Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 823: Do you think the old man died not fast enough?

Originally, I wanted to judge the condition of Luo Yanni's heart based on her strength at this moment.

Unexpectedly, this Luo Siting stepped in... and inserted her hand, pulling Luo Yanni away and forcibly holding Chen Xin'an's hand.

Just kidding, can you hold the hand of a kung fu master whose inner strength has exceeded the third level?

Just the subconscious instinctive defensive reaction will be unbearable for you!

So with a click, Luo Siting's hand bones rang, and the woman grinned and burst into tears.

"Siting, are you okay?" Luo Yanni quickly held Luo Siting's hand and checked it. There was a slight bone fracture, but it was nothing serious.

Only then did he feel relieved and said to her with a straight face: "Mr. Chen is checking my body. Why did you rush here so rashly?"

Luo Siting endured the pain and complained, "I thought he wanted to show off his strength to you!

You have a bad heart and are sick, and he still bullies you like this!

Of course I can't bear it, so I just want to give it to him for you!

I didn't expect this bastard...

You don't need to be so ruthless, right? "

Luo Yanni couldn't help but scolded her: "Nonsense! I am a kung fu master, this is an instinctive reaction!

Others don’t understand. As a descendant of the Luo family, don’t you understand?

Fortunately, they stopped their efforts in time and were merciful, otherwise your hand would be useless! "

Shen Guangming said helplessly to Chen Xin'an: "This is Yanni's sister, Luo Siting.

I grew up with Yanni and was spoiled by your sister-in-law.

People are very simple and have no evil intentions.

Yanni also asked her to take care of her, and she never had any major health problems.

For my sake, Mr. Chen, please don’t be the same as her. "

What have I seen with a fool!

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to her: "That screw..."

"You are the screw! My name is Luo Siting!"

"Okay, why don't you eat?

Let me tell you, I will prescribe some Chinese medicine for you later, and you can take it in the morning and evening. "

“Sister Yanni’s body can’t take medicine randomly, and medicine doesn’t work!

The master said that Sister Yanni can only take the medicine he prepares, and not take any medicine prescribed by others! "

"It's for you! Your hands and feet are cold and your bones are fragile. It's obvious that you have insufficient energy and blood and a weak constitution. If you don't take supplements, you won't even be able to have children in the future!"


Luo Siting really wanted to give this guy a good punch!

Is it polite for you to talk about having children to a girl who hasn’t had a boyfriend yet?

However, Chen Xin'an's words really frightened her, because she also knew that her body was indeed what Chen Xin'an said.

Now she has put away her contempt for Chen Xin'an.

This guy really has some skills!

"Let's go in!" Shen Guangming pointed to a two-story villa not far away and said to Chen Xin'an:

"The old man is in particularly bad shape today, and we are all here!"

The environment of this villa area is a bit like Panlong Bay in the past.

It's just that unlike the five-story townhouses in Panlong Bay, there are three-story villas here, distributed in a circle. Only Luo Lie and his wife live in a two-story building, right at the front.

Each building has a small yard that serves as a parking lot, but it can only accommodate two cars, and there is no garden.

This is not as good as Panlong Bay.

However, every inch of land in Kyoto is valuable, and it is not easy to own more than a dozen independent villas and form a community of your own.

Only Luo Lie's small courtyard has no cars and a small garden of nearly 100 square meters.

Chen Xin'an was walking on the bluestone road leading to the living room door of the villa. The fragrance of flowers hit his nostrils, and he simply stopped.

"How come there is such a floral fragrance?" Chen Xin'an said as if talking to himself.

Luo Yanni smiled and said, "It's my dad's favorite Jiang Yingxue plant. It's blooming in the past two days!"

Chen Xin'an looked around and said to her: "Take me to see it!"

"Hey, you are visiting this place as a garden!" Luo Siting angrily scolded Chen Xin'an:

"What on earth are you here for?

Did you come to Luofu Villa to enjoy the flowers at night?

Besides, do you know flowers? Can you grow flowers?

Is it interesting to imitate other people's arty style? "

Chen Xin'an turned his head, stretched out his left hand to her, and said with a smile: "Hello, beautiful, nice to meet you, I am Chen Xin'an!"

Luo Siting was stunned.

I know your name. Didn’t we just meet you?

Just seeing him stretching out his hand, he subconsciously stretched out his left hand.

"Si Ting..." Luo Yanni called from the side.

Before Luo Siting could agree, there was a click in her ears.

Severe pain instantly shot up from her left hand. She grinned and cried again!

Luo Yanni rubbed her eyebrows and shouted helplessly: "Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an had also let go of her hand. In fact, Luo Siting was just rubbing her bones. The pain was real, but she was not injured.

It's just that for a while, this hand couldn't exert its strength!

Shen Guangming shook his head and said to Luo Siting: "Siting, you must be polite to Mr. Chen.

Otherwise, he will have many ways to make you suffer.

Jenny and I couldn't stop it even if we wanted to! "

In fact, Shen Guangming really wanted to say something heartfelt to Luo Siting.

With your IQ, don't bother Chen Xin'an.

He can really make you doubt your life!

But these words are a bit too hurtful.

Moreover, Luo Siting is one of the few people in the Luo family who really regards him as her brother-in-law.

Instead of scolding him as a useless son-in-law!

"Second aunt, what are you doing? Why don't you come in?" A short and stocky young man asked the people in the yard at the door of the living room.

Shen Guangming whispered to Chen Xin'an: "It's Yanni's nephew, Luo Wei.

I have a good relationship with Luo Jian.

He studied gardening, and he planted the flowers in this yard. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said nothing.

Luo Yanni said to Luo Wei: "It's okay, I'll be in soon! Is the old man okay?"

"I just took medicine and fell asleep!" Luo Wei came over and said to Luo Yanni strangely: "Second aunt, what are you doing?"

Chen Xin'an no longer needed to be led and walked to the Jiang Yingxue plant, where the fragrance of flowers came from.

Luo Yanni said to Luo Wei: "It's okay, Mr. Chen wants to see this Jiang Yingxue.

Go ahead and get busy, we'll be in in a minute. "

Luo Wei did not leave, but looked at Chen Xin'an warily, frowned and asked:

"What kind of flowers are you looking at at night?

This Mr. Chen also knows about gardening?

Sorry, I have to water it now. Let’s see later! "

Luo Yanni whispered to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, how about we forget it tonight and invite you to come and enjoy it tomorrow?"

"No, just watch now!" Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to Luo Yanni, "Stand back!"

Luo Wei glanced at him, frowned and shouted: "Why are you talking? Who stood back?

You have no idea where this place is, right?

Hey, take a look and stop moving, okay?

These flowers are very delicate. Will you pay if I break them?

Let me remind you first, this basin of Jiang Yingxue is the old man's favorite and is worth more than 300,000 yuan!

And it’s hard to raise! There is only this basin in the entire Kyoto.

If you damage it, are you sure you can afford to pay for it?

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, but just grabbed the Jiang Yingxue plant with her hands.

Then he pulled it up and pulled out the entire bonsai!

Everyone around me was shocked!

Luo Wei screamed: "Are you crazy? Why did you destroy my flowers?"

If you don’t pay compensation today, don’t even think about leaving Luo’s house! "

Luo Siting also angrily scolded Chen Xin'an: "The old man likes this pot the most. He has always been his treasure!"

Luo Yanni and Shen Guangming looked at each other, but they did not reprimand Chen Xin'an, they just looked at him with puzzled faces.

Chen Xin'an snorted and cursed: "Damn Jiang Yingxue, this is poison!

Don’t you think the old man died quickly enough? "

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