Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 847 The young master was indeed right

The winery is almost ready and can reopen at any time.

Li Lingyu brought a notebook and reported the situation to Ning Xiruo.

During this time, the twin sisters separated, and the elder sister Li Lingyin stayed at Dream Media.

Sister Li Lingyu went to Tiandi Liquor Industry.

No, it has been relisted now and should be called Liangmao Distillery.

Some work cannot be delayed, so Li Lingyu simply brought her notebook and asked Ning Xiruo to take some time in the hospital to give instructions.

Meng Fei and Xiao Jiu were sitting on the bench outside the door, watching the video Wang Yi sent them, and were overjoyed.

The police conducted a large-scale investigation of major hotels in Kyoto City and carried out centralized control of foreigners who were still stranded in Kyoto with expired visas.

A group of foreigners loudly complained to the camera about China's public security.

When they go out, not only their wallets are stolen, but their passports are also missing. As a result, they cannot even afford to stay in a hotel and will soon end up living on the streets!

Fortunately, the Chinese police were quite capable and contacted the embassies of their respective countries for them.

The next step is to send them all back home.

They all also said that they would never come here again, as thieves are all over the streets!

If it weren't for the belt, the pants could be stolen!

"Master, it's okay, let everyone accept it!" Xiao Jiu whispered to Meng Fei.

Meng Fei nodded, and just as he was about to speak, he saw a group of people in black coming from the direction of the elevator, heading straight for the nurse's desk.

The master and apprentice exchanged glances and both stood up.

Meng Fei raised his chin towards Xiaojiu and signaled.

Xiaojiu understood, turned around and walked into the ward, locked the door from the inside, and pressed his body against the door.

Meng Fei pretended to be nonchalant and followed the group of men in black.

A man in black with a scar on his face slapped his hand on the nurse's desk, startling the young nurse who was looking at the injection records with her head down.

Scarface took out a photo, handed it to the nurse, and asked her, "Which ward does this woman live in?"

The little nurse glanced at the person in the photo with a horrified expression and shook her head vigorously.

Scarface cursed with a dark face: "I know she lives on this floor. If you don't tell me, I will throw you out of the window!"

The little nurse was so frightened that she burst into tears, but she still shook her head and said, "I really don't know you! I just took over my shift not long ago!"

Scarface turned his head and shouted to the person behind him: "Look for me one by one!"

"I know, Brother Haitao!" everyone responded and dispersed.

The little nurse quickly shouted to everyone: "Don't run around, this is a hospital..."


A hard slap hit her face, knocking the glasses off her nose!

He grabbed the little nurse by the collar, looked at her with a ferocious face and cursed:

"What happened to the hospital?

Do you believe that I destroyed everything here today?

You see clearly, I am Fei Haitao, a member of the Fei family!

If you talk nonsense again, I will throw you down right now! "

Pushing her with her hand, the little nurse staggered back, sat down on the ground, covered her face, and began to cry.

Fei Haitao spat disdainfully, waved to the people around him, and turned to leave.

Just then an old man came towards him and bumped into him.

Fei Haitao kicked him over and cursed at the old man: "You are so blind!"

The old man almost fell down after being kicked, so he turned around and bowed to apologize repeatedly.

"Get out!" Fei Haitao cursed, turned around and prepared to leave.

But suddenly he seemed to have thought of something. He immediately touched his pocket, narrowed his eyes, turned to the old man and said, "Stop!"

Several people around him quickly ran over and blocked the old man's way.

Fei Haitao stretched out his hand and said to the old man: "Take it back!"

There was a trace of confusion on the old man's face, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

Fei Haitao didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, strode over and punched the old man in the face!

"Brother Haitao..." A short young man next to him wanted to stop him.

This old man is quite old. He looks dry and thin. How could he withstand his punch!

But at this moment, a surprising scene appeared.

The old man who looked confused and scared just now suddenly smiled strangely.

His whole body was like a big ball of cotton. With Fei Haitao's punch, his body seemed to be blown away by the wind of the punch, and he retreated a foot lightly.

Fei Haitao didn't seem to be surprised at all, he smiled cruelly and cursed: "I knew you, old man, were not simple!

Did you steal everything on me?

Catch him, I will break his hand! "

Several Fei family disciples immediately rushed over, surrounded the old man, and stretched out their hands to catch him.

The old man was like a loach, twisting his body left and right in the crowd.

I didn't even see how he moved, but he had already rushed out of the encirclement and was standing not far away!

After taking a look at the photo in his hand, the old man had a sneer on his face and said with a snort:

"The young master was indeed right, the Fei family is really here!"

How could this old man be so flexible?

Everyone in the Fei family looked shocked.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps from the corridor.

Then the fire isolation door was pushed open, and a group of security guards rushed over!

"Who are you!" The security captain held a rubber stick in his hand, pointed at the men in black and shouted:

"This is a hospital, and it is not visiting time. Please leave immediately!"

Fei Haitao cursed: "How dare a bunch of guard dogs bark in front of me? Beat me!"

The Fei family members rushed over without saying a word and raised their fists at the security guard.

The security guards were also furious. What they couldn't tolerate the most was being called a watchdog!

As the security captain moved his hands, a group of security guards couldn't hold back and they all rushed forward!

The short young man punched a security guard in the chest and shouted:

"We are from the Fei family! Who dares to move?"

In normal times, even if three of the security guards were brave, they would not dare to take action against the Fei family in Kyoto!

But it's different now. The dean has already spoken. No matter what, the patient in the special care ward on the twelfth floor must be protected!

So now, unless they take off their uniforms and leave immediately, they must obey the dean's orders!

The security captain whipped him with a stick and cursed at him: "It doesn't matter whose family you are from! This is a hospital, you can't cause trouble here!"

I didn’t expect that these security guards didn’t even pay attention to the Fei family!

Fei Haitao and a group of Fei family disciples were furious and shouted angrily: "Beat him to death!" No mercy!

Seeing the fighting here, all the non-family members who broke into each ward came back and joined the fighting group.

Just then, the elevator door opened and another group of men in black came out.

The first woman, with red and swollen eyes and a frosty complexion, cursed at Fei Haitao: "Xiao Tao, what are you doing again! Have you found anyone?"

Fei Haitao shouted: "Aunt, we are sure it is on this floor.

But it’s not clear which room it is in. Someone is trying to cause trouble! "

The woman gritted her teeth and nodded and said, "Okay! The Fei family is being looked down upon less and less now! Xiangzi!"

Another elevator came up, and a man came out of it.

But he takes up an entire elevator by himself.

He flung his arms and walked out, standing outside the elevator door like an elephant.

Then he looked at the security guards, roared angrily, and strode over.

The entire corridor was shaking, as if it was about to collapse at any time!

Before they could react, five or six security guards were knocked out and fell heavily to the ground, unable to get up for a long time!

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