Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 890 You two are more assholes than me

Now even if Ning Changfeng is old and confused, he can still see Ni Duan!

There must be something wrong with the contract!

If you sign it, the consequences will definitely be disastrous.

His eyes widened with anger, he pointed at Ning Yuan and cursed: "Damn girl, are you crazy?

How dare you fool even your uncle!

What the hell are you trying to do? "

Ning Yuan snorted coldly and said, "Uncle, I don't want to fool you.

As long as you sign, if Ning Xi can give it to you, I can give it to you too!

Even more than she gave!

It makes no difference to you.

As long as you don't leave any ink and sign the contract happily, these people won't make things difficult for you, how about that? "

Ning Changfeng glared at her and shouted, "What if I don't sign?"

Ning Yuan snorted coldly: "You have to sign even if you don't want to! If we force you to sign, then you won't get such good treatment!"

"Forcing me to sign? Let me see who of you dares!" Ning Changfeng slapped the iron shelf next to him and glared at the group of people in front of him.

He is easily soft-hearted, but that doesn't mean he has no temper!

Ning Yuan's face turned cold, and he waved to Fei Bing and said, "Brother Bing, I'll trouble you!"

Fei Bing and others walked forward with a cruel smile and grabbed Ning Changfeng's arm!

I would rather take a step forward, stop in front of my father, and curse at the group of people: "What are you doing? Get out!"

"Seeking death!" Fei Bing raised his hand, and the machete in his hand struck Ning Ke's head hard!

Liu Xiaoyun screamed and pulled Ning Ke's arm back. The blade struck Ning Ke's chest and cut a long gash in his clothes!

Ning Ke and Liu Xiaoyun both broke into cold sweats.

Ning Changfeng was furious and cursed at Ning Yuan: "He is your third brother!"

Ning Yuan snorted coldly and said to Fei Bing: "Brother Bing, don't use the knife!

After all, this is not Kyoto, and it’s hard to deal with anything if something happens! "

Fei Bing cursed angrily: "There are so many things!"

But he still put the knife back, pulled out a metal rod, and swung it down, turning it into a swinging stick!

At the same time, the few Fei family disciples around him all replaced their knives with swing sticks and stepped forward with evil smiles on their faces!

Ning Ke stared at Ning Yuan and Ning Zhe angrily.

Never would I have thought that the reason why they stopped each other from using the knife was because they were afraid of a bad outcome, not because they were afraid of hurting their loved ones.

He sighed, shook his head, looked at Ning Yuan and Ning Zhe and said, "You have really gone crazy and crazy!"

Ning Zhe scolded him: "Shut up! You have no right to say such things!

You enjoy the popular food and drink spicy food here, but have you ever thought about what kind of life we ​​have lived in the past two years?

My father died, did you shed a tear for him?

When Fourth Uncle is like this, have you ever taken care of him for a day?

The fourth aunt is now in a state of confusion. She was smashed in the head by a small vendor with a weight for buying a catty of vegetables for just a dime!

When we had no money to buy groceries, we ate eight boxes of instant noodles in a month!

Which of you has ever suffered like this?

Now I feel like throwing up when I smell instant noodles!

Are you saying that we are crazy and crazy?

If it were you, it would be like this! "

Zhou Zhi yelled and scolded: "You deserve it! You bring it upon yourself!"

Your father and your fourth uncle received high wages but also lined their own pockets. How much money they took from the company, don’t you know?

Even so, Mr. Ning has never argued with you.

But how did you do it?

He repays kindness with hatred, wants to make more money, and even wants to sell the company to the Lu Family Sainty Group!

You are the ones who really eat everything inside and out.

But Mr. Ning still lets you go again and again.

I don’t want to completely lose your loved ones.

He even paid for Ning Xi and Ning Chen’s tuition without letting his fourth uncle’s family pay a penny!

Now that everything has been done, no one can find fault, right?

It can be regarded as the most benevolent and righteous!

what about you?

