Urban: One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Chapter 147: Remember your promise. Love you sister

Before Tang Wanqing finished speaking, Tang Wanyu's pretty face stiffened, and quickly reached out her hand to cover Tang Wanqing's mouth.

She smiled awkwardly: "Don't, sister, can't sister be scared?

Just for fun, don't take it seriously. "

Although they are a few years apart, the sisters are very close.

Facing Tang Wanqing, she really had no secrets at all.

If this is spread out, then she must not be ashamed.

And she knew very well that this little girl was angry with her film, but she really did it.

"Hmph, no matter, I'm angry." Tang Wanqing didn't buy it.

"My good sister, how can you not be angry?" Tang Wanyu smiled.

"Please have my brother Ye eat a good meal, don't embarrass him, I will let you go this time."

"Yeah, it's for your brother Ye Xiu again, they haven't recognized you yet."

"You don't need to worry about this!"

"Okay, okay. My sister promised you.

But the test must have a cutscene, otherwise I can't explain it to my parents. "


After a while.

The private room door opens.

Tang Wanyu and Tang Wanqing walked in hand in hand.

The two smiled like flowers, and they couldn't see how they had just gone through a struggle.

The presidential box is richly decorated and the room is spacious.

On the table top with red cloth, the dishes of Lijiang Hotel are already set up.

Next to it was the Romane Conti red wine specially brought by Tang Wanyu.

The light is warm and the atmosphere is adjusted just right.

Well, the kind that is suitable for dating.

"Well, the environment is pretty good."

Tang Wanyu fluffed her long hair elegantly and sat down at the table. The waiter quickly opened the red wine and poured a glass for the three of them.

Tang Wanyu stretched out her slender and long fingers to pinch the goblet, straightened her chest elegantly, and smiled.

"I heard that my little brother also runs a company? You can still open Lyken. I must have drunk a lot of this 900,000 red wine, right?"

"Usually, I drank it once."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "It's easy to drink alcohol. I usually rarely drink alcohol."

"Oh? Only once?"

Tang Wanyu smiled sullenly: "Did you spend all your money on buying sports cars?

Or is it that the little brother is a soft guy, who gets drunk when he drinks?

You know, men can't drink, but they can't know how to drink.

I don't care about other men's men, but my sister's man must be able to drink.

How about you? "


Tang Wanyu shook her body.

"What's the matter with you?" Ye Xiu was taken aback. Seeing Tang Wanyu's arrogant face just now, it was suddenly a little distorted.

The red wine in the goblet was almost spilled.

Forcibly strained his face.

"No, it's okay, maybe the chair is unstable."

After Tang Wanyu finished speaking, she glanced sideways at Tang Wanqing, who was happily eating a big meal next to her.

The other hand reached out to his calf and rubbed it.

This little girl, dare to kick me!

For the sake of a brat, don't you even want my sister!

Looking down, Tang Wanqing was holding her mobile phone, and the screen of her mobile phone was sneaking towards her under the table.

Above is a photo.

A photo of Tang Wanyu taking a bath.


Tang Wanyu was angry instantly.

Stinky girl, even sneaked a photo of me!

Tang Wanqing flicked the screen while eating, and a few words appeared.

"Remember your promise. I love you, sister."

Tang Wanyu: "..."

"Are you really okay?" Ye Xiu asked again.

"It's okay, I didn't sit firmly just now."

Tang Wanyu twitched the corners of her mouth, then stood up holding the goblet and stepped on her high heels and walked to Ye Xiu's side.

Smiled and said: "Actually, I'm joking. It doesn't matter whether you can drink or not. What's important is to have a heart that loves my sister.

Come on, a toast? "

The body is slightly bent, the collarbone is charming, and the body smells fragrant.

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