Urban: One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Chapter 193: Is it the car you called?

Through Liu Wenyue, Ye Xiu has been planning public welfare undertakings.

Visiting lonely elderly people is the next project.

So Ye Xiu agreed without even thinking about it.

"Yes, I have time today, you go first, send me an address, I will be there soon."

"Okay President Ye."

Hanging up, Ye Xiu went out.

The butler stood at the door and smiled and said, "Sir, the car you ordered is right at the door."


When I walked out of the Qi Palace, I saw a simple and unpretentious-Beijing Hyundai not far away.

Yes, Beijing Hyundai with a total price of no more than 200,000 yuan.

Because Ye Xiu thinks driving a sports car every day is too eye-catching.

Those little sisters are throwing into their arms one by one, which can't stand it.

More importantly, the prestige is almost full.

Ye Xiu was very distressed.

Being rich and handsome is really a sin sometimes.

Therefore, Ye Xiu felt that he had to keep a low profile.

Beijing Hyundai, which drives more than 100,000 yuan, should be about the same.

You can also run Didi and send a few passengers for free.

By the way, grab a wave of rewards.


Open the door and sit in.

Well, the cushion is a bit hard.

The backrest is also uncomfortable.

It's really not comparable to a sports car.

But Ye Xiu is not the kind of person who swells when he has money.

Not that picky either.

A car is a car and is used to drive.

Millions and tens of millions of cars, and hundreds of thousands of cars.

In his opinion, the essence is the same.

The seat is hard, just turn around and put a cushion on it.

"Di, you have a new order."

As soon as I got in the car and opened the car rental software, I heard the prompt tone.


Press OK.

Ye Xiu looked at the location.

Not far away.

Start the car and drove towards the destination.


One block away.

A reporter standing on the side of the road with a microphone is watching the road back and forth.

There was a photographer next to him.

This person is Xiao Wang.

Today he specially came to the side of the road to interview the Didi driver's life.

He felt that the express and Didi drivers were similar, so he chose Didi drivers.

It's also easier to encounter.

And Ye Xiu's car happened to be called by him.

Ready to make a long visit.

While there is still time.

As soon as a taxi stopped on the side of the road, Xiao Wang stepped forward and asked.

"Hello, I am a reporter, can I interview you?"

"No, I'm busy picking up guests."

After speaking, he left.

But Xiao Wang persevered.


"Hello, how long does it take you to run Didi?"

"Ten hours a day, sometimes I can't pick up guests, just wait for one day, it's always difficult.

But I still have to persist in order to live. "

"Then how much can you earn in a month?"

"This span is huge.

When there are many guests, it can reach six or seven thousand.

When there are few guests, three or four thousand is good.

Of course, if you want to earn more, you have to run longer.

Sometimes meals are ordered to be taken out, or bought on the side of the road, and then eaten in the car. "

"It's not easy."

Listening to the words of the Didi driver, Xiao Wang felt the same.

Yes, life is not easy, move forward and cherish.

Like him, every day, he is afraid of being fired.

Unexpectedly, Didi drivers also had such a miserable life.

"I won't tell you, I'm going to pick up the guests." After saying that, the driver of Didi drove away.

"Well, today's record is almost complete."

Xiao Wang looked at the location on his phone: "The car I ordered is coming soon.

Next, let's have one last long visit, and it's almost complete. "

He is doing serious interviews and collecting life materials.

But he didn't know that his media interview was not a popular category at all.

It was already in the pit dug by the supervisor.

No matter how he does it, how well he does it.

All are destined to be fired.

The report program of the interview will not be adopted.


Soon, a Beijing Hyundai drove over.

Xiao Wang was right to the license plate number, and beckoned to Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu stopped, opened the door, smiled and said, "Is it the car you called?"

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