Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 828 My uncle will never lie to me

Beside the bed were two iron buckets and three basins filled with clean water.

Luo Siting was so tired from catching water that she was sweating all over.

She also complained that Chen Xin'an found something to do for her and there was no need for so much water.

Now it seems that these may not be enough!

During the process of injecting needles, Chen Xin'an has to keep moving. He will inject needles in various sizes from head to toe, but the depth is different.

And some needles don’t just need to be inserted in, you also need to use your fingers to flick quickly to make the needle tremble!

Luo Siting had never seen a person's fingers be so flexible!

It seems that all ten fingers have their own independent thoughts, and they can move however they want without being affected by the buddies next to them!

She finally understood why Chen Xin'an tapped her fingers on the table.

It turned out that he was not resting and enjoying leisurely, but he was moving his fingers to prepare for the next high-intensity needle operation!

At this time, Luo Siting's eyes changed when she looked at Chen Xin'an.

I used to think he was pretentious, cheap and deserved a beating.

Only now do I realize that they are already very low-key!

This is a truly capable person, and he does things in a superior manner, which is different from the habits of ordinary people.

It's just that I don't adapt to it, so I feel cheap and pretentious.

After really getting to know him, everything seems natural!

The old lady on the side sighed and murmured: "My master looked at this young man in the same way back then!"

When Luo Siting heard the old lady's words, she immediately looked away and hurriedly covered up:

"Old lady, I am not who you imagined!

I just……"

The old lady shook her head and said: "A truly capable man is the most deadly poison for women.

Even if you fall into it, it is natural and not shameful.

Si Ting, you are no longer young.

Most men can't get into your eyes.

The one who can really make you stand out must be the best among people.

So your feelings are hidden deeper than ordinary people.

But once you fall into it, it’s most difficult to extricate yourself!

Accept it boldly when you encounter it. Everything must be fought for by yourself.

Regardless of whether this child has a partner or not, people in my Luo family are no worse than others.

Others can have it, why can’t you?

It's okay, whatever you do, the Luo family will support you! "

No, old lady, I just think this man is quite capable, and he didn’t forget to think about other aspects!

Even if you feel guilty towards the old man, there is no need to drag me into the water in a hurry, right?

But before Luo Siting could say anything, Chen Xin'an on the bed suddenly shouted: "Empty basin!"

Luo Siting grabbed the empty basin she had prepared in advance and placed it in front of Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and shouted to her: "Put it in the old man's mouth!"

Luo Siting blushed, not daring to look into Chen Xin'an's eyes, and brought the basin to the old man's head.

Chen Xin'an said to Shen Guangming and Luo Daping: "Help the old man turn to his side. Remember, don't let him lie down, nor can he lie down. He can only stay on his side for an hour!"

Shen Guangming and Luo Daping nodded at the same time, and together they turned Luo Lie's body to one side.

Chen Xin'an started injecting needles into Luo Lie's back, and the movements were equally fast.

But Luo Xinting, who was standing next to him, saw that Chen Xin'an's chest and back were soaked with sweat!

With a "wow" sound, the old man opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

The color of this blood is darker than the one I spit out just now, and the smell is even worse!

Luo Siting regretted so much, how could she find such a job!

She wanted to hold her breath to avoid smelling the smell, but she couldn't hold it in for long, and the smell still penetrated her nostrils.

So, with a whoop, she also vomited!

Fortunately, I was carrying a basin, so it was easy to vomit.

The old man and the young man were lying down, one was standing, one was vomiting blood, and the other was vomiting the overnight meal, competing to see who could vomit happily.

This scene really makes people's stomachs churn.

Luo Siting blushed and said to everyone: "I'm sorry, I really... vomit! I can't help it... vomit!"

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "Okay, just vomit, stop talking!

Save yourself the trouble of vomiting, you two are so big.

When it’s full and there’s no room to put it in, you can drink another half to make room to continue vomiting! "


Luo Siting vomited even more happily!

Where does this bastard come from? This bastard is just a bitch!

After taking the last injection, Chen Xin'an finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Lie had stopped vomiting long ago, his face was frighteningly pale, his eyes were still tightly closed, and he had no reaction to the outside world.

Chen Xin'an removed the silver needle from his Weishu point, and the tip of the needle no longer turned black, which meant that most of the poison had been spit out!

With the silver needle still on the old man's body, Chen Xin'an jumped out of bed, took the pen prepared on the table, and wrote quickly on the paper.

After writing five pieces of paper in a row, Chen Xin'an said to Luo Yanni: "Sister-in-law! Let's go and collect these herbs immediately. We will try our best to find them all tonight and classify them according to the list I listed!"

Luo Yanni took the prescription, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take it out to everyone now!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Shen Guangming and Luo Daping: "I'm going to start the needle now, and then you can help the old man change his direction and lie on his side.

I will perform the second injection in a moment, the same as the current one! "

Shen Guangming's eyes widened, he looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise and said, "Are you going to do it again?"

This one is so exhausting and troublesome, and it has to be done again. Who can bear it?

Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "More than once! When the old man stops vomiting black blood and the fishy smell is not so strong, it can be considered to be truly out of danger.

And when the medicine comes back, you have to wipe your body and wash it.

After that, you have to do it again, and let the old man regain consciousness completely, and it will be considered completed!"

Everyone looked shocked. Just by listening, you can imagine how big a project it is for Chen Xinan tonight!

Even Luo Daping no longer had the previous resentment and hatred towards Chen Xinan, only deep gratitude remained!

Chen Xinan did not dare to waste time and immediately took out the needle for the old man.

There was a disinfection tray prepared next to it, and the silver needle was directly soaked in the disinfection tray after it was taken out.

Now it is a real race against death.

Whether Luo Lie, who was wandering at the gate of hell, can be pulled back to the world of the living, every minute and every second is crucial!

At the same time, in the morgue of the First People's Hospital of Guanbei Xuecheng

Guan Qing's second uncle Guan Zhen said to Guan Qi with a stern face: "Seventh brother, I still say the same thing, stop messing around!

Ninth brother is now confused, you want to follow her to make trouble, right?

The doctor said there is no problem, you two still don't accept it?"

"No!" Guan Qing said with a cold face and gritted teeth: "Son-in-law will not be wrong, there must be something wrong with my father's body!

The doctor can't find out, which means they are incompetent!

This hospital is not good, let's change hospitals!"

Guan Zhen scolded her: "Are you crazy? Do you think we are idle and have nothing to do here to accompany you to make trouble?

Guan Qing, I warn you, now that your father is gone, the Guan family is I'm in charge!

I order you two brothers and sisters to send your father back and bury him as soon as possible! "

Guan Qing said stubbornly: "My uncle won't lie to me! My father must have been poisoned to death!

I won't go back unless the test comes out!"

"Asshole!" Guan Zhen cursed: "Why don't you listen to me?

If you trust your uncle so much, then call him over and let him prove it to us!

Do you think these tests are free?

For your father, how much money has the Guan family spent these two days? Don't you know it yourself?

Let me tell you, there is no money now!

Whether you agree or not, you have to send your father back!"

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