Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 850 If you can’t handle it well, don’t work in the hospital

Meng Fei, who had only one hand left, was able to stand up and tightly hugged Fei Haitao's legs with his left hand, preventing him from taking another step forward!

With a sinister smile on his face, Fei Haitao tightened his grip on the handle of the knife and cursed at Meng Fei: "Old man! I will send you to the West now!"

He raised his arm and slashed at Meng Fei's head!

At this moment, there was a squeak, his right arm shook, and blood poured down from his head!

A knife hit the opposite wall, leaving a bloody stain, and then fell to the ground with a clang.

At the same time, there was a severed hand holding a knife on the ground!

Fei Haitao raised his head and saw in disbelief that his raised arm had become a severed arm. He didn't even have time to react to the pain!

"Ah!" He screamed, hugged his severed arm, and shouted: "My arm!"

Chen Xin'an walked towards him step by step.

Behind him, the children of the Fei family really fell in half.

Even Amu was lying in a pool of blood, with a broken knife stuck in his chest and spitting out foamy blood from his mouth.

A Fei family member rushed over desperately and slashed at Chen Xin'an's head with a knife!

As if it was an instinctive reaction, Chen Xin'an tilted his head.

With a puff, the blade actually cut into Chen Xin'an's shoulder!

It's just that I can't get in any further. It's tightly clamped by strong muscles and I can't even pull it out!

The Fei family kid didn't seem to expect that he would succeed so easily!

You must know that there were so many brothers in front, even if they lost their lives, they did not cause much harm to the guy in front of him. This knife was considered a serious injury!

So much so that he forgot to step back and just stood there stupidly.

Chen Xin'an gave him a backhand slap, which shattered half of the bones in his cheek!

Chen Xin'an walked up to Fei Haitao and kicked him to the ground.

He helped Meng Fei, who was lying weakly on the ground due to fatigue and blood loss.

Looking at the bone-deep wound on Chen Xin'an's shoulder, and the half of his body stained red with blood.

Meng Fei, who didn't frown even after his right hand was cut off, was already in tears at this moment.

"Master, this old slave is useless! The young master was injured! This old slave deserves to die!"

Chen Xin'an's eyes were blood red, he just shook his head and said word by word:

"Master Meng, I will avenge you!"

Standing up, Chen Xin'an said to the security guards: "Pick up the severed hand and send Master Meng to the surgery to find Lao Zhou.

If the connection is not good, he will stop working at Zhenghe Hospital! "

A group of security guards did not dare to delay. They lifted Meng Fei up with all their hands, took the severed hand and left from the corridor.

Chen Xin'an walked to the wall, picked up the knife, and then came to Fei Haitao's side.

"Chen Xin'an, my Fei family..."

Before Fei Haitao could finish his words, Chen Xin'an slashed his hand and cut off his left hand at the wrist!

The blade cut a deep groove into the floor tiles below and split them in half!

Fei Haitao let out a shrill scream, but Chen Xin'an didn't stop yet!

Another cold light passed by, this time it was Fei Haitao's left foot!

"Kill me! Chen Xin'an, kill me!" Fei Haitao shouted at the top of his lungs, but his body could not move.

Chen Xin'an's face was expressionless, but the blood in his eyes made people feel the fear from hell!

He slashed Fei Haitao's right foot again, but this time he didn't cut off the foot!

Chen Xin'an picked up the knife and saw that the blade had been rolled back. Let alone cutting someone, it couldn't even cut tofu!

But Chen Xin'an didn't seem to see it, and still raised his arm and chopped Fei Haitao's legs one by one!

Fei Haitao's screams no longer seemed human.

Now he extremely regrets that he came here today and met this Chen Xin'an.

Death has really become a luxury wish for him!

For the children of the Fei family, every blow Chen Xin'an makes now seems to be cutting into their hearts!

However, their courage has been frightened!

Compared to cutting off one's hands and feet with a knife, this kind of torture is enough to make anyone's hands and feet weak!

There was only a piece of skin left on Fei Haitao's right ankle, and the flesh, blood and bones inside had been smashed and squeezed out!


The blunt knife finally broke into two pieces. Chen Xin'an threw away the broken knife in his hand, raised his foot, and stamped on the head of Fei Haitao, who had passed out!

Standing up, Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at the few Fei family members.

A group of Fei family children were all frightened and took a step back.

They are used to running amok in Kyoto, and they have never been so afraid of someone!

"Useless things!" Fei Yanmei turned a blind eye to the corpses at her feet and cursed angrily at the Fei family members:

"Why are you stepping back! After the Fei family has raised you for so many years, have they raised trash like you?

He is the only one left, what are you afraid of?

Come on! As long as we rush into the ward and chop everyone inside to death, that will be enough for us today!

It would be easy to hack him to death! "

What you said is so easy!

You are good enough, but what about us? Even his life is gone!

A group of Fei family children look at me and I look at you. No one wants to be the first to die.

At this moment, Fei Yanmei's cell phone rang. She took it out and answered it, then cursed at the phone:

“You bastards, why are you here!

Come up quickly, it's on the twelfth floor!

What? Someone is blocking it?

Which bastard dares to stop us from the Fei family?

Luo family and Luo family?

Fall out if you fall out!

Anyone who dares to stop me today is the enemy of my Fei family! "

After hanging up the phone, Fei Yanmei gritted her teeth and cursed at everyone:

"Our reinforcements have arrived, they are down there and will be up soon!

If you still dare to be timid, you will all go back to me later and we will take care of you! "

The children of the Fei family all looked extremely ugly. They glanced at Chen Xin'an who was standing at the door covered in blood. They gritted their teeth and fought!

Fei Yanmei is right, no matter how powerful Chen Xin'an is, he is just one person.

As long as someone entangles him and the remaining people enter the ward, everything can be reversed!

Just when they were about to risk their lives, the elevator behind them opened with a ding and a group of people rushed out.

The children of the Fei family thought that reinforcements had arrived, and they all became energetic.

But when they saw that the group of people were all wearing gray suits, they were all stunned.

Then a woman wearing a blue cheongsam came over, pointed at the Fei family children and shouted: "Hit me!"

Those men in gray suits took out the nunchucks from their waists and swung them at the Fei family!

Fei Yanmei was so angry that she gritted her teeth and yelled at the cheongsam woman: "Luo Qingqing, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean by asking me?" The cheongsam woman put her hands on her hips and cursed at Fei Yanmei:

"What did your daughter do to my daughter that you didn't know about?

Thank you my daughter for treating your daughter as her best friend and trusting her so much.

But that bastard daughter of yours is simply a human with a beast's heart. You took advantage of my daughter's trust and harmed her!

My beautiful daughter who is as beautiful as a flower!

Just let your bastard daughter be ruined!

She deserved to be beaten to death!

This means that evil people will be punished! "

Fei Yanmei went crazy, pointed at Luo Qingqing and yelled: "I don't allow you to talk about my daughter like that!

She died so miserably, you can't insult her like this! "

Luo Qingqing gritted her teeth and cursed: "You deserve it!

That means those who do unrighteousness will surely die!

For a woman with such a vicious heart, God has mercy on her only after she dies!

What kind of bastard children have the same kind of bastard parents!

Your daughter is dead, you, the mother, might as well die with her! "

Fei Yanmei felt that she was indeed at a loss, and snorted and said:

"Luo Qingqing, no matter what my daughter has done, she is gone after all.

You can't hold on to it..."

Before she could finish speaking, Luo Qingqing had already yelled: "You fart here!

My daughter has become like that, is this the end of the matter?

If you think everything can be wiped out once your daughter dies, then why are you bringing people to the hospital? "

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