Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 899 The Luo family comes to help

Chen Xin'an has rich experience in dealing with combined attack techniques.

Move quickly around the two brothers, using their own bodies to form constraints on the left and right, making it impossible for them to move at all!

The car lights flashed, and a long line of vehicles rushed towards them.

Through the gate of the community, someone shouted excitedly: "It's our people who are back! Great, that kid is dead this time!"

"How can we use so many people! Brother Qi Xiu and Brother Qi Zhi are enough to deal with him!"

"That's right! Don't think that our Fei family is bullying the minority.

Brother Qi Xiu and Brother Qi Zhi always work together.

It’s the same even if the opponent has thousands of troops! "

Now brothers Fei Qixiu and Fei Qizhi only have one idea.

Who said such an asshole just now?

I have to smash your bad mouth!

If you don't fight this guy, you have no idea how much pressure you are facing!

It looked like we two brothers were attacking one person together.

In fact, he alone is leading our brothers by the nose!

Deal with him?

Maybe if the fight continues, we brothers will be dealt with by him!

In fact, if they were to fight face to face, if the two brothers joined forces, they would not necessarily lose to Chen Xin'an.

I'm just angry, this guy's kung fu is too weird, there's no routine at all.

Attacks are always unexpected and hard to guard against!

You feel that he is acting alone, with little left and right.

In fact, his movement skills are so weird and dazzling that if you can't grasp the exact position of his attack, it will be difficult to counterattack.

When you think you can use the encirclement of two people to forcibly restrict his movement.

However, he worked hard with great force and fought head-on with the two of them, squeezing out a way out!

This gives you enough reason to believe that even if this guy doesn't use physical skills and uses brute strength to fight, his strength will not be inferior to the combined strength of the two brothers!

What kind of combat power is this?

Both my brothers were almost dragged to death by this boy. Why are you still here with thousands of troops?

Those people came back just in time, so leave this hot potato to them!

But after waiting for a while, those cars did not enter the community, but stopped outside the gate.

What the hell are these bastards doing!

Fei Pojun angrily cursed at Fei Donghai: "Look what's going on! My house is almost burned down!"

Fei Donghai quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. When the call was connected, he cursed:

"Xihe, what are you doing!

When you get to your door, why don't you come in?

Can't you see the fire in the old man's house?

What? Who stopped me?

People from the Luo family?

Our car hit their car?

In the middle of the night, people from the Luo family came to Zizhuyuan and said that our car hit their car?

Luo Lie, this old man, what on earth does he want to do?

Not just the Luo family, but also the Luo family?

What the hell..."

Fei Donghai hung up the phone and said angrily to Fei Pojun: "Dad, there are people from the Luo family and the Luo family outside, and they are starting to fight with our people!"

Fei Pojun's face was livid, he glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "No wonder you are so arrogant, it turns out that there are people from the Luo family and the Luo family backing you!

Luo Lie, Luo Zhonghua, remember today’s account for me! "

Fire trucks roared from far and near, and Fei Pojun breathed a sigh of relief.

OK, the house can still be saved!

But I heard the fire truck stop at the gate of the community, and within three minutes, it roared away from near and far!

Everyone looked at each other.

What does this mean?

Fei Donghai didn't wait for his father to glare at him, and immediately called: "Xihe, what the hell is going on?

Why did the fire truck leave?

The fire at home is so big...

What? Is the Luo family's car handlebar passage blocked?

His uncle's! "

Fei Donghai hung up the phone and cursed at the group of Fei family children around him: "You bastards are just here to watch the fun, right?

Don’t know how to put out a fire?

Get everyone up and come and put out the fire!

When I see someone being lazy, I let the old man live in his house! "

Fei Pojun's face darkened and he looked straight at Fei Donghai.

What do you mean?

dislike me?

"Quick, quick, quick! Go put out the fire quickly, otherwise the old man will come over and we won't be able to do anything!"

"The old man can consume as much as we do in a month in one day, but my family can't afford it! Call someone over quickly!"

"My dad died just a year ago. Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief, but I can't let the old man live in me anymore. Sharing it with the old man is annoying to death!"

Fei Pojun's throat felt sweet and he was about to vomit blood!

You bunch of bastards, you usually call each one an old man or an ancestor and you get closer to each other!

Emotions are all just words, not serious business!

I have worked hard for the Fei family all my life, but in the end I have such a good reputation?

Disliked by everyone?

For a moment, Fei Pojun felt sad and thought that he might as well just go back to his house and be burned to death by the fire!

At this moment, the eldest brother Fei Tanlang beside him suddenly moved!

He forced his way between the brothers Fei Qixiu and Fei Qizhi, and punched Chen Xin'an in the chest!

Chen Xin'an punched away Fei Qixiu's kick.

Then he kicked Fei Qizhi on the shoulder with his right leg, kicked him away, but was hit by Fei Tanlang's punch in the chest!

Fortunately, he breathed in in time, and his whole chest seemed to collapse suddenly, with a huge dent!

Fei Tanlang's punch landed on Chen Xin'an, but it only had less than half of its strength.

But in Fei Qixiu's ears, he still heard the clear crisp sound of fractures!

Not dead yet?

A proud smile appeared on Fei Qixiu's lips, and he punched Chen Xin'an in the face!

Chen Xin'an didn't even try to hide, she clenched her right fist and punched him!

At the same time, Feizhi's ax also struck from behind!

This scene is so familiar!

The sneer at the corner of Fei Qixiu's mouth became even more obvious.

Repeating old tricks?

This big pervert wants to kiss me again?

You are dreaming!

He quickly took a step forward and twisted his body to avoid Chen Xin'an!

But Chen Xinan did not avoid it.

Fei Qixiu had also discovered at this time that Chen Xin'an's target was not him from the beginning, but his father Fei Tanlang!


You beast!

Don't you even let people over eighty years old be spared?

Fei Qixiu no longer dared to see his father being hugged by Chen Xin'an and then forcibly kissed him.

But he still kept his steps wrong, and when he raised his foot, he wanted to kick his brother's arm holding the ax away!

Dad is getting older, and although he keeps exercising, his reaction is definitely not comparable to that of his son.

So you definitely can't dodge this axe.

Unexpectedly, Fei Qizhi also changed the trajectory of the axe, and the ax in his right hand turned in a circle!

It was obvious that Fei Qizhi also misunderstood Chen Xin'an's intentions and was already on guard.

Once you find that the situation is not good, you can immediately use fancy ax holding techniques to resolve the force.

Just as he was about to take action, the sharp edge of the ax hit his ankle squarely!

"Ah!" Fei Qixiu let out a shrill scream, and punched his brother in the face with severe pain.

When Fei Qizhi saw that he had injured his brother's leg with an axe, he was stunned and did not react at all to his brother's attack.

This punch hit his head firmly, causing him to fall to the ground and pass out!

Chen Xin'an also punched Fei Tanlang seriously, and the two of them took a step back.

Before Fei Tanlang could say anything, Chen Xinan clenched his fists and rushed forward again.

Forcibly suppressing the surge of blood in his chest and abdomen, Fei Tanlang also clenched his fists and fought against Chen Xin'an!

In the eyes of everyone, the two men's movements were so fast that they were difficult to distinguish.


The two exchanged punches again and each retreated.

Fei Tanlang snorted coldly and said, "You dare to attack me even if you are injured?

Kneel down and I'll spare your life! "

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