Urban: One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Chapter 246: Oh my god! How can someone be so dark?

Yachuan Music Store and Lijia Music Store are several blocks away.

There is no conflict in business.

But Gu Yi, the owner of Yachuan Musical Music Store, fell in love with Li Ruohan, the daughter of the owner of Lijia Musical Music Store.

But Li Ruohan didn't like him, which angered the careful Gu Yi.

Three days ago, Gu Yi, on behalf of Yachuan Qin Xing, made a statement against Li Jia Qin Xing.

The two music firms competed.

Everyone will let the pianist in his own piano shop take action and compete.

The winner will add a lot of fame to the music store.

Losers tend to have poor business.

Therefore, the music store takes this challenge extremely seriously.

And this afternoon, it was time for the battle.

Now Gu Yi sees Ye Xiu playing tunes before Li's Qin trip, attracting tourists?

Heh, I offended Gu Yi, and still want to do business well?

Don't even think about it!


Without a word, Gu Yi crossed several streets and walked towards Li Jiaqin with people.

In fact, Gu Yi is not too old.

At the age of twenty-five and sixteen, being able to open a piano shop also means that he has some money.

But the image is not very good.

Put the ugly aside first.

It's people, it's so **** black.

Extremely black!

Turn off the lights, the kind that even people can't see.

The surrounding businesses suspected that Gu Yizu was not an African mixed race.

Think about it.

In broad daylight, a black ball comes over and smiles at you.

Bare a mouthful of white teeth.

Black and white, thieves are horrible.

The surrounding businesses were scared by this guy several times at night.

This is also the reason why Li Ruohan would rather not agree to associate with Gu Yi.

If this is to get married and have children in the future, don’t you have to give birth to a briquettes?

Don't my Li family want face?


In front of Li's piano shop.

Ye Xiu made everyone intoxicated with beautiful music.

The flexible beating of both hands is even more beautiful.


Many people were surprised by it.

Isn't that the same for piano masters?

I thought it was just a little brother who knew how to play the piano to show off his skills.

As a result, I found out that the other party seemed to be a piano master.

This technique, this intonation, is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

They are not the only ones who think so.

Even now standing in front of the piano shop.

Li Ruohan, who was wearing a black dress on the right side of Ye Xiu, and his father also thought so.

They are all people who deal with pianos all year round, and there is a piano master in the shop.

In contrast, Ye Xiu's technique is completely at the level of a master!

Even faintly made them feel that they are still above the master!

For a moment, Li Ruohan and his father's eyes became excited.

A piano master plays piano music in front of their shop.

This is a great honor for the store.

Look in front of the store again.

The flow of people has risen directly from dozens of people to hundreds of people.

Enclosed completely in front of the piano shop.

The effect seems to be better than the drainage effect of the piano master in the store.

If you keep him.

The business in the store must be hot!


Keep him!

The father and daughter looked at each other, and their hearts were bright.

Also at this time.

The crowd was suddenly pushed away.

Seven or eight people squeezed into the crowd.

"Get out of the way!"

"Get out of here!"

A bunch of little brothers spoke in front.

The person who had been squeezed away was about to say a few words, but he shut up when he saw that the other party was coming fiercely.

Ready to eat melon to watch the excitement.

Obviously someone is looking for something.

Finally, Gu Yi showed up and left and walked in swaggeringly.

The crowd was surprised.

Oh my god!

How can someone be so dark?

You just came back from the coal mine, right?

"Gu Yi!" Li Ruohan saw the person's face change.

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