Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 866: What happened to the agreement not to chase after a desperate enemy?

Wu Yan was not originally on duty tonight.

However, Chen Xin'an had just given Xiao Zhang a medicated bath. Wu Yan was worried that Xiao Zhang would be uncomfortable at night, so she stayed in the hospital during the shift.

Because Grasshopper was afraid of being alone at home, he took him over and lived in the duty room together.

It was agreed that I would come over once an hour to check.

But he hasn't been here since one o'clock in the morning.

When Gongsun Feiyang went over to call her, he realized that both his mother and son had disappeared!

Gongsun Feiyang immediately went to check the surveillance system. Twenty minutes ago, someone ran to the nurse station, said a few words to Wu Yan and called her away.

Five minutes later, a man in a white coat picked up the sleeping Grasshopper and never appeared again!

Xiang Xiang had already gone out to look for someone, and Gongsun Feiyang came down quickly to inform Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that there would be so many things happening tonight. The storms were coming one after another!

"Mr. Chen, are you with the people here?" Gongsun Feiyang asked him with a frown.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said: "I don't know yet, I'll go check the surveillance, you stay here for a while!

Wife, go to bed with Sister Qing and Miss Luo. Everything should be fine here tonight! "

When Chen Xin'an turned around and walked out, Guan Qing said to Gongsun Feiyang: "Sir, you can go about your business, I'll be fine here!"

"I don't dare!" Gongsun Feiyang scratched his bald head and said to her:

"Didn't you see Chen Xin'an's expression just now?

That face is so long, it looks like Changbai Mountain!

He's obviously angry!

If I don't listen to him, I will definitely get beaten!

You guys go to sleep, I'll sit outside.

Just call me if you need anything! "

He turned and left.

Ning Xiruo pouted her little mouth and said to him with a dissatisfied look: "Mr. Gongsun!

My husband is not as terrible as you say.

He has a good temper! "

Gongsun Feiyang's cheek twitched.

As for the guy who flips the table over whenever he disagrees with you, do you think he has a good temper?

Is that good for you?

Treating others... Longdun would not dare to say this to anyone he picked out at random!

After coming out of the monitoring room, Chen Xin'an rushed downstairs.

Outside the hospital gate, a black car parked on the roadside.

Fei San and Fei Si walked over, supporting each other, and cursed at the driver:

"It took more than half an hour to come!

It would be dawn if you were later!

Get out of the car and open the door for me!

No wink! "

The driver got out of the car, opened the back door and asked Fei San: "Third brother, have the people been taken care of?

You are still awesome, you can make great achievements every time you go out to do something!

When will those of us who are younger brothers be able to achieve such success?

Oops, is this an injury?

It seems that the enemy is quite difficult!

It’s really rare to see you two injured! "

Fei San narrowed his eyes and glanced at him, stuffed Fei Si into the car, and then kicked the driver in the stomach!

"You fucking bitch!

How dare you say sarcastic words to me?

Even if I lose my hand, it's not like you, a bitch like you, can stand aside and watch the fun! "

The driver stood up from the ground holding his stomach and cursed at him: "Why do you hit someone?

Why are you venting your anger on me because you failed in your mission?

If you can, kill the target!

I came to pick you up in the middle of the night, and you beat me? "

Fei San rushed up to him, swung his arm, slapped him twice, pointed at his nose and cursed:

"What's wrong with hitting you?

You're just a driver. You have to come whenever I need you!

Not convinced? When you get to my level, come and challenge me!

I'm warning you, if I can't kill Chen Xin'an, it's more than enough to kill a bitch like you!

I am in a very unhappy mood now.

So you'd better be good and don't make me angry!

Otherwise, if I can’t kill you, I will also cripple you.

Still want to count on getting ahead? Next life! "

The driver covered his face and looked at him with resentment in his eyes.

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly widened and he looked in the direction of the hospital door in surprise!

Fei San slapped him again and scolded him: "Young master, you are doing such weird things to me here! Leave quickly, or else..."

Before he finished speaking, a strong alarm suddenly arose in his heart. There was danger behind him!

Before he could turn around, there was a bang, and his feet that had been kicked flew up high from the ground, and then fell heavily onto the road!

Oh my God!

Fei San almost fainted!

I feel like my whole body is falling apart!

My body was almost shattered, and every part of my body was so painful that I lost all feeling!

Looking at the man who looked like a wild lion, Fei San felt deep despair.

Why are you still chasing me?

As usual, since both himself and the fourth child had left the hospital, the mission was declared a failure.

Everyone went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

Why are you still holding on and chasing me all the way to the main road?

What about the promise not to pursue the poor criminals?

Don’t you understand the principle of keeping a thin line in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future?

Aren't you afraid that we may still have an ambush and let others deal with your wife?

What was even more desperate was that bastard Fei Sheng actually ran straight to the car when he saw this scene.

Turn on the ignition and start, shift into gear and accelerate. With a harsh sound of tire friction, the car swerves on the road.

He threw Fei Si far away in the back seat.

Then a puff of black smoke rose up and flew away!

Chen Xin'an didn't pursue him.

There was no one else in the car except the driver, so there was no point in chasing the car.

What's more, he's not stupid. No matter how fast a person runs, he can't catch up with a four-wheeled car!

Chen Xin'an walked up to Fei San, looked at him condescendingly and asked, "Where are the two of them?"

Fei San struggled to get up, but his whole body couldn't use any strength.

She didn't hear clearly what Chen Xin'an was asking, she just gritted her teeth and said:

"Chen Xin'an, if I fall into your hands, I have nothing to say!

Kill me if you dare, and you will still be a good man twenty years later!

If you don't dare to kill me, just let me go. I will keep this debt tonight with you..."

"Gah!" Suddenly there was a sound of braking not far away, and then a convertible ran over Fei Si's body and stopped in the middle of the road!

There was loud music playing in the car, and the melody was very exciting.

There were two men and two women sitting in the car. They were dressed very fashionably and looked like playboys at first glance.

The driver was a woman wearing heavy makeup, and her actual age could not be seen.

There was originally a cigarette in his left hand, but now the cigarette butts fell to the ground and he didn't react.

He just turned his head blankly and looked at the man lying on the road behind him, bleeding from his seven holes.

The young man in the passenger seat reacted first and turned off the stereo.

Then he took her arm and whispered: "Hanhan, come here!"

Before the girl who was driving understood what was going on, she was pulled over by him and changed to the passenger seat.

The man in the back seat seemed to understand what he was going to do. He held his shoulders and said, "Little Knife Boy, don't do anything stupid impulsively!"

Little Daozi turned around and scolded him and the girl next to him with a serious expression:

"Zhang Yang, Xia Xia, please remember this for me.

No matter who asked, I'm driving tonight! "

Zhang Yang pulled his arm hard and cursed: "You are so crazy! You are going to jail!"

"I fucking know!" Little Knife shook his arm and cursed at him: "That's why I asked Hanhan to come over!

She is my son, I can't watch her go to jail!

Remember what I just told you, I will be driving tonight, don’t let it slip!

I'm calling my dad now to see if we can get the surveillance done! "

Xia Xia pointed at the two people not far away and said, "What about the two witnesses?"

The little knife boy stopped picking up the phone and looked at Chen Xin'an and Fei San in a sinister way!

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