Chu Liangxin brought out dish after dish with all kinds of color, fragrance and taste.

She was wearing an apron, walking briskly, her mouth was smiling, and her eyes were shining with excitement and happiness.

This is like a housewife, and she is also a beautiful girl!

From her, at this moment, one can see virtuousness, gentleness, intelligence, etc.!

The servants outside the side hall who hadn't left and were waiting to be ordered by Chu Liangxin at any time, all stared wide-eyed when they saw this scene.

In their view.

This scene is amazing!

As the daughter of Manglong Ancient City, Chu Liangxin usually behaves like that?

After they finished cooking, the other party basically devoured it for a while and then practiced penance or went out to kill the enemy!

most of the time.

When eating, Chu Liangxin would basically be wearing a battle armor, full of murderous aura!

For Chu Liangxin, these servants are a little afraid from the bottom of their hearts!

But they never thought that Chu Liangxin would have such a virtuous side!

Looking at the dishes on the table, it's pretty good!

Although it's still not as good as the chef next to him who is dedicated to serving Chu Liangxin!

"Try it!"

Chu Liangxin put the bowl and chopsticks in front of Lin Tian, ​​and said expectantly.

The beauties are so kind, and if Lin Tian shows her kindness, she will feel very sorry!

He took a few bites with his chopsticks and praised: "It's delicious! can cook, and it's so delicious!"

It's really good!

Although it has not reached the level of a chef, it is better than many people.

What's more, this is Chu Liangxin, the daughter of Manglong Ancient City, who lives under the shadow of swords and swords on weekdays. ,

When did you learn cooking?

Lin Tian glanced at the other party in surprise, then pointed to the side and said: "Sit down and eat together! I feel uncomfortable when you watch me eat like this! But... how do you have time to secretly learn cooking skills? Your situation... At least from what I've seen and heard, you usually either practice hard in Manglong City, or go to sea to experience and fight!"

"Hey... I'm going out, and I have to eat, right? I can't bring a cook with me, right? So, most of the time when I'm out, I can only do it myself! Especially in many deserted islands or sea areas , can’t find a hotel!”

Chu Liangxin took a bite of the dish, then rested his chin, staring at Lin Tian with his beautiful eyes shining brightly.

Hearing the praise of her craftsmanship, she was in a good mood, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was as bright as a flower.

"If you like it, I will make it for you myself in the future!"

Chu Liangxin, who was staring at Lin Tian, ​​added.

Lin Tian fell silent.

After a long time, he said seriously: "If you can do it, I don't mind!"

"I... I can definitely do it!"

Chu Liangxin's eyes brightened and he was extremely excited.

She thought that Lin Tian really wanted to be with her.

But think about it too.

What kind of power and wealth would it be if Lin Tian entered this huge Manglong ancient city?

It's hard for a man to refuse!

A beautiful wife, a transcendent identity, unimaginable wealth...all of these, who can resist!


Lin Tian's calm and indifferent attitude made Chu Liangxin like it even more!

What's more, the first sight can make her heart flutter, where can I find such a man!

It's just that she doesn't understand what Lin Tian said if she can do it!

Lin Tian didn't continue to explain.

He is going to leave after all.

If Chu Liangxin really liked him, she would definitely try her best to keep up with him.

Instead of forcing him to stay here.


Lin Tian and Chu Liangxin left the other courtyard and went to the palace garden.

Chu Hao still sat there cross-legged, closing his eyes and meditating.

Seeing the two people coming, he opened his eyes, and said to Chu Liangxin dotingly: "It's rare to cook by yourself, this kid is lucky! You haven't even cooked for Dad yet!"

It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay!

Chu Hao was very powerless.

He can also see that his daughter is sincere to Lin Tian!

He really couldn't bear to separate the two!

This life.

He is already content to be able to cultivate to the Golden Core Realm.

The only worry is his own daughter.

He doesn't extravagantly expect his daughter to reach a high level of cultivation, but even more so that she can condense golden pills, gather nascent souls, break gods, and even ascend to immortality. He only hopes that she will live a happy life, even if it is... killing people and stealing goods, he doesn't care!

He has also lived for hundreds of years, so life and death are already insignificant!


Chu Liangxin's pretty face blushed, and there was a hint of coquettishness in her tone.

"Okay... I want to talk to little brother Lin Tian, ​​you go down first!"

Chu Hao sighed and waved to Chu Liangxin.

Chu Liangxin was a little worried about this.

But thinking that her father was helping herself and not stopping her from being with Lin Tian, ​​she walked out of the garden with some reluctance.

"Please sit down!"

Chu Hao pointed to the opposite position, and said to Lin Tian, ​​"Do you study medicine?"

"Know a thing or two!"

Lin Tian took a seat across from him politely, and smiled: "I have studied medicine with my master since I was a child, and it's nothing to worry about! So if you have a cultivation level like yours, I can tell that there is something strange on your body! "

The tone of these words is great!

There are not many experts in medicine who dare to say that the living dead are human flesh and bones!

It's even rarer to be so young like Lin Tian!

Chu Hao narrowed his eyes, and said in surprise: "Little guy, what you said is a bit too much! But I don't care about these things, so why don't you tell me what's wrong with me first? As for you and my daughter The old man will have a good talk with you again!"

"The way of cultivating immortals, you should know a lot of common sense! I won't go into details. Your on your natal magic weapon!"

Lin Tian looked at Chu Hao with a half-smile, and said lightly.

This word.

Chu Hao's old face suddenly changed drastically.

Because what Lin Tian said about the problem happened to be right.

It is his talisman!

He already knew what the problem was, but he just didn't care.

At first, that is, when he just stepped into the early stage of Jindan, he thought it was just a crack in his dantian caused by refining his natal magic weapon and improper cultivation!

The rift was getting bigger every day, and he began to work hard to repair and heal.

Unfortunately all to no avail.

He thought about replacing the talisman, but as soon as it was implemented, the dantian was further cracked, and it seemed to be showing signs of complete collapse.

This scared Chu Hao to stop quickly!

Later...until he got the antidote for relief, he didn't know that he was... calculated!

It's just that it's too late!

For the sake of his daughter, he had to accept that person's coercion, almost becoming half of the other party's puppet!

Also because of the crack in his dantian, he hasn't done anything outside for hundreds of years!

"Who are you? How do you know that I'm sick? And, how do you know that the problem lies in the magic weapon of fate!"

Chu Hao stared intently at Lin Tian, ​​wanting to see the answer from the latter's face.

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