Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 811 Slap her and give you one million

Everyone else shouted and rushed forward!

One person kicked Chen Xin'an violently!

But before his feet even touched her clothes, he heard a thud!

The opponent pierced his right leg with a pipe thorn, completely piercing his calf!

Six people caught each other off guard, but half of them were knocked over in an instant!

The remaining three people were also stunned for a moment.

But they were originally the outlaws chosen by the Huo family, and they took life and death very lightly.

The remaining three people winked at each other, two of them attacked Chen Xin'an from the front, and one person went around to the back and specially attacked Chen Xin'an!

They have used this method of play many times, and it works wonders every time!

But this time it failed!

Because this opponent only used one hand to deal with the attacks of two people, while the other hand dealt with the sneak attack from behind!

Each of the three of them now feels as if they are the one being besieged!

There is obviously only one opponent, but he seems to have three heads and six arms.

The movements were dizzyingly fast, and the three of them discovered to their horror that they couldn't keep up with each other's rhythm at all!


One person's wrist was grabbed, and his body felt a force, and he stepped forward involuntarily.

At the same time, the companion who was standing behind his opponent to sneak up on him suddenly came in front of him!

And the guy who was originally caught in the middle has actually taken two steps back.

With a backhand elbow, he hit the other person in the face!

The two of them had no time to stop, they could only stare at each other's spear with wide eyes, piercing into their bodies fiercely!

Chen Xin'an had already turned around and pierced the shoulder of the man whose face was bruised by his elbow with the thorn in his hand, then pushed him back and nailed him to the wall with a thud!

Six people were all settled, five fell in a pool of blood, and one was nailed to the wall!

The room was filled with the nauseating smell of blood.

There were also the screams of the six people who couldn't suppress them even though they tried their best!

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

But when the severe pain hits, who can bear it?

Everyone was still moaning in pain.

Chen Xin'an walked up to the man who was nailed to the wall. He was also the one who screamed the most.


A heavy punch hit the man in the face!

His screams stopped abruptly.

When Chen Xin'an took away his fist, this guy's face could only be described as horrific.

He himself lowered his head and fainted!

The rest of the people were all frightened. Seeing Chen Xin'an walking over calmly, everyone seemed to have made an appointment. They closed their mouths hard and tried not to make any sound!

Chen Xin'an then returned to sit on the sofa and shouted in a deep voice: "Come in!"

There was no movement outside, and Chen Xin'an wasn't in a hurry.

Walking up to the man who was nailed to the wall, he dug into his pocket for a while and took out a lighter.

After two clicks, the lighter burst into flames. Chen Xin'an tore off a section of the sofa cover, lit it with the lighter, and then threw it on Huo Haocun who was lying on the long sofa!

"Chen Xin'an, what are you doing! Don't go too far!" Mo Xinting didn't dare to hide anymore and rushed in quickly.

He took off his clothes and slapped Huo Haocun's body hard!

Behind him, there was a tall woman in her thirties, wearing a bright red leather coat, and beside her stood a middle-aged man in his forties.

Without looking at the wounded on the ground, the woman quickly walked to Huo Haocun, held his hand and said, "Little brother, don't be afraid, the third sister is here!"

Looking at Huo Haocun's red and swollen eyes and the wounds on both wrists, the woman gritted her teeth and cursed: "You bastard, you dare to hurt someone from my Huo family! I will crush you to ashes!"

Turning her head, the woman looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Xia Honggang, can you kill this man?"

The middle-aged man glanced at Chen Xin'an, shook his head and said, "Not sure! Even if you kill him, you will have to pay a high price!"

The woman gritted her teeth and said, "Then take your life in exchange for his!

I don’t care what method you use, even if you die together with him!

I'm going to let him die here today!

Don’t worry, if you die too, I will give your family 10 million!

Your youngest son can go directly to Kyoto Noble School, and I will cover the tuition! "

Xia Hongguan's face showed a look of pain and hesitation.

He would never earn 10 million in his lifetime.

Letting his youngest son go to a noble school was something he had never dared to think about before.

But if all this is exchanged for his life, it becomes meaningless.

Of course, it's not completely meaningless.

It’s just that he is no longer here, who knows whether these promises will be fulfilled?

And such a death is really worthless, right?

Just to help you, the eldest lady, vent your anger?

"What's wrong? Don't you dare? I know you're a waste!

If you don't even obey your master's orders, what use do I have for a piece of trash like you!

roll! Stop pretending to be a master in front of me.

You are an out-and-out coward! "

Xia Hongguan said to her with a gloomy face: "Miss Third, I was invited by the old lady to protect you.

If you feel dissatisfied with me, you can tell the old lady.

She can make me leave with just one word! "


A hard slap hit Xia Hongguan's face. Huo Qingen gritted her teeth and cursed at him:

“Use my grandma to hold me down?

Do you think I will be afraid?

A dog-like thing, how important do you really think you are?

What good is a disobedient dog! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head, looked at the man and said, "Your name is Xia Honggang?

How about this, if you slap her in the face, I'll give you one million? "

"What did you say!" Huo Qing'en glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Who are you?

You dare to bewitch my dog? "

Chen Xin'an ignored her, looked at Xia Honggang and said: "One million in one slap, how much you want to earn depends on yourself!

But there is one thing, you have to fan me with all your strength.

If she gets slapped to death by you, don’t worry, this card is yours! "

In Chen Xin'an's hand, he held the card that Mo Xinting had just given him, and said with a smile:

"There are 150 million in it, but the one that Master Mo just gave me is still hot!"

"Mo Xinting!" Huo Qingen looked at Mo Xinting angrily, as if she wanted to eat someone.

Mo Xinting greeted all the girls in Chen Xin'an's family in his heart!

He raised his head and explained to Huo Qingen: "Things are not what you think!

This money... Anyway, Qing En, don't be impulsive.

This person is not as easy to deal with as you think!

Huo Qing'en didn't bother to listen to his explanation, gritted her teeth and cursed: "Mo Xinting, I don't want to hear these useless nonsense from you here!

The man lying on the sofa is my biological brother!

Something happened to him, and you still let him live. This is your responsibility!

I want you to give me an explanation now, this bastard..."

"Shut your mouth, okay?" Chen Xin'an looked at her impatiently and said:

"I'm so annoyed that you're croaking like a crow here!"

Huo Qingen looked at him in disbelief and cursed: "You bastard, how dare you say that to me!

You hurt my brother and you dare to speak rudely to me?

A bastard like you deserves to die a thousand times, ten thousand times!

How can we, the Huo family, be desecrated by a bitch like you?

I want you to be reincarnated in your next life so that you won’t dare to mess with anyone from my Huo family..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xia Hongguan shouted: "Miss Third, be careful!"

Chen Xin'an, who was at least five steps away from Huo Qing'en, arrived in front of her almost in the blink of an eye!

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