Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 998 There is no man in your Huo family

Downstairs of the emergency department of Kyoto Tongshen Hospital.

Several medical staff had just carried down the seriously injured person sent by ambulance and were preparing to push him to the operating room.

A white BMW business car rushed up and almost knocked the ambulance down the slope.

With a whoosh, the door of the BMW was opened, and a pair of middle-aged women jumped out of the car one after another, shouting heartbreakingly: "Son! Let me see my son!"

The doctor in a white coat stopped them and said: "I'm sorry, the injured person needs surgery now..."

The man also grabbed the woman's arm and said: "Let the doctor operate on my son first..."

Before he finished speaking, the woman swung her arm to break free from his hand, but accidentally swung it on his face.

But he didn't apologize to him, and pushed the doctor again, shouting: "Get out! Let me see my son first!"

A man in black followed behind, blocking the doctor with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice:

"These two are the parents of the injured, Mr. Huo Haoran, the executive president of Qianfeng Group, and his wife Ms. Zhang Guihong."

The doctor closed his mouth, said nothing more, and stood aside silently.

"Son!" Zhang Guihong threw herself on Huo Donglin, looked at his bloodstained appearance, and burst into tears with heartache.

Huo Donglin, who was still in a coma, frowned tightly, and his body kept twisting.

Zhang Guihong cried and said, "Son, do you have something to say to mom?

Haoran, look, does your son want to tell us something?"

Huo Haoran glanced at her and scolded angrily, "Tell you shit! You pressed your son's leg!"

Zhang Guihong immediately stood up and cried, "Son, I'm sorry! I hurt you! I can't protect you, and I let you suffer so much!"

Huo Haoran scolded her impatiently, "If you keep talking like this, your son can't be saved! Hurry up and let the doctor perform surgery on your son!"

Zhang Guihong reluctantly stood up, and Huo Haoran winked at the medical staff and asked them to push his son in.

After everyone left, Zhang Guihong slapped Huo Haoran in the face and cursed with gritted teeth:

"You useless waste, you only dare to yell a few words in front of me!

I have never let my son suffer since he was a child.

Now he has suffered so much, and you just watch it?"

Huo Haoran covered his face, looked at Zhang Guihong gloomily, and said with gritted teeth:

"Zhang Guihong, that's my son too!

I feel sad and uncomfortable when he is injured!

I said it before, don't provoke Chen Xin'an for the time being, this person is not easy to deal with!

The Grand Alliance invited twelve assassins from outside, and only less than five of them were able to successfully avoid customs and come in.

Two of them are still missing, and their whereabouts are still unknown!

If my son hadn't been instigated by you, he wouldn't have become so unscrupulous!

He even dared to kill the head of the old law hall How can a group of martial arts students deal with such a person?

Now he is still alive, which is a blessing... "

Zhang Guihong pointed at him and cursed: "Huo Haoran, are you still a man!

People beat your son like this, and you are still grateful that they saved your son's life!

I, Zhang Guihong, married a coward like you, which is really a bloody misfortune for eight lifetimes!

My son has a father like you, and he was born in the wrong family!

Forget it, your Huo family is more cowardly than the other, and there is no man in the whole family!

Being bullied by others, you dare not even fart!

I can't count on you Huo family to avenge my son.

Let my Zhang family take action! "

As he spoke, a black Lexus came speeding, and the people entering and leaving the emergency room were scared and dodged one after another, and the chickens and dogs flew around.

The Lexus stopped behind the BMW, and several people got off from it.

Behind the middle-aged couple, there was a driver and a secretary supporting an old lady with a dragon-headed cane!

"Dad, Mom!" Huo Haoran hurried over and walked to the old lady and said, "Why did you ask grandma to come here? She's so old!"

The people who came were Huo Yudong, the president of Qianfeng Group, and his wife Cui Chunyu.

The old lady was Huo Yudong's mother, He Huilian.

Huo Yudong looked gloomy and asked him, "Your grandson was almost beaten to death. How can your grandma sit at home? How is my grandson now?" Huo Haoran lowered his head and said, "He has just been pushed in for rescue. We don't know the situation yet..." Huo Yudong raised his hand and slapped him in the face and cursed, "I told you to send Leopard to protect Donglin a long time ago. You are a coward and you dare not let him go! I warn you, my grandson's life is more valuable than you, a bastard! If anything happens to him, I will only ask you!" "What nonsense are you talking about here, you bastard!" He Huilian came over with a stern face and cursed Huo Yudong: "Whether it is a grandson or a great-grandson, they are all children of my Huo family. They are all my flesh and blood. No one can get into trouble!" "Grandma!" Zhang Guihong came over crying and said to He Huilian, "I saw Donglin's injury just now. He was shot in one leg! I am afraid that even if I can save his life, Donglin will... maybe be a cripple in the future..." Bang! Cui Chunyu slapped the BMW car next to her, and the thick car window glass was smashed to pieces.

No one expected that this skinny and short woman could have such great strength. She was obviously a master of ancient martial arts!

Cui Chunyu said with a gloomy face: "Is it that Chen Xin'an who did it?"

The son and daughter-in-law nodded.

Cui Chunyu gritted his teeth and cursed: "What a courageous bitch!

I will crush him to ashes!

Leopard, call someone, go and avenge my grandson now! "

"Wait a minute!" He Huilian said: "If Chen Xin'an was so easy to deal with, the major alliance would have succeeded long ago.

There can be no chaos now, revenge must be avenged, but don’t take it for granted! "

Cui Chunyu, who has always had a fiery temperament, could not betray anyone in the Huo family, but he did not dare to disobey his mother-in-law.

So he immediately lowered his head and said, "I understand, Mom, I will listen to your arrangements."

Zhang Guihong came over, pushed the secretary away, supported He Huilian and said, "Grandma, sit down first, let's discuss it slowly, don't be tired."

She knew very well that the real person in charge of the Huo family was the old lady in front of her.

So she often showed her courtesy in front of the old lady, and the relationship between the grandfather and grandson was very good.

Zhang Guihong knew that the Huo family was here today only because of the He family's help.

It's just that the He family's forces are all in Outer Harbor, which has just returned to China for only twenty years.

It is not well-known in the mainland, so it has been ignored by mainlanders.

How powerful is the He family?

But it can be said that in front of the He family, the so-called wealthy families are all younger brothers and are not worth mentioning at all!

Outside the operating room, the old lady He Huilian was sitting on a chair, and everyone else was standing in front of her.

As the leading crutch hit the ground hard, He Huilian said with a gloomy face:

"Since the old man left, the Huo family has never thought of being so useless today!

First the second child, then the fifth child, and then the third child.

Everyone in the Huo family was bullied by the same person, but until now they are helpless against each other!

There's no use counting on the big leagues.

We take revenge ourselves!

But if this person wants to move, he will go straight to death!

Let him lose his virginity once and don't give him a chance to regret it! "

Huo Yudong looked at the old lady and asked, "Mom, do you want to invite me to worship?"

Cui Chunyu took out his mobile phone and said, "Mom, how about I call home now?"

Shaking her head, He Huilian said to Cui Chunyu: "You, your temper has not changed at all after so many years, and you are still so impatient!

Everything must be planned, you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry! "

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