Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 878 God has the virtue of good life

Mo Xinmo felt that it was a miracle that he could continue to stand now!

He is not stupid, he has already seen that this guy is a rare opponent in his life!

If the fight continues, he will definitely die here today!

Seeing Chen Xin'an rushing over again, Mo Xinmo quickly backed away and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Wait a minute!"

Chen Xin'an stopped as expected, looked at him expressionlessly and said:

"It's no use even if you kneel down and beg for mercy!

If you want to blame, blame your surname Mo!

What’s more, you and the Mo family should be blamed for offending me, Chen Xin’an! "

"Kneel down and beg for mercy? Hahaha... Ouch, it hurts me so much!" Mo Xinmo gritted his teeth and couldn't tell whether he was laughing or crying, and cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"I, a descendant of the Mo family, can only die standing up and never live on my knees!

It's just a little inconvenient for me to call you now.

I'm going to go take a moment first, otherwise I won't care if it splashes on you later! "

"Get out of here!" Chen Xin'an looked disgusted.

I looked down at the uppers of my shoes. Fortunately, there were no wet marks...

He had thought about this problem before.

What if two masters are fighting and one of them can't hold it in any longer?

I used to think that at a critical moment of life and death, who would pay attention to this!

They are almost beating each other to death. If you want to solve the problem, you can wait until you lie down. You can solve it casually!

Now I know that when encountering this kind of situation, you must stop.

Think about the duel between two masters, and one of them is having a hearty meal while fighting. What is that scene?

That's an expression of victory without force!

He used biological and chemical weapons to force his opponents not to get close.

It seriously led to the unfairness of the game!

So once someone asks for convenience, his opponent will definitely agree.

Mo Xinmo covered his buttocks and walked behind the big cypress. He glanced at Chen Xin'an and cursed angrily: "You are not allowed to peek!"

"Fuck you, uncle! Is this rare for me?" Chen Xin'an was angry.

I'm spying on you, a grown-up man, having sex?

Are you sick?

I'm still afraid of needle eyes!

He tilted his head to show his innocence.

"Uncle Chen!" Grasshopper ran over and handed him a bag in his hand.

Chen Xin'an squatted down, touched Grasshopper's body and said, "Are you injured?"

Grasshopper shook his head and stuffed the bag into Chen Xin'an's hand.

Chen Xin'an opened it and took a look, good guys, they are all priceless jewelry!

Fortunately, the Grasshopper didn't suffer too much damage, but there were some contusions on his arms, so it wasn't a big problem.

Wu Yan came over and hugged Grasshopper, and said to Chen Xin'an in shock:

"They said they would let us go as long as we could find these things..."

Chen Xin'an nodded.

It is an indisputable fact that the Grand Canal smuggling case is related to the Mo family.

Moreover, the Mo family suffered heavy losses this time...

"Well! Mr. Chen, you..." Wu Yan next to her suddenly blushed and squeaked, looking at him shyly.

Only then did Chen Xin'an notice that he subconsciously pulled her over, squeezing her body like he was inspecting a grasshopper...

Chen Xin'an quickly let go of his hand as if he was electrocuted, coughed twice and said:

"Sister-in-law, don't get me wrong. I saw injuries on your face and I was afraid that you might be injured as well, so I checked it for you!"

Wu Yan's ears turned red, she lowered her head and said in a voice like a mosquito: "I know, Mr. Chen doesn't need to explain.

Touch it if you want, I have no better way to repay you..."

Damn it, I’m touching your uncle!

Who do you think I, Chen Xin'an, am!

Chen Xin'an's face turned dark and he wished he could chop off his hand with a knife!

The matter became more and more unclear the more he explained it, so he stopped explaining it at all. He stood up and shouted to the big cypress:

"Mo Xinmo, are you done?

Hurry up, come here and die! "

There was no response there.

Gongsun Feiyang ran over, turned around and came back, shouting to Chen Xin'an:

"No one, run away!"

Chen Xin'an was dumbfounded!

I have never seen such a shameless person!

