Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 881 A ransom can only free one person

Although the two men do look alike, there are indeed differences when you look closely.

The most obvious thing is that the guy who calls himself the Heart Demon has a pointed chin.

The guy in front of him has a round chin.

And that guy is a pretentious person, and he walks arrogantly.

The one in front of him looks much more low-key.

Mo Xinyou shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "My brother has never liked his current name since he was a child.

So he changed his name to one that he thinks is very domineering.

It's just that the Public Security Bureau's Household Registration Department didn't approve it, but it doesn't prevent him from using it..."

Chen Xinan suddenly realized that this was indeed something that the idiot could do.

Mo Xinnian squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Xinan and said: "Have you been there?"

Chen Xinan glanced at him and said: "Did you arrange it?"

The two people were obviously saying things that made people confused, but they both understood each other's meaning.

Mo Xinnian's face was gloomy, and the look he gave Chen Xinan was like looking at an enemy who killed his father and stole his wife.

Chen Xinan looked playful, looking at Mo Xinnian with eyes like a tiger staring at a fat lamb.

Mo Xinnian took a deep breath, pointed at the woman and said to Chen Xinan: "This is Miss Wang Shu from the Financial Office of our Mo Group.

I must have known the purpose of bringing her here today, right?"

Chen Xinan immediately changed into a different person, stretched out his hands and said to Wang Shu:

"It turns out to be Miss Wang! I'm sorry!

As soon as I saw you, I felt a sense of wealth!

Have you eaten lunch?

If you're not full, I'll help you order something delicious in the restaurant?

Please come in quickly, don't stand at the door!

Come, sit here, don't be polite, it's like your own home!"

Mo Xinnian and Mo Xinyu, who were still standing at the door: "..."

Forget it, I'm not here to be polite to him, saving people is important!

Mo Xinnian had a stern face and didn't need to greet Chen Xinan. He walked in and sat on the sofa and said to Chen Xinan:

"Let's be frank!

Where is my brother?

What conditions do I need to take him away?"

Wang Shu also said to Chen Xinan with a helpless look: "Mr. Chen, although I am in finance, I must get the signature of the second young master to use funds!"

Chen Xinan looked as if he had suddenly realized something. He turned his head and looked at Mo Xinnian and said:

"Second Young Master Mo... Why is it so confusing!

In fact, Young Master Mo and I are good friends. I just want to invite him to reminisce and have a cup of tea..."

Mo Xinnian interrupted him impatiently and said: "Chen Xinan, don't talk to me about these useless things!

I tell you, I have a father since I was a child, but it's the same as not having a father. It's my eldest brother He brought me up.

When I was bullied, it was my elder brother who helped me teach those guys a lesson.

My elder brother has blocked knives and bricks for me, and saved my life several times!

So if you want to hurt my elder brother, I, Mo Xinnian, swear to heaven that I will make you pay the price even if I have to sacrifice my life! "

Chen Xinan frowned, looked at Mo Xinnian seriously and shouted: "What are you talking about!

I said that Mr. Mo is my friend, how could I hurt my friend?

How I, Chen Xinan, treat my friends, heaven and earth can witness it!

You are questioning my personality and insulting my character!

I am very angry! "

Looking at Chen Xinan's solemn look, Mo Xinnian was a little doubtful, did he misunderstand this guy?

Is he really on good terms with his elder brother?

It shouldn't be, last time he directly squeezed hundreds of millions from his elder brother!

He asked doubtfully, "Where is my brother now?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the bathroom and said, "In the bathroom!

Would I bear to leave my friend outside in the wind and sun?

I'm not that kind of person!"

Mo Xinnian stood up and walked towards the bathroom without saying a word.

Mo Xinyou quickly followed behind.

Chen Xin'an did not stop him, and smiled and said to Wang Shu, "How long have you worked at the Mo Group, Miss Wang?

Is your work going well?

How much salary do they give you?

If you are not satisfied, you can come and help me!

Of course, you can also come with pay. I welcome people of insight to join me..."

"Chen Xin'an!" Mo Xinnian's grief-stricken cry came from the bathroom!

"What are you shouting for? He's not dead!" Chen Xin'an frowned and shouted at the other side, "Take a shower and bring him out!"

Mo Xinnian now wanted to take a machine gun, stab the muzzle into Chen Xin'an's throat, and then pull the trigger to empty the magazine!

The eldest brother, Mo Xinting, was indeed still alive in this bathroom, but he looked so...

He was stripped down to a pair of boxer briefs, and his body was tied up.

He was placed in a large bathtub.

There was not much water in this double bathtub, but it was covered with soap.

It was so slippery that one could not even stand or sit steadily.

One could only lie in it, twisting and struggling like a stranded fish, but to no avail!

Mo Xinting felt ashamed and excited when he saw his younger brother coming in.

But he had no strength to struggle, so he could only lie pitifully in the bathtub, shedding sad tears.

Mo Xinnian cursed Chen Xinan while helping his brother out of the bathtub with Mo Xinyu.

She turned on the hot water to wash away the soap suds on his body, put on his clothes, took his trembling brother out of the bathroom, and let him sit on the sofa in the living room.

Mo Xinnian squatted on the ground, put on the shoes for her eldest brother with her own hands, and said to Mo Xinyou: "Send my brother to the hospital for a checkup and re-bandage the wound on his leg!"

Mo Xinyou nodded, and just as he was about to help Mo Xinting up, Chen Xinan cursed angrily:

“What a bully!

This is my room, do you think I don't exist? "

Mo Xinnian's liver ached with anger, and she glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Chen, I'm sitting here, and I've even brought Finance Miss Wang Shu with me. Isn't this enough to show my sincerity?"

Chen Xin'an scolded with a dark face: "Damn it, where is your sincerity?

There was just a big old man sitting in front of me with a stern face.

Those who don’t know think I owe you two kilograms of oil!

I want to take someone away without doing anything, and you are playing with me! "

Mo Xinnian's eyes burst into flames and she gritted her teeth as she watched Chen Xin'an.

This grandson doesn’t let go of the hawk when he sees the rabbit!

Okay, anyway, the Mo family has to deal with him next, this guy won't be able to jump around for a few days!

Mo Xinnian said coldly to Chen Xin'an: "You just want money! I'll give it to you!

Last time you asked for 200 million, this time I will give you another 200 million and let my brother go, okay? "

Chen Xin'an immediately put on a smiling face and said to Mo Xinnian:

"How to speak!

Why does this require money?

This is the life money your eldest brother paid for asking me to take care of him and leave safely in order to survive! "

Mo Xinnian was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, turned to Wang Shu and said: "Transfer 200 million to Chen Xin'an's account immediately!"

Raising his head, Mo Xinnian said to Chen Xin'an, "Now, can I let my eldest brother go to the hospital first?"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an grinned and said, "I am the most trustworthy person!

But your eldest brother can leave, but the others can’t! "

Mo Xinnian's face darkened, she looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "What do you mean?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said: "How can one person's life-saving money cost two people?

It’s a matter of personal payment, so don’t bother anyone! "

The bastard Emotion turned all four of them into big fat meat, and he wanted to take a bite of them all!

"Chen Xin'an!" Mo Xinnian gritted her teeth and shouted angrily: "Do it!"

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