Xiao Jin burrowed into the planet and disappeared.

This made everyone present stunned.

They wanted to see if the planet was dangerous, but Xiaojin was safe.

But in the end, it also drilled into the planet's underground.

What's wrong with the bottom?

Wuma Tieyu and the others all showed doubts on their faces.

Lin Tian also froze on the spot: "What is it going to do?"

at this time.

He could still vaguely sense Xiao Jin's existence.

No danger was encountered!

It shows that there is no danger on these planets for the time being.

"What's the situation now? Is Xiaojin still there?"

Mo Xiaomo asked hurriedly.

Lin Tian nodded: "It's fine now! It's just that there are things on this planet that attract it? After all, it's a deserted planet with no life, it shouldn't be!"

Although some planets, even if they are deserted, there are still countless treasures in the depths.

But the planet in front of me is too small.

It is impossible to have any precious treasures.

But Xiaojin's reaction like this shows that there are unusual things on the planet.

"No danger? Then let's go up and have a look!"

Mondo couldn't hold it anymore, he shouted excitedly, and at the same time stepped towards the planet that Xiaojin was flying to.

This planet is the closest to the stone pillar.

Visually, the distance is only about one kilometer at most.

Although one kilometer may seem far away, compared to the huge stone pillars, this kilometer is very close.

For such an existence as Mundo, it is nothing.

After a few steps in the air, he swept over the planet.

This guy is also bold enough, and he is not afraid of the existence of powerful restrictions during this period.

Fortunately, there is no danger.

"Why don't we go and see?"

Wuma Yanran also looked curiously at this time, looked at her father Wuma Tieyu and said.

"In that case, let's go and see..."

Wuma Tieyu shook his head helplessly, and smiled wryly.

Others are also eager to try.

Lin Tian smiled lightly: "It's not too late! And behind, look at the group of corpse-picking mosquitoes, and they won't chase after them!"


Everyone is on the planet.

down to earth.

There is no vitality on it, and it is desolate and dead.

Only the sand flies away from the rocks, and the wind howls.

Everyone wandered around the vicinity, but there was nothing but barren mountains, sand and stones, and smoke and wind.

Finally, everyone came to the place where Xiao Jin disappeared.

There was a pit the size of a fist.

And inside the pit is a hole.

Lin Tian's consciousness extended inward, but after more than ten meters, he couldn't detect it.

Down, there are.

It shows that Xiaojin drilled very deep!

"What is it going to do?"

Mo Xiaomo said in astonishment. ,

Lin Tian was also very puzzled and could only shake his head.

The others scratched their heads, even more puzzled.

But everyone looked at Lin Tian and decided to wait here.


After about a stick of incense, there was a loud noise spreading under the feet, and the whole planet shook slightly.

But only for a moment.

Soon it will be calm again!

"This planet was moving just now, what's going on?"

Everyone was astonished and subconsciously backed away.

Lin Tian also became nervous.

He said to Mo Xiaomo and Wuma Tieyu: "Why don't we go back to the stone pillar first?"

Everyone looked at each other, ready to leave.

After all, no one knows what is inside this planet.

If danger erupts.

If you retreat again, it may be too late.

The few planets in front of me may be real planets, but maybe they are... maybe the condensed place of the restriction?

But not yet.


A golden light flashed.

It was Xiao Jin who flew out of the pit.

It is still full of golden light.

But at this time.

But there is also a faint fiery red, and the fire is lingering.

"What's this?"

Seeing Xiao Jin's changes, Lin Tian was extremely puzzled.

But at the same time.

The fire light on Xiaojin's body, as well as that faint breath, he felt very familiar no matter what.

Just didn't remember what it was for a while.

Wuma Tieyu and the others were even more puzzled, wondering what Xiaojin encountered when he entered the planet.

"It's the star core! It's the star core! This guy has devoured the energy of the star core!"

Mo Xiaomo's eyes brightened, and she shouted in surprise.

star core?

Wuma Tieyu and others were astonished.

They have all heard of the star core, but this kind of existence is located in the core of the Tianyu planet, and they dare not even think about getting it.

Lin Tian's eyes lit up at this time, and he was also surprised: "This is an asteroid, how could there be a star core! Not to mention a deserted planet! Generally large planets, if you want to get their star core, even if it is an immortal king Among them, it is also very difficult to get! But this kind of asteroid is relatively easy to get!"

"Generally only mature giant planets have star cores!"

Mo Xiaomo was also very puzzled, but he still said happily: "But it seems that we are lucky!"

"Maybe it's related to the Pillar of the Earth, or it's also related to the law of the wind? Anyway, let's take advantage of this time to get the star core!"

Lin Tian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

The star core is very precious, one of the top treasures!

Very much for practitioners, in order to increase the power of their magic weapons, they will more or less add top-level star cores!

But Lin Tian didn't intend to integrate the star core into his flying sword.

That is the supreme magic sword refined by Yaoru Xiaotianshu, and the grade of this star core is relatively low-level.

And the star core has other great uses, such as refining defensive armor, or for Xiaojin or Mo Xiaomo to temper their physique, even if it is used for tempering their physique, it is no problem!

As for cultivating, it can also be used.

But that is a bit of a waste of the original role of the star core.

Because if you use it to cultivate, the cultivation level that can be improved is relatively limited!

As one of the top treasures in the world, the star core is very rare!

"Dig out the planet and get the star core!"

Lin Tian took a deep breath and said firmly.

Wuma Tieyu and the others looked at each other without speaking.

Lin Tian has the final say in front of them, they can only cooperate.

"Friend Lin, what do we need to do?"

Wuma Tieyu said politely to Lin Tian.

"No need! Just watch from the side! At the same time, it's best to pay attention to whether those corpse-picking mosquitoes will follow, or if there are other dangers..."

Lin Tian waved his hand and said.

He let the crowd disperse.

Then he sacrificed the flying sword, and began to dig around the hole in the ground that Xiaojin drilled.

Planets are not much different from Earth rocks.

Yaoru Xiaotian Feijian is like cutting tofu, it cuts the ground very easily.

A passage that could allow several people to get in at the same time was gradually dug open by Feijian.

At the same time, Lin Tian repeatedly confirmed whether the passage was strong.

Because when he comes down, he still needs to go deep into the planet.

If you want to get the star core, you have to go deep into the interior of the planet!

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