Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 873 Grand Canal Triangle Beach

Leader Fang’s lungs are about to explode!

He sat on the sofa holding his stomach, pointed at Chen Xin'an with a livid face and cursed: "I have never seen such an arrogant person in my whole life!"

Chen Xin'an sneered at him and said, "You've seen it now!"

Leader Fang turned his head and shouted to Yuan Zhenhai: "Old Yuan, this kind of person is committing murder in your city bureau.

He beat up the leader of the Security Bureau and you just ignored him?

Okay, then don’t blame me for not giving you face!

If your people don't care, I'll ask my people to take care of it now! "

"Your people? Even if your people come, what will happen?" A voice came from outside.

Soon a tall, bald man walked in.

She glanced at him, cupped her hands and said, "Hey, Fang Bonian, leader Fang Da, long time no see!"

Fang Bonian was stunned when he saw the bald head, and asked in surprise: "Gongsun Feiyang? What are you doing in the city bureau?"

"Can you take care of it? It's not your family!" Gongsun Feiyang choked him.

Because they have carried out many missions in the Kyoto city, the people from Longdun are very familiar with the people from the city bureau and the security bureau.

Gongsun Feiyang also hates the people in the Security Bureau.

Each one of them has a big air, and always has a condescending attitude.

But in front of the Dragon Shield agents, the guys from the Security Bureau were somewhat restrained, because they knew they couldn't afford to offend them!

Fang Bonian looked gloomy and asked Gongsun Feiyang: "Are you here because of the Fei family's affairs?

Fortunately, the culprit is here, you can figure it out! "

He pointed at Chen Xin'an, looking like he was watching the fun.

Gongsun Feiyang curled his lips at him and muttered a few curses.

Then he walked up to Chen Xin'an and said respectfully: "Mr. Chen, can you leave?"

Fang Bonian was dumbfounded!

No, you are from Longdun, why are you so polite to a bastard from out of town like Chen Xin'an?

Could it be...

Fang Bonian's expression changed and he looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief. Is this guy actually from Longdun?

I thought he had a good relationship with Junhao Group because he had a personal relationship with Li Zecheng.

But I never thought about it deeply.

Now it seems that this person is not only a member of Dragon Shield, but also has a high status!

At least people like Gongsun Feiyang should treat him respectfully!

Chen Xin'an looked at the time and said to Cui Jianfeng: "There are still fifteen seconds!"

At this moment, Cui Jianfeng doesn't have the toughness he had just now.

Without saying anything, he held himself up, ran to the bag containing the dough sticks, and picked it up.

He even picked up the bowl of soy milk and placed it neatly on the coffee table!

"That's good!" Chen Xin'an grinned and said to Gongsun Feiyang without even looking at him and Fang Bonian: "Let's go!"

The two walked out swaggeringly.

The rest of us are embarrassed in the office.

Fang Bonian glanced at Yuan Zhenhai, suppressed his anger and cursed: "Old Yuan, you are so unreasonable!

Chen Xin'an is from Longdun, why didn't you tell me earlier?

Are you just waiting here to watch our jokes? "

Yuan Zhenhai said helplessly: "How dare I! However, Chen Xin'an is indeed not from Longdun!"

"Who are you fooling!" Fang Bonian cursed angrily: "If he is not a member of Longdun, would Gongsun Feiyang be so polite to him?"

Cui Jianfeng cursed angrily: "I should have killed him just now if he was not a Dragon Shield!

Dare you take action against me?

You are simply looking for death!

Next time I see him, I will shoot him! "

Sun Gallo shouted towards the door: "Mr. Chen, why are you back?!"

Cui Jianfeng rolled his eyes and lay down on the ground, as if he had fainted.

There was no movement around for a long time, so I quietly opened my eyes and took a look.

There is someone at the door!

Cui Jianfeng, who knew he had been tricked, was furious and thought of arguing with Sun Galo.

But he felt that everyone was looking at him at this moment, with obvious ridicule and sarcasm in their eyes.

