Urban: One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Chapter 339: Porsche Youth, the walkie-talkie antenna that hugged the traffic police blew up

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, Porsche Youth had a knack again and wanted to run from behind.

Then began to reverse.

It just fell two meters.

An uncle who was walking on the sidewalk with a bicycle was brought down by the car.

The man rolled three times on the ground and was taken directly under the wheel of the car, where he was crushed.

The traffic policeman took a look and cursed, "Damn, in front of the traffic policeman, did you hit someone?

Deduct another three points and transfer the car away! "

The young Porsche man finally panicked.

There are wolves in front of Nima and tigers behind. Did I go out today without reading the almanac, or am I cursed?

Seeing someone being hit, Ye Xiu got out of the car and quickly ran towards the Porsche.

Because the uncle's leg was still under the car.

What's the matter, this Porsche driver is sick, right?

Drag racing with him along the way, or hit a police car or someone?


"Hurry up, come and help, lift the car!"

Ye Xiu shouted as he ran.

At this moment, I saw a figure with a yellow robe and a gray lightning uniform suddenly rushing out of the surrounding area.

Obviously it is the courier brother and the takeaway brother.

Seventy or eighty people rushed over and lifted the Porsche tires in partnership.

Take the old man out together.

"The leg was crushed, and I was taken to the hospital immediately." Ye Xiu shouted.

There was someone nearby and drove the old man to the hospital.

The people eating melons next to him repeatedly admired.

"It is said that the takeaway brother and the courier brother are a mysterious organization.

I didn't believe it before, but I believe it today.


"Usually hidden in the crowds, twisted into a rope at critical moments, the takeaway guy is awesome, the express guy is awesome!"

Everyone was impressed.

The old man was quickly taken to the hospital.

The Porsche youth next to him was also taken out of the car.

Seeing Ye Xiu walking over, he even pointed his **** arrogantly at Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu is speechless, does this man have a problem in his mind?

Then you see.

The traffic police next to him took a conversation machine and shouted at the youth: "Did you drink?

You need to test the alcohol content and blow it! "

"Comrade traffic police, I didn't drink, don't test." The young man laughed.

"You have to blow if you don't drink it!" the traffic policeman shouted.

"I really didn't drink it. Okay, I'll give it a blow."


Just see.

Porsche Youth, the walkie-talkie antenna that hugged the traffic police blew up...

Ye Xiu saw it, suddenly.

Blow at the walkie-talkie antenna, are you awesome?

You said you were the reincarnation of Marshal Tianpeng, now I believe it, okay?

After blowing, the young man smiled and said, "Look, traffic policeman, I really didn't drink.

It was obviously your car that hit my car just now, and I didn't even crash. "

"What about the one in the back?" the traffic policeman shouted, referring to the old man.

"The one at the back...I didn't see it, hehe I really didn't see it."

The youth waved their hands again and again.

"Okay, hit someone, and still don't admit it, come with us."

The traffic police reached out to catch Porsche Youth.

The young man who was smiling just now suddenly waved his hand and shouted, "Don't touch me!

Do you know who it is? "

"Who?" The traffic police asked and asked.

"Me? Haha, tell you to scare you to death!"

Don't say it yet.

Although the young man was drunk, he didn't look like he had drunk at all.

He speaks and acts like a normal person, except when testing alcohol...

But thinking about it carefully, most people don't dare to ignore the red light racing on the road like this.

Even if it's a drag racing party, it only goes back to the night.

This is broad daylight.

After a pause, the young man said: "I am, the son of the president of Wanyue Technology!

Worth one hundred million!

Do you dare to catch me? "

"One hundred million? Who do you lie to?" someone next to him suddenly interrupted and laughed.

"No?" The young man's pretense forced his cells to start to agitate.

With a confident face, he took out his mobile phone and opened his circle of friends.

There is a message on it, which he sent himself.

The message is below:

"None of us are rich second generations, we can't fight father, we can only fight hard!"

Then, the Porsche key and three sets of rooms in the fourth ring of the imperial capital were attached to the back.

The following comment from an uncle: Your father has laid enough for you.

This is a proper way of pretending to be forced by the circle of friends.

The young man laughed and said, "How about it, do you believe it?"

Many people nearby are envious and jealous.

Why are you so arrogant but so rich?

At this moment.

The young man's phone rang.

The young man took out the phone with pride.

Then he turned on the speakerphone and said with a smug look: "Hey, dad, don't have to give me money.

I'm spending enough at the moment. "

Listen, is this human?

Everyone's sour teeth hurt.

At this time.

Dad spoke on the phone.

"My son, I saw the circle of friends you posted.

I am very relieved to see you say that.

Know that you are motivated.

So I decided to take back all the cars and houses for you.

Leave it to your brother.

Dad is optimistic about you, go out and work hard, Sao Nian!

Come on! "

Toot toot...

youth:? ? ? !

Wait, what did Dad just say?

Leave the house and car to brother?

Damn it?

Then I am a pauper?

The youth woke up in an instant.

Then frantically call his dad.

The result has been shut down.

The youth panicked.

"Um, traffic police, I'll go home first, what's the matter, wait until I come back to talk about it!"

Traffic police:? ? ?

I'll talk about it when God has something to come back!

"Come down to me!"

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