Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 826 The children of the Luo family listen to your orders

Normally, Chen Xin'an would really like to have a good discussion with Luo Daping.

This is a good opponent!

There is nothing fancy about the kung fu, it is bland and every move is quite satisfactory.

But he is working steadily and has a solid foundation!

Although he had not yet broken through his inner strength, Chen Xin'an punched him. Both sides took a step back, but the other side did not lose at all!

This made Chen Xin'an sigh with emotion. These ancient martial arts families really had a profound foundation.

There is a way to practice martial arts, and there are indeed many hidden masters, so don’t underestimate them!

This Luo Daping doesn't like to talk and looks honest and dull.

But when it comes to taking action, he doesn't hesitate at all. He doesn't talk nonsense or harsh words to you, but he uses his hands to kill you. This is the most terrifying person!

But now is not the time to fight with him!

Chen Xin'an saw the opportunity, slapped him on the face, and scolded him: "If you stop me again, your father will really die!"

Luo Daping's face was burning, and he was so angry that he wanted to punch this guy to death!

But when I heard his words, I was stunned for a moment.

Shen Guangming said to him next to him: "Chen Xin'an is the inheritor of ancient medicine. He can save our dad!"

Luo Daping stopped because he also saw that although the old man was punched, he really didn't vomit blood.

Unexpectedly, when he didn't take action, Chen Xin'an was not idle. She slapped him in the face with her backhand and cursed at him:

"It's a father's fault if he doesn't raise his children!

Your bastard son is like this, and you, the father, bear half the responsibility! "

But Luo Daping is a wilted gourd, and he usually can't get a fart out of him with three sticks.

At this moment, he was also furious, and his head was buzzing.

I clenched my fists and wanted to rush up and fuck him!

But he was already sitting next to the old man, taking out the silver needle and preparing to inject the old man.

Luo Daping had no choice but to give up angrily, why is this grandson so mean?

Once he started to save people, Chen Xin'an was focused and fully committed.

Now Luo Lie received injections in his throat, heart and stomach.

After removing the needle, looking at the blackened needle tip, Chen Xin'an looked solemn and nodded.

The cell phone ringtone suddenly rang in the quiet room, startling everyone.

A woman took out her mobile phone and said impatiently: "Why are you calling me? Of course I'm here, where else can I go?"

The white-haired woman raised her head and shouted to the woman: "Go out and pick her up!"

The woman rolled her eyes, curled her lips, and walked out with her cell phone.

The room became quiet again, and everyone stood inside and outside the door, looking at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes.

But Chen Xin'an stood up and looked around the room, as if looking for something.

Luo Siting said anxiously: "What are you doing? Why don't you save the old man?"

Chen Xin'an ignored her, and his eyes fell on the medicine bottles on the bedside table.

Seeing that he was in a daze, a woman said impatiently: "Who is this man? Can he see a doctor?"

The old man is already like this, how can he still withstand the torture!

I think it’s better to send him to the hospital instead of dying at home..."

"Shut up!" Luo Daping yelled at the woman.

The woman clapped her hands and cursed: "What's wrong? Isn't it right to send someone to the hospital if you are sick? I just don't want to waste time!"

Luo Yanni said to her: "Sister-in-law, it's not like you don't know what kind of temper this old man has.

He has never been to a hospital in his life, who dares to send him there?

Are you in a hurry? "

The woman sneered and said, "That's what I said! My son is still lying in the hospital!

Luo Daping, that was your son too. Did you know that he almost died?

Whose child doesn’t make mistakes?

Do you need to be so cruel?

Those are your relatives too! "

Luo Daping was not good at talking at first, but now when he thought about his son who was still in the hospital, he felt extremely guilty. He sighed and stopped talking.

Luo Siting muttered in a low voice: "The old man is like this because of your precious son!

Are you embarrassed to mention him here? "

Luo Yanni touched her with her elbow and shook her head.

Chen Xin'an ignored what the people around her were saying, picked up the medicine bottles on the bedside table, looked at them one by one, and finally placed them on the drinking glass.

After smelling the water glass, Chen Xin'an frowned and said to himself: "Found it!"

"What's wrong?" Shen Guangming had already put down the blood bowl and came over to ask Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an picked up the water cup and asked everyone: "Who gave the old man the medicine?"

Shen Guangming immediately said: "It's Su's sister-in-law. She's Luo Wei's mother.

She is the manager of Sian Chay Hall Pharmacy in Kyoto and has experience in this field.

She got all the old man's medicine. "

The white-haired woman said sullenly: "Young man, are you saying there is something wrong with these medicines?"

"There's nothing wrong with the medicine!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to her, "There's something wrong with the water.

There is a special medicine in the water, it should be poison! Where is she? "

This smell is a bit like the smell I smelled in the underground workshop!

There is something wrong with this Sister-in-law Su!

Luo Siting said angrily: "I just went out to answer the phone! I'm going to find her!"

She ran out in a hurry.

Chen Xin'an sighed and said, "It's too late, he should have run away already!"

Luo Yanni shook her head and said, "Impossible! Their home is right next to them, where can they run to?"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said nothing.

If your life is on the line, why do you need a home?

Now that you have done this kind of thing, you have already arranged your escape route. Why do you care about a house?

When he was in the yard just now, he wanted everyone to control Luo Su and Luo Wei's father and son first.

But at that time, everyone was anxious to come in and see the old man, so he didn't say anything more.

The white-haired woman said to Chen Xin'an: "Young man, do you mean that Ariel was poisoned?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to her: "Old lady, someone in the Luo family secretly poisoned the old man.

However, they are also driven by others, and it should be the conspiracy of the old law hall.

Just the day before yesterday, Mr. Guan Ao from Guanbei was also poisoned by the same poison and passed away! "

"What did you say?" The old lady's face changed drastically, she stared at Chen Xin'an and said, "Laoguan has gone? This is impossible!"

It seemed that the old lady had a good relationship with the Guan family. After hearing the news, Fang Cun was in chaos and lost her previous calmness.

Chen Xin'an sighed and said to her: "There will be a funeral tomorrow!

So the old man is in danger now, but also very lucky, because I have been exposed to that kind of poison, and I have been looking for a way to break it.

I'm going to try tonight to see if I can detoxify, and I need the cooperation of the Luo family! "

Luo Siting came back panting, shook her head at Luo Yanni and said, "The door of their house is locked, and the person is missing!"

Taking a deep breath, the old lady stood up, took out a tiger-headed crutch from the closet next to her, and punched the ground.

Chen Xin'an was a little confused. The crutches were locked in the closet. What kind of operation was this?

The old lady looked at Chen Xin'an with burning eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Children of the Fanluo family obey orders!"

Inside and outside the room, even the sister-in-law who was making a fuss just now closed her mouth and knelt on the ground with a crash.

The old lady continued: "Everyone in the Luo family will take orders from this person tonight..."

Shen Guangming whispered to her: "Chen Xin'an, the true disciple of the Medical Immortal!"

The old lady's eyes lit up and she seemed a little excited, but she immediately suppressed her emotions and continued:

"Obey to Mr. Chen Xin'an!

If you want people, give them money, if you want money, give them money.

No matter life or death, no matter loss!

If anyone hesitates to violate the rules, their family tree will be crossed out and they will be kicked out of the Luo family! "

"Yes!" Everyone inside and outside responded, and even Luo Daping answered simply without hesitation.

Chen Xin'an sighed in his heart, the Guwu family had indeed seen it.

It is not unreasonable that it can be passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years.

It’s no wonder that all the Laofatang troops were mobilized, but they couldn’t bring down the Luo family!

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