Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 854 Boss, you want face

Luo Qingqing found a pair of nunchucks from nowhere and angrily went to settle the score with Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Qianxue sat on the chair, too embarrassed to raise her head.

It's a good thing that she can't see her expression now, otherwise she wouldn't even have the shame to sit here.

Chen Xin'an looked gloating.

Do you know how to be shy?

If you hadn't indulged that stud donkey, how could he be so unscrupulous?

Li Lingyu asked Luo Qianxue with a puzzled look on her face: "He came to your ward in the middle of the night, and the doctors and nurses didn't care about him?

Besides, can't you just lock the door when you go to bed at night? "

Chen Xin'an chuckled and asked Li Lingyu: "Do you think doctors or door locks are useful for people like me? Luo Xiaoman's beast is about the same as me!"

Li Lingyu thought about it seriously, nodded and said, "I think it's still useful to the boss!"

"Why?" Chen Xin'an was a little curious.

Li Lingyu tilted her head and said with a smile: "Because the boss wants to lose face!"

Look, the people around you are the cutest, smart and capable, and speak nicely.

Ning Xiruo heard the helplessness in Luo Qianxue's tone and expressed deep sympathy. She nodded and said:

"I have no problem. But this is the obstetrics and gynecology department, and yours is the surgery department, so there's no way they can be transferred!"

Upon hearing that Ning Xiruo agreed, Luo Qianxue breathed a sigh of relief and said to her:

"It doesn't matter. I'll do infusions there during the day and come here to sleep at night. The department doesn't care!"

Ning Xiruo looked at Chen Xin'an. This matter required her husband's consent.

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and nodded.

It's okay to come here at night so that you and Ye Zhen can treat her recovery.

As for the breeding donkey, there was no way the entire hospital could stop him.

Only here is the safest ward.

"I'm afraid that bastard will chase you here and disturb you, so I'll apologize to you in advance..." Luo Qianxue said with guilt in her eyes.

Li Lingyu clenched her fists and said, "It's okay, if he dares to come here, I'll beat him!

Anyway, I have the boss and the boss’s wife to support me, so I’m not afraid of the king!

Even if I'm not here, Sister Xiaojiu will beat him!

Even though we look thin, we are very strong! "

At this moment, someone at the door said: "Who do you want to beat? You want me to do it!"

A tall woman with slender legs walked in.

As soon as Ning Xiruo saw her, her eyes turned red and she called out: "Sister Qing!"

"Miss, I'm sorry, I'm late!" Guan Qing dropped her luggage, rushed to the bed, hugged Ning Xiruo, and shed tears.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked her, "If I remember correctly, your father's funeral is today, right? Why did you..."

Guan Qing nodded and said, "I came directly by plane after finishing the funeral!

Brother Qi takes care of the family, so I don't need to.

If only I could have come a few days earlier, maybe the lady wouldn't have suffered this..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "No need to blame yourself, your family affairs are also very important. What is the situation now?"

Guan Qing's face was gloomy and she said to Chen Xin'an: "My uncle guessed it accurately, my father was poisoned to death.

The one who took action should be Laofatang who united with my second uncle Guan Zhen and his son Guan Ling.

Now the father and son have absconded and should have come to Kyoto.

In addition to wanting to take care of the young lady as soon as possible, I rushed here in such a hurry. I also had a selfish motive to catch these two people with my own hands! "

The situation of the Guan family is exactly the same as that of the Luo family.

The only difference is that Luo Lie was lucky, and Chen Xin'an arrived in time and saved his life.

But Mr. Guan Ao is not so lucky!

Chen Xin'an said to Guan Qing, "Do you have their photos?"

Guan Qing nodded and said, "Yes, I saved it in my phone!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an turned to Li Lingyu and said, "Xiaoyu, this is the relationship between the Guanbei family and our family.

I will ask her to send you the photos of the two of them later, and ask the brothers below to help pay attention to them.

If you see these two people, don’t act on your own, tell us as soon as possible! "

Li Lingyu nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, boss!"

Luo Qianxue returned to her ward, and it was already dark.

We were all in the hospital and we didn't pay much attention to it. Xiaoyu helped arrange some fast food, and we ate it in the ward without formally meeting Guan Qing.

While eating fast food, Chen Xin'an thought of something and asked Li Lingyu: "Xiaoyu, what the hell is that Kyoto rich list?"

Li Lingyu said with a smile: "It's actually a financial investigation report jointly produced by Kyoto UnionPay and Junhao Group.

A financial assessment based on each person's deposits in major banks and the company's operating conditions.

This is a piece of information for the people above.

According to my sister and I, we originally wanted to hide it from the boss.

But what Grandpa meant was to let it out, but not so conspicuously.

This is also a good label for the boss's work in Kyoto, which can bring a lot of convenience.

In fact, with the boss's current assets and Junhao's support, there is no problem even if he is ranked in the top three! "

Chen Xin'an scratched his head and said with disbelief: "Am I already so rich?"

He has a bunch of bank cards on him, and if he takes out one at random, it starts at 100,000 yuan.

But the real big money is all in that black gold dragon card.

That was a card issued to him by China UnionPay. It seemed that only people with deposits of tens of billions in China were eligible to enjoy it.

All the funds in the card are allocated from this card, and this card is kept by his wife for him.

He didn't even count how much money was inside.

Ning Xiruo covered her mouth and smiled at him: "I might not have been able to send you, but after you gambled on that, you are a well-deserved rich man!

And the 20 billion you gave to Junhao was returned intact by Mr. Li! "

Because the scene between Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman was a temporary act, even Li Zecheng didn't know the final result.

Therefore, Junhao also lost almost 20 billion in peripheral gambling.

Among the huge sum of money Chen Xin'an won, there was Junhao's money.

Afterwards, he asked his wife to come up with 20 billion to make up for the shortfall. Unexpectedly, Mr. Li returned the money.

Indeed, for Junhao Group, 20 billion is not a small amount.

But it's not a huge amount, and the group can afford it.

Moreover, the Junhao Group should have belonged to Chen Xin'an, but he didn't want it, and he didn't take any money from it.

Mr. Li has always felt guilty, so he took this opportunity to make up for his debt to Chen Xin'an.

After understanding Mr. Li's intentions, Chen Xin'an said nothing.

Mr. Li and Gongsun Fusheng will help him resolve the identity issue.

It's just that the ideal of just living and dying and becoming a carefree son-in-law has been taken another step away.

Accidentally, I became a rich man. I earned all my food, drinks, and entertainment, and I still feel bad after spending too much.

What’s the point of living like this without the joy of having a son-in-law at home?

This is no longer a slave to money!

Seeing the depression on his face, Li Lingyu was also speechless.

If someone else can be on the rich list, they can't wait to tell the world.

What a glorious thing this is?

Only my boss looked unhappy, as if he had suffered a big loss!

Just after eating, someone outside said: "Is this here? Okay, I'll go in by myself, and you can continue to work!"

Guan Qing turned to look at the door and asked strangely: "Master, who are you looking for?"

A bald man came in, wearing a monk's robe, and said to Guan Qing:

"I found someone who said he lives in this ward, why...

Oh, brothers and sisters, we are really here!

I finally found you! "

Chen Xin'an looked puzzled: "Gongsun Feiyang, have you become a monk?"

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