This time it’s even more embarrassing!

And it’s embarrassing and embarrassing!

How to resolve it?

Waiting online, it’s very urgent!

In the end, I decided to just pretend to be dizzy completely.

After all, his injuries would have been unbearable for anyone else.

If his ability to withstand blows wasn't several times that of an ordinary person, he would have fainted by now!

Yuan Zhenhai snorted coldly, as if he was speaking to Fang Bonian, but actually he was actually telling Cui Jianfeng:

"Chen Xin'an is not from Longdun.

I heard Gongsun Feiyang say that Longdun recruited him, but he rejected him.

But he is not a Dragon Shield person, but he can direct the Dragon Shield people to do things.

So what he does is beyond the control of our city bureau.

Since the Security Bureau wants to intervene, let's ask Leader Fang to handle it!

I have already invited him over. As for how to deal with this foreign bastard, it is your Security Bureau's business, and our city bureau has nothing to do with it! "

Cui Jianfeng shivered and simply pretended to be dead!

If I had known that guy was someone I couldn't afford to mess with, why would I mess with him when I was full?

Fortunately, they were merciful just now.

Otherwise, if someone is angered and beaten to death, there is nothing the Security Bureau can do.

If you die in vain, you are not even a martyr!

Cui Jianfeng has made up his mind to stay away from that man named Chen in the future!

Fang Bonian's face also turned blue and white. He had a straight face and didn't know what he was thinking. Then he stood up and walked out without saying a word!

Cui Jianfeng panicked, what should I do?

He sat up bravely, pretending to have just woken up, and said with a blank look on his face:

"Who am I? Where am I? How did I get here?"

Sun Galo curled his lips and looked at him and said, "If you don't leave, Leader Fang will drive away. You can only take a taxi to the hospital by yourself!"

Cui Jianfeng quickly got up from the ground and ran out in despair.

Gongsun Feiyang came here by taxi, so he could sit on Chen Xin'an's sword now.

At the intersection, the yellow light flashed, and Chen Xin'an stopped in the parking line.

Gongsun Feiyang, who was sitting in the back, said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, you are great when you drive four wheels, but when you ride two wheels, you are a bit too polite, right?

Actually, there is no need to be so gentle. We just crossed the intersection just now.

This speed, this technique, I don’t feel like you anymore! "

Chen Xin'an snorted and asked him, "Are you in a hurry? Do you know where the direction is hidden now?"

Gongsun Feiyang took out his mobile phone and said: "I can enter the Dragon Shield Satellite System and track and locate his mobile phone."

Everyone in Dragon Shield must turn off their phones when performing tasks.

But their mobile phones are all modified.

The location can be tracked even when the phone is turned off.

However, high authority is required to enter the satellite system.

Even Gongsun Feiyang has to apply to his superiors.

The motorcycle was still driving forward unhurriedly, Gongsun Feiyang was sitting on the back with his head lowered and fiddling with his mobile phone.

After a while he suddenly shouted: "Found it!"

The mobile phone was handed to Chen Xin'an. As the map continued to zoom in, the final positioning point was displayed, the Kyoto Grand Canal Triangle Beach!

That’s where Grasshopper picked up the jewelry bracelet!

The Mo family took Wu Yan and Grasshopper away just to find those jewels!

Chen Xin'an understood the whole story in an instant. Thinking of Qin Hanfeng's mother's death, Chen Xin'an's face darkened.


The sword suddenly roared and accelerated suddenly!

Gongsun Feiyang had just put his cell phone away when he almost flipped the car over from behind without paying attention!

Fortunately, he reacted well and hugged Chen Xin'an's waist.

The scenery on both sides began to recede quickly, and Gongsun Feiyang felt like he couldn't even open his eyes.

The helmets were taken off just now and hung on the front.

He also joked that Chen Xin'an drove as steadily as an old dog and didn't need a helmet at all.

Now I can’t spare any time to put it on!

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