This damn thing is a perfect urine escape!

Why did the Mo family have such a shameless child?

When I saw that I couldn't beat him halfway, I greased my feet and ran away!

Not even caring about his companion lying here?

He's a descendant of an aristocratic family!

Your uncle from the aristocratic family!

Chen Xin'an searched around as if he didn't believe it, and sure enough, there was no one at all!

That shameless guy really did it and ran away!

"Let's go!" Chen Xin'an said to everyone with a dark face: "With these things in hand, I don't believe that the grandson won't come back!"

He pointed in the direction of the Mo family disciples on the ground and asked, "What should we do with these people?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "How about you carry them back one by one?"

Xiang Fang glanced at him and said angrily: "What I mean is, should we take them..."

He made a gesture of holding his head in one hand and cutting his neck with a knife in the other.

Chen Xin'an said to him seriously: "I'm going to criticize you!

Don't be too angry.

Be kind in your heart.

God has the virtue of good life, don't act rashly with murderous intentions!

Don’t kill when you can avoid killing.

Leaving a way for others to survive is also a way of accumulating virtue for yourself..."

Fang Xiang and Gongsun Feiyang rolled their eyes together.

Do you have the nerve to say such things?

Doesn't your conscience hurt?

Chen Xin'an picked up the Grasshopper and said as he walked: "Don't be like these people who are so barbaric and rude!

We should learn more from Uncle Chen and be a kind person...

Holy shit! I'll fucking kill you! Come down if you dare! "

Chen Xin'an suddenly put down the Grasshopper and ran forward!

Everyone looked puzzled and immediately followed him!

On the shore of Triangle Beach, Mo Xinmo, who had always been on tenterhooks, saw Chen Xin'an's figure from a distance and was so frightened that he threw away the fire ax in his hand.

He immediately started the motor boat, and black smoke came out from behind his butt, and he ran away in a panic!

Chen Xin'an chased him to the river, but in the end he still couldn't catch up with the boy. He pointed at the motor boat angrily and cursed:

"Don't let me see you again, otherwise I will skin you!"

After a while, Gongsun Feiyang and the others also ran over, all panting.

Chen Xin'an said angrily to Gongsun Feiyang: "Our ship has been stolen, what should we do now?"

Gongsun Feiyang looked into the distance and tentatively said to Chen Xin'an: "Swim back? This is how Fang Yinlong came here!"

Chen Xin'an really wanted to give him a big mouth, and cursed with a black face:

"We swim over, what will happen to the two of them?

Say something constructive! "

Pointing to the cruise ship not far away, he said: "That's constructive, we can sail that ship!"

"Do you have the key?" Chen Xin'an asked with a snort.

Xiang Fang curled his lips and said: "That guy just now didn't have the key to your ship, so didn't he just leave as well?

In fact, the starting principles of boats and cars are similar.

As long as the circuit is connected, it can start normally. "

"That's right!" Gongsun Feiyang slapped his thigh and said to Chen Xin'an: "Fang Yinlong is an expert in this field! He must have a way!"

Everyone regained hope and boarded the cruise ship not far away together.

Ten minutes later, there was a roar and cheers from three men in the cab.

Gongsun Feiyang said to Chen Xin'an with a proud look on his face: "I just said that Fang Yinlong is an expert. I didn't lie to you, right?"

Chen Xin'an patted the direction of the shoulder and said: "I didn't expect you to be of some use! Not bad, not bad!"

Fang Xiang had a look on his face, curled his lips, and said with a snort: "I'm not as stupid as you think, I have a lot of uses!"

A little boy's timid voice came from the door: "Why don't you go look for the keys on those people under the big tree?

When we came, it was the boat driven by the man who was holding a stick to guard us.

I saw he had the keys on him..."

The smiles of Chen Xin'an and the others froze on their faces.

Gongsun Feiyang walked over and pinched Grasshopper's face hard and said: "What do children know? Don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Xin'an kicked him with a black face and cursed at him:

"What are you still doing?


Do you want to prepare to celebrate the New Year here? "

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