But they are always a bunch of white-eyed wolves, bent on plotting against her and plundering everything from her!

So no matter what life you live, you deserve it!

You all asked for it!

It's all your own fault! "

"Bitch!" Ning Yuan and Ning Zhe were furious and rushed forward together!

Ning Yuan grabbed Zhou Zhi's hair, and Ning Zhe slapped her face hard four times!

On the other side, Fei Bing grabbed Ning Changfeng's hand and said to him with a sneer: "Old man, don't force me to break your hand. Do you want to sign or not?"

"Don't sign!" Ning Changfeng shouted angrily.

Fei Bing snorted coldly and shouted to the people around him: "Stretch out his left hand! Let me see how hard your bones are!"

"Son of a bitch!" Ning Ran rushed over regardless, and the two Fei family disciples picked up their sticks and hit him hard!

"No!" Liu Xiaoyun ran over with tears in her eyes, but Ning Ning hugged her in her arms and hid her under her body. She gritted her teeth and endured the beatings all over her head and face!

At this moment, a large spoon over one meter long hit a Fei family member on the face, knocking out several of his front teeth!

Ning Ze rushed over like crazy and shouted to the chefs behind him: "Go back! Do your thing, I'm here!"

The chefs were stunned and looked hesitant.

Ning Ze yelled: "This is my family's business, outsiders are not allowed to interfere!

What's wrong?

As a restaurant manager, my words are useless, right? "

The cooks finally backed away.

As long as they are fine, nothing will happen to Zuixianlou.

Ning Zhe yelled angrily: "Brother, are you crazy? Didn't we agree!"

Ning Yuan also cursed angrily: "Brother, if you are so disrespectful, I will regret what I promised you before!"

"What a shame! You two bastards! You never said you were going to take action!"

Ning Ze pointed at Ning Changfeng and Ning Ke and said, "They are all our family members! Are you crazy?"

Ning Zhe snorted coldly and said, "It's just a show, you don't have to take it seriously!"

Ning Ze pointed at Ning Ke who had a bloody head and said, "Is this just a show?

He is your third brother!

Do you think I am blind or stupid? "

Ning Yuan yelled angrily: "Brother, you don't want mother-in-law and mother, okay?

Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters!

If you are not cruel now, you will get nothing later!

When the contract is won, I will send the third brother to the best hospital to find the best doctor to treat his injuries!

But whoever dares to stop me now, don’t blame me for ignoring family ties! "

Ning Ze lowered his head, looked at Ning Changming and said, "Fourth uncle, is this what you mean?"

Ning Changming looked ashamed and speechless.

To be honest, after being paralyzed, he thought a lot.

After all, I can't go anywhere or accomplish anything, so I have more time to think about things.

He also regretted everything he had done, feeling that he had been deceived by his second brother.

When my brain got hot, I did a lot of things that are now considered outrageous.

So he doesn't blame anyone for receiving such retribution.

Especially knowing that Ning Xi and Ning Chen's tuition fees were all paid by Ning Xiruo.

Moreover, the siblings had good food and lived happily here, and everyone who called them said good things about the fifth sister. As time went by, he also realized his mistake.

Coming here today, I couldn't resist Ning Zhe and Ning Yuan's pleas, thinking it was just a formality.

It’s not in vain if you succeed, and it doesn’t matter if you fail.

But he didn't expect that Ning Zhe and Ning Yuan were determined to win, and they would not hesitate to use force!

This was beyond his expectation and made him a little intolerable!

He lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

Ning Zhe said to Ning Ze with a straight face: "Boss, don't be stupid!

Put down the spoon quickly and apologize to the Fei brothers.

We just pretend nothing happened..."

"I'm going to get out of here!" Ning Ze pointed at him with a spoon and yelled, "Why do you still pretend that nothing happened?

Where do you have the nerve to say such things?

I thought I was a jerk enough!

They are greedy for enjoyment, love to take advantage, are only interested in profit, and forget their integrity at the sight of profit.

I didn’t expect that you two bastards are more assholes than me! "

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