Urban: One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Chapter 175: May I ask which beauty does not love machos?

Walking into the gym, you will see rows of fitness equipment.

The gymnasium has a large area and has all kinds of fitness equipment.

And there are many handsome men and beautiful women, all enjoying the fun of fitness.

A handsome man with explosive muscles and a beautiful girl in tights.

Hormonal enthusiasm filled the air.

And now the gym is more than just a place for fitness.

It is also a place where beautiful women find handsome men, and handsome men slap beautiful women.

May I ask which beauty does not love machos?

Seeing the strong muscles, the body is soft, okay?

Of course, the beauties will not automatically go to the door.

But to make yourself stronger.

Work hard to keep fit.

The macho comes uninvited!

If you are strong, you are really strong.

However, there are always some unsocial and silly actions that make people laugh.

With a casual glance, Ye Xiu saw the treadmill on one side.

There was a black buddy who drove the treadmill as fast as he could and ran on it.

While running wildly, I didn't forget to bend my right arm and show my muscles frantically to the girl next to me.

As a result, the girl didn't even look at it.

"Brother, I'm going to find the person in charge to settle the salary, thank you."

"Well, well, you go."

Zhao Huihui smiled sweetly and walked away reluctantly.

"Yeah, Brother Ye, it's been a long time since I saw you."

A fitness buddy at the counter recognized Ye Xiu at a glance.

After all, Ye Xiu came often when he was in college, and there are many old acquaintances here.

"Well, come and have a look."

"Oh, what's the matter, are you thinking about it?"

The fit fitness buddies stepped forward and laughed.

"It's not that my buddies said you, the figure you trained before is simply perfect.

It's perfect to get a fitness trainer.

He was handsome and in good shape.

Which one of those beauties can withstand?

As a result, you must not do it.

Hey, see?

Do you regret it? "

"Go to the side, I'm just passing by, come in and have a look."

Ye Xiu punched him and said with a smile.

Liu Gang, also a student of Yan University.

The Jiale fitness card that Ye Xiu applied for three years ago.

It's a good fitness partner.

But later, Ye Xiu was busy with his studies, so fewer came.

But Liu Gang persisted.

You know, although Liu Gang is 1.8 meters tall, he grew fat at the beginning.

Belongs to the kind that looks not only fat, but also fierce.

The girl was scared when they saw it, let alone struck up a conversation.

But after three years of fitness exercise.

Liu Gang's temperament has a qualitative leap.

It is said that fat people are potential stocks.

This sentence is very suitable for Liu Gang.

Stick to fitness for three years.

Today's Liu Gang is very well-proportioned in height and weight.

Neither fat nor thin, get rid of fat, the muscles that attract the eye all over the body.

After losing weight, his face also became handsome and confident.

I don't know how many girls have been teased in the gym.

It can be said that Liu Gang has reached the pinnacle of life through fitness.

Of course, compared to Ye Xiu at the beginning, it was still a little bit worse.

Well, it's a little worse.

The height and appearance are all inferior.

But it does not prevent the two from having a good relationship.

Ye Xiu is also very happy to see old friends now.

"Brother Ye, what did you do after graduation?

I heard that there was a top beauty president at the school gate who wanted to take care of you, but you didn't even go.

Where did you get rich? "Liu Gang asked curiously.

This incident has spread all over the campus of Yan University, and almost everyone has heard of it.

They were also very surprised at Ye Xiu's decision.

Liu Gang is naturally the same.

"Nothing, usually go shopping, do some charity, very simple life."

Ye Xiu smiled casually.

"Nice." Liu Gang glanced at Ye Xiu deeply.

Since Ye Xiu didn't want to say more, he naturally didn't ask much.

Can it be such a simple life to be able to refuse a job with a monthly salary of 100,000?

Niubi is over.

"By the way, Brother Ye, I happen to have something to go out. You will do it for me for a while.

I'll treat you back! "

"no problem."

After speaking, Liu Gang rushed to a group of people not far away and shouted: "Let this handsome guy teach you first.

I'll be back soon. "

Obviously, Liu Gang is already the fitness coach here.

ps: It's changed, let's add a few more supporting roles, I can't stand it anymore, my brain hurts.

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