!

Even if you don’t dare to do anything to him, it’s annoying to show off!

The most important thing is that people are very angry, especially those female guests, who will lose a lot of money because they feel insecure.

If there are no beauties in a nightclub but only a group of big men, it will definitely go bankrupt if it cannot last two days!

What are a bunch of big men doing?


But if you don't admit it, then this thing belongs to Huo Haocun?

Preparing drugs to treat women in a nightclub is the most dishonest thing!

You can pick up girls at will, spend money on them, use emotional tricks, use appearance to seduce them, it’s all fine!

Only drugging is very despised in nightclubs.

Only scum would do such a thing!

The dignified Fifth Young Master Huo turned out to be a drugged scumbag, bringing disgrace to the Huo family.

But if you, Young Master Mo, beg others to save face for a scumbag, then you are making a fool of yourself!

Mo Xinting glanced at Huo Haocun and resisted the urge to step forward and kick him to death.

Aren't you posing a problem for me?

A bodyguard got up from the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "I gave this to the Fifth Young Master!

I told him that it is a tonic that can beautify girls, so the Fifth Young Master would give it to those beauties!

I got it from a friend too.

I have never used it before, today is the first time! "

Mo Xinting glanced at the bodyguard, shrugged his shoulders and said to Chen Xin'an helplessly:

“Young people today just like these weird things!

I don’t know if it is harmful to the human body!

The same goes for the Fifth Young Master. He will use whatever his subordinates give him.

It has caused some trouble to Mr. Chen’s friends, and I apologize to all the beauties on his behalf!

Mr. Chen has a lot of money, so please spare this kid just once!

By the way, has Mr. Chen’s card not been returned yet?

There’s so much money in it, don’t lose it!

Mr. Chen, please let the Fifth Young Master get up first, and I will help you get the card.

Bring a bottle of wine over here and let this guy apologize to you! "

People around him were a little gloating about his misfortune.


I have seen stupid people, but I have never seen such stupid people!

A card worth 100 million, just handed over to others casually?

If not, who would you cheat?

Chen Xin'an smiled half-heartedly, looked up at Mo Xinting and said, "How dare you deduct my card?"

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