Urban: One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Chapter 329: Now, I learned from this novel, it's easy to use

A restaurant not far from the street stall.

It belongs to the kind that is located close to the university and has good quality and low price.

Li Qilin pays for the treat.

It can be seen.

Although she knew Ye Xiu was rich, Li Qilin did not forget about it.

Ye Xiu is rich and has nothing to do with her.

Being able to have dinner in an ordinary street restaurant is a true portrayal of her.

However, Li Qilin is somewhat embarrassed to let a rich man come to eat a street restaurant.

"Brother Ye, I'm not a local tyrant like you, and I'm in a five-star restaurant.

Please come to a street restaurant to have a meal, you don't want to beat me in your heart, do you? "

After getting out of the car, Li Qilin joked as she walked.

"Don't worry, I, Ye Xiu, are not such a superficial person."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "I am also a graduate of Yan University, and I have been to all the restaurants around here."

"Have you all been here?"

Li Qilin was surprised: "I can't tell, you are quite low-key."

During the conversation between the two, they walked into a barbecue restaurant.

"Does the boss still have a place?"

The weather has just cooled down a bit recently, and there are more night owls coming out at night than before.

The two stood at the door and glanced, and the small restaurant was full.

"Let's go, go to the next one."

Ye Xiu smiled, and the two turned around to change places.

"Wait a moment."

At this moment, suddenly a tender and cute voice sounded from behind.

The two turned around and looked down.

A girl about five or six years old with two goat horn pigtails was standing there, looking up at the two.

With a chubby face, he asked in a straightforward tone: "Big brother and big sister, are you going to have barbecue?"

The crisp voice is lovely to listen to.

Li Qilin pursed her lips, bent down, and blinked her eyes and said, "That's right."

The little girl said: "Then please come in, I'm busy inside, I'll greet you."

"It doesn't seem to work."

Li Qilin shook her head like a child and responded: "Your store is full, and there are no seats."

"Is that so?"

The little girl looked back at the restaurant, and suddenly stretched out her finger to an empty table not far away and said.

"Sister, you can sit there!"


Ye Xiu and Li Qilin looked up, and there was indeed an empty table over there.

However, there are a lot of food on the table, it should be that the guests left temporarily because of something, and they also left a reminder card.

It says: Single dogs leave temporarily, please do not take meals.

Extraordinarily fresh and refined and eye-catching.

This... bullying single dogs?

It seems not so good.

"Wait for me, I'll be right back!"

Just when someone just walked out of the restroom of the restaurant.

The little girl took a chicken drumstick, quickly finished it, and then walked to the table with the single dog sign.

Cautiously, the thief slowly put the chicken leg bones on the table.

The man who had just walked out of the bathroom was still admiring the restaurant's creativity.

There are actually reminders specially designed for single dogs.

In this way, there is no need to worry about going back to the bathroom, the table is occupied by a couple and feeding dog food appears.

Look at those couples, relying on the number of people, you know that you are bullying single dogs.

Is it good for single dogs to have human rights?

Hey, the restaurant is very sweet, come again next time!


As soon as I walked out, I saw the little girl's movements.

? ? ?

"Little sister, what are you doing?"

The man smiled kindly and walked over.

This is the boss's daughter, not a thief, so he is not angry.

How can you be angry if you are so cute.

Walking over, the man smiled and asked the girl: "Why are you putting bones on my table?"


The little girl didn't speak at first, and finished the second chicken leg in her mouth.

Then he held the bone in his little hand and made the gesture to be handed to the man.

Mengmeng said: "I'll give you bones to eat."

"Bones? Why should I eat bones?" the man asked doubtfully.

"Didn't you write it? Single dog!"

The girl pointed at the sign next to her, stretched out her hand and scratched her hair.

Make a thinking statement: "Isn't it written on it?

Single dogs leave, please do not accept meals.

Although I don't know what a single dog is.

But it's always true that dogs love to eat bones.

Especially chicken thigh bones.

Uncle, don't talk about anything else in my shop.

Enough bones!

You open up and eat.

No money! "

The smile on the man's face froze directly.

What's your special... Isn't a single dog a real dog?

The man felt an arrow in his heart.

Although the little girl's understanding is not right.

But it can be seen.

The little girl is very concerned about single dogs.


Single dogs are really miserable.

It's too difficult to be filled with dog food everywhere.

Thought of this.

The man touched the girl's head with a sigh on his face.

Seriously: "Thank you, little girl.

I don't need you to feed the bones.

But you also have to remember to care more about single dogs.

Because single dogs are the rarest species in the world.

It's really miserable to live..."

The man said that he burst into tears, and he felt so deeply that he almost cried himself.

But just finished.

The girl cut off, "Uncle, don't you tease, okay?"

man:? ? ?

The girl directly spread her fingers and said with a serious face: "There are 1.4 billion people in the country.

Single dogs account for 500 million. You tell me it is a scarce species?

My math is not taught by my physical education teacher! "

? ? ? ?

1.4 billion people, 500 million single dogs?


This calculation seems to make sense.

The man's face turned black: "So you think single dogs should be fed dog food?"

The girl nodded cutely: "Yes, how can single dogs thrive without feeding dog food?

It's really miserable if you can't eat enough. "

God can't eat enough...

Co-authored dog food must still have to be eaten, and still have to be full?

God’s logic can’t be refuted, okay?

"Hey? Uncle, what are you doing?"

When the girl looked up, she saw the man with a dark face and began to put the rest of the barbecue into the food bag.

His face was dark and said: "Check out, pack and take away."

"Good!" The girl smiled cheerfully: "Ma Ma, guests at table 13 check out~~"


After the man settled the bill, he walked to the door with a dark face.

When passing by with Ye Xiu and Li Qilin, he glanced at them extremely viciously.

Then he ran out of the restaurant with a look of anger and sorrow.

While walking, he took out the phone and shouted at the phone.

"Mom! Get in touch with all your matchmakers!

I want to go home for a blind date! "

I have enough dog food!

I also want others to taste the taste of dog food!

Knock it in!

Ye Xiu: "..."

Li Qilin: "..."

At this moment, the girl came over and said with a smile: "Big brother and big sister, there is a place."

Li Qilin giggled: "Little sister, your routine is so deep, who did you learn from?"

"I taught myself."

The girl took her father's phone from the side and opened the tomato novel.

After opening the novel "City: One Billion for Charity Reward".

Said: "Now, I learned from this novel, it's easy to use."

Amazing little sister.

Ye Xiu gave a thumbs up from the side.

Like you!

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