The piercing alarm bell rang, startling Chen Xin'an!

Originally, I was afraid of disturbing the guests and causing accidents and unnecessary panic, so I didn't plan to sound the fire alarm.

Unexpectedly, the old uncle who had just been called out of the room punched him and broke the glass cover outside the alarm, causing it to go off.

Li Zecheng was so angry that he wanted to curse, but now he couldn't even hide it!

Yue Zhihua ran up to Chen Xin'an, looked at the furious Li Zecheng and the twin sisters who also had gloomy faces, and said with some guilt: "Did I do something wrong?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at his bandaged left hand, patted his shoulder, comforted him and said:

"It's okay, you are thinking about the lives of everyone in the hotel, they will forgive you!

But try to stay away from them when you go downstairs.

If I accidentally push you down and break my right hand, I'll be in trouble! "

Yue Zhihua: "..."

Duan Changkong had already gathered all the crew members, clapped his hands and said to everyone:

"Change the uniform as quickly as possible.

Go to the stairwell immediately to evacuate people to prevent stampede accidents!

Manpower is limited, please try to spread out as much as possible! "

"Yes!" Jing Jing and everyone responded in unison.

They have received professional emergency training, which comes in handy at this time.

Xia Ruixue, Li Ziying, and Zhou Connie were also in this guidance team.

No matter what scheming they had before, at this time, they are qualified coordinators and are uniformly dispatched by Duan Changkong.

Chen Xin'an originally wanted to call the security personnel at 6520 for help, but they had already been dispatched and were searching for the source of the fire upstairs and downstairs.

I always feel like there are a few people missing.

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, then patted her head, the corner double bed room on floor 6501!

When Luo Xiaoman moved in, he shamelessly asked for this room.

Originally, he planned to live in his little world of two people with Luo Qianxue without being disturbed.

I didn't expect that he had been sleeping in Konoha's room.

So this guy has isolated himself, sleeping here alone.

I wanted to change rooms several times, but Chen Xin'an refused.

As an adult, you must be responsible for your own choices.

Even if you choose to live in a hut, you have to hold your nose and live there!

This is what Chen Xin'an taught this guy.

Now that everyone on the entire floor has come out, only this guy and Luo Qianxue are missing. They are probably still in the room.

A member of Lin Keer's security team ran over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, the source of the fire has been found, it's in room 6501!

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said to him: "I'm going to break down the door! You ask the brothers to open the fire hydrant, connect the water hose, and prepare to put out the fire!"

"Yes!" The man responded, turned around and ran away.

Chen Xin'an quickly ran to the door of 6501 and banged on the door, but there was no response inside.

Without any time to think, Chen Xin'an kicked the door open with a flying kick!

Before he could go in, a ball of fire rushed out from inside like a beast.

Chen Xin'an leaned back and fell to the ground, avoiding the fire!

When I saw this room for the first time just now, there was just a lot of smoke and not much open fire.

But as soon as the door was opened, the flames quickly burst into flames!

Chen Xin'an took a breath and rushed in!

I glanced at the bed with the faint light and almost got blinded!

The bastard Luo Xiaoman is indeed with Luo Qianxue.

And at this moment, the two of them were still naked and hugging each other, but they were already unconscious!

The room exudes a pungent smell, which is the poisonous gas produced after the fireproof materials in the room are burned!

Looking at it like this, the two of them had just finished having fun and fell asleep due to exhaustion.

For some unknown reason, the room caught fire.

The large amount of poisonous gas caused the two of them to fall into coma in their sleep.

If Chen Xin'an had come a little later, these two people would have been poisoned by the smoke if they were not burned to death!

Originally, he wanted to wrap them in a quilt, but when Chen Xin'an touched it with his hand, there was something wet and sticky on it. He was so disgusted that he almost vomited!

Hearing the footsteps outside, Chen Xin'an didn't have time to hesitate, grabbed the windbreaker on the hanger and wrapped it around Luo Qianxue.

This was once the most beautiful woman in Kyoto.

It's miserable enough to have his face like this, but if his body is exposed, it's really going to be impossible for him to survive.

"Boss!" As soon as Luo Qianxue was wrapped up, a cry came from outside.

Chen Xin'an responded: "Come in! Boil water to put out the fire!"

After looking at Luo Xiaoman on the bed, I couldn't bear to let him go out naked like this.

There was also a mask used by Luo Qianxue when going out on the hanger. Chen Xinan took it off and put it on Luo Xiaoman's head, covering his eyes.

Holding Luo Qianxue in one hand and Luo Xiaoman in the other, Chen Xinan rushed out of the room in this posture.

The security guards standing outside were startled. They looked at the two people Chen Xin'an was holding and imagined what had happened inside.

Where did Chen Xin'an give them this time? He shouted to everyone: "Hurry up and put out the fire, don't let the fire burn!"

Everyone reacted, quickly dragged the connected fire hose and rushed into the room.

The flames were quickly extinguished, discovered and put out promptly.

So there were no serious consequences, it was just a false alarm.

However, 6501 was burned to a disgraceful state and needed to be renovated.

As Li Zecheng said, the Grand Hotel has a very advanced fire protection system.

Not to mention a complete set of fire-fighting facilities, all the arrangements in the hotel rooms meet the highest fire-proof standards.

Even the bedding, curtains, and even the tables, chairs, and benches have been fire-proofed.

This is also one of the reasons why the fire has not been burned.

The danger has been eliminated, and the hotel staff are apologizing to the guests below and asking them to return to the room.

The hotel leader in charge of fire protection and security came to 6501 to investigate the cause of the fire and was almost mad.

The hotel has installed the most advanced smoke detection system and spraying system.

But these things have been blocked artificially and have not worked!

Who the hell did this?

Is this something people did?

This question can only be explained after the two people who are still unconscious on the bed wake up.

Seeing everyone coming back one after another, Ning Xiruo moved freely and unharmed, Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief,

but his uncle Yue Zhihua was bruised and swollen, and now not only his left hand is injured, but his right arm can't even be lifted!

The one who was supporting him beside him was Zhou Connie.

Chen Xinan walked over with eyes wide open, nodded to Zhou Connie and said, "Let me take a look!"

Touching Yue Zhihua's arm, Chen Xinan breathed a sigh of relief, it was just a dislocation.

With a click, he reset the joint for him, and lowered his voice and asked him, "Did they really push him down?"

Yue Zhihua blushed with shame, shook his head and said, "No, I was careless and fell down!"

Meng Ye behind him snorted coldly and said with a mocking face, "You are almost 40 years old, and you can't walk when you see a beautiful woman. You deserve to fall to death!"

"Shut up!" Yue Zhihua was so ashamed that he scolded Meng Ye, "Pay me back if you keep talking! You still owe me three hundred!"

Meng Ye closed his mouth, pretended not to hear, and turned to go into his room.

Chen Xinan's eyes were wide open with curiosity, and he finally understood after asking him about it.

Is my uncle in love?

Seeing Zhou Connie guiding guests at the corner of the stairs, he couldn't move his eyes away, and he didn't step firmly, and rolled down like a ball!

Fortunately, Zhou Kangni supported him and helped him up and down the stairs.

This was not Zhou Kangni's scheming, after all, she didn't know Yue Zhihua at all.

At dinner, neither the uncle nor Mr. Meng went downstairs.

So Zhou Kangni didn't mean to use Yue Zhihua to please Chen Xinan.

This is also the reason why Chen Xinan didn't show much rejection towards the three girls.

Maybe they are a little snobbish and a little undisciplined.

But they didn't lose their conscience.

It's just that their lifestyle cannot be accepted by most people.

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