Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 994: Dead Taoist Friends Don’t Die Poor Taoists

I promised my sister that I would help her.

But this month, I have been busy with my own affairs and have not helped her in any substantial way.

My sister has not urged me, but she has never given up the desire for revenge.

Today is the 57th day after Grandpa Guan passed away, and my sister has learned about the enemy.

But an important guest came to Chen Xinan's side.

She is not ignorant, so she did not say anything and came by herself.

But I didn't expect that I would be injured!

Chen Xinan's guilt can be imagined!

Since it is my fault, the best way to make up for it is to catch the enemy for my sister!

It doesn't matter if I don't know where the enemy is. Since it happened in the convention and exhibition center, it is right to find Mo Xinting.

Mo Xinting finally understood why Chen Xinan came here, and angrily scolded:

"Are you sick, Chen Xinan?

In a place like a nightclub, there are always fights every night?

I don't even recognize your sister, what does it have to do with me if she was scratched?"

Chen Xinan snorted coldly, squinted his eyes and said to him: "Don't play dumb with me here!

There are people from the Huo family among that group of people, I don't believe you don't know them!"

Mo Xinting frowned and said to Chen Xinan: "Huo Donglin's group?"

Shaking his head, Mo Xinting said to Chen Xinan: "I just opened a bottle of wine for them, there is no intersection.

His father Huo Haoran came, and I sat down to drink a few glasses with him. He is a little kid, and I can't talk to him.

And your sister was injured in the bathroom. When I heard the news, they had already dispersed.

Chen Xinan, what happened tonight really has nothing to do with me!"

He is really afraid of this guy now!

Once he is targeted, he will really peel off a layer of skin!

Unless there is a guarantee, he will directly take this guy's life!

Otherwise, Mo Xinting would not allow himself to have anything to do with this guy.

I didn't expect that I couldn't afford to offend him, but I couldn't afford to hide.

The gate of my place was smashed by this bastard twice!

But compared with being caught by him and blackmailed, what does this count for?

Chen Xinan frowned and squinted and said: "Huo Haoran's son Huo Donglin?

It has nothing to do with you?"

"Absolutely not!" Mo Xinting patted his chest and said: "It's just an underage kid, we can't play together!"

Chen Xinan was still a little unwilling to give up, and snorted coldly and said: "Then your brother Mo Xinnian should be..."

"It's even more impossible!" Mo Xinting broke out in a cold sweat.

What do you mean, you have to rely on my Mo family, right?

He shook his head vigorously and said, "Xin Nian is not in Kyoto at all! This matter has nothing to do with my Mo family!"

Chen Xin'an felt a little regretful, took a look inside, frowned and said, "The boy should not have left yet, I will go in and look for him!"

"Gone! He left a long time ago, and he said hello to me before he left!" Mo Xinting hurriedly stopped him.

This bastard's intention is very clear, he just wants to force his place.

He is addicted to taking advantage of others, and he will not leave empty-handed as long as he comes here, right?

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to turn around and prepare to get in the car.

Luo Xiaoman squatted in front of the car, looking at his beloved car that had been completely destroyed, and he has not reacted yet.

Chen Xinan's eyes lit up, and he looked at Mo Xinnian and said, "My brother's newly bought car was smashed into this by your front door.

You should say something about this, right?

It's just two or three hundred thousand yuan for the repairs, you have to pay, right?"

"What should I say? Why should I say anything?" Mo Xinting was like crazy, waiting for Chen Xinan to yell:

"Did I let you hit it?

You smashed my front door, why don't you say anything?

Do you think I'm stupid?

It's just a broken Dragon Flag 5, the purchase price is only more than 70,000 yuan, and after paying for miscellaneous things, it's only 80,000 yuan.

Where did the two or three hundred thousand yuan for the repairs come from?

Chen Xinan, I tell you, I The Mo family has never been bullied like this!

What do you mean, you let me be the only one to be bullied.

Can't you see how badly you have ruined my place?

How many people did I have before? How many people do I have now?

Do you have to close my shop to make you happy?

Huo Donglin is in Nanguanlou, go find him if you can!

Why do you keep bullying a weak scholar like me! "

Luo Qianhe walked to Chen Xinan and advised him: "Okay, since this matter has nothing to do with the Mo family, let's go!"

He is the eldest son of the Mo family, and he was forced into this state. Luo Qianhe couldn't bear it.

Chen Xinan said to Mo Xinting with a face full of reluctance: "Even if you don't compensate for the car, my sister was injured by you, you have to admit this, right?

It's not right for you not to pay for the medical expenses and nutrition expenses, right?"

Mo Xinting bent down and picked up a piece of broken glass from the ground, put it on his neck, and grinned at Chen Xinan:

"I don't have money, but I have my life!

Chen Xinan, if you force me again, I will run myself over here today and spit blood on your face!"


It seems that there is really no more money to be made.

Chen Xinan looked bored, yawned and said to everyone: "Forget it, let's go! Let's go to Nanguan Tower!"

He kicked Luo Xiaoman's butt and pulled him into the car.

With a puff of black smoke, Longqi reversed quickly.

It knocked down the doorpost that was already shaky, and then roared away.

Mo Xinting finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Long Qi's back with a gloomy face, and murmured:

"A dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist.

Huo boy, I'm sorry.

If something happens to you, the Huo family will fight with this person named Chen.

Only my Mo family can benefit from it! "

Seeing the twisted and deformed front of the car in front of him, Luo Xiaoman felt like crying.

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't cry like a dead mother!

Wasn't it exciting just now? "

Luo Xiaoman's distressed face turned green, he stared at Chen Xin'an with a pair of big bull's eyes and said: "Brother, this is the car I just picked up today!

I drove it less than a kilometer, and it didn’t even go through the running-in period!

Why is it that less than an hour after you sat on it, it turned into a pile of scrap metal? "

Chen Xin'an was unhappy and scolded with a straight face: "Brother, is it wrong for you to speak like this?

Did you just say you wanted to stimulate it?

Did you hear that? "

The two people in the back seat looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Luo Xiaoman scratched his head and cursed: "But it can't be so exciting! You are really willing to hit the door with your new car!"

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "That's what I said.

You said it yourself just now, your car is my car, you can build it however you want, you're welcome.

Did you hear that? "

The two people in the back seat nodded expressionlessly again.

Brother, it's not that we don't have loyalty.

Don't be pretentious when dating this guy Chen Xin'an!

He is a complete and utter finisher.

As long as you meet him, no matter how happy you pretend to be, he will make you cry miserably!

Sure enough, Luo Xiaoman calmed down along the way and was no longer as excited as before.

Thirty meters ahead of Nanguan Martial Arts School is the 12-story Nanguan Commercial Building.

Although it is said to be a commercial building, it is actually mainly occupied by people.

Some of the teaching staff from the martial arts school lived inside, and the rest were people from the old law hall.

There is only one company here, Kyoto Hodo Security Co., Ltd.

This is the origin of the name Laofa Tang.

This is the headquarters of Laofa Tang.

The hall leader and elders were almost dead, but the company didn't collapse.

Everyone is here, but it is still not operating as usual. Even the teachers and students of the martial arts school don't know.

After feeling uncomfortable all the way, Luo Xiaoman finally adjusted himself.

Anyway, the car has become like this, and it's a pity that it's too late.

He said to himself: "It's still possible to drive even after this, our veteran military industry in China is so awesome!

Fortunately, the car can still be repaired. I will send it to the 4S shop for repair tomorrow and it will still be a new car when I get it back..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the dragon flag roared and black smoke rose.

Then he crashed into the first floor of the dormitory building, collapsing half of the wall!

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