Urban: One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Chapter 369: As long as you are willing to follow me, write this check as you like.

The boss quickly stopped Ye Xiu, and said with an embarrassing smile: "Isn't this just for my livelihood...

Understand and understand. "

"You don't make a living, it's your fault." Ye Xiu smiled.

"Don't worry, I promise not to be anymore in the future."

The boss slapped his chest and promised: "In order to apologize, I will give you another bowel."

"Okay, then I'm not welcome." Ye Xiu smiled.

The boss smiled and gave Ye Xiu a heart attack.

Ye Xiu waited.

At this moment.

A sloppy, unkempt man walked over.

Looking at the pancake fruit that was spreading inside, he swallowed.

Asked: "Boss, how much is a pancake fruit?"

"Five yuan a piece, add nothing, add six yuan for eggs, and add seven yuan for sausages and eggs."

The boss was honest and replied with a smile.

He asked himself, after so many years of spreading pancakes, he has never been so honest as today.

The guest must be excited and want to cry after hearing this, right?

But the words just finished.

I heard the man next to him startled and said: "What?

You want five yuan for a broken pie?

Are you stealing money? ! "

boss:? ? ? ?

People are dumbfounded.

What's going on today?

Didn't you read the almanac when you went out?

Why are they faulty?

Isn’t the pie just five yuan? The market price!

Although I cheat others, you can't bargain!

The boss snorted in his heart, and looked at the man indifferently.

"We are a good citizen. Don't grab money. A piece of cake is five yuan."

When the man heard it, he didn't intend to give up at all.

Yelled: "What good citizen, you dare to ask for five yuan for a broken cake?

I think you just want to grab money! "

The boss is impatient.

Where's the silly lack, this is already the market price, okay?

Is this a clear way to find the fault?

The boss said: "What do you want?"

When the man heard this, he paused, and said with a smile: "I just want to buy a cake.

Three yuan, okay?

The kind without eggs and intestines. "

After listening, the boss glanced at the man sideways, then sneered, "It turns out to be a poor man~"


"No, at least five yuan! Where is the cost price!"

The boss made no concessions.

He used to cheat people, he admitted.

Today is a reasonable business, and we must never give in.

The man looked at the cake inside and swallowed his saliva: "Boss, can't you just discuss it?"

The boss waved his hand: "No."


As soon as the man gritted his teeth, he seemed to have made a huge decision and exclaimed: "Five yuan is five yuan!"

"Gotta do it for you right away."

The boss smiled.

In the end, I heard the man yelling: "Five yuan, one egg and one intestine!"


"Get out of here, I won't do your business anymore! Go and go."

The boss drove people straight away.

Why are there such people in the world?

A pancake fruit has to be bargained?

The man stayed alive, and for a while, he fought against the boss.


"No, only five yuan!"

"Three dollars and five!"

"...It's only five yuan!"

"Up to four yuan, I will leave if I don't sell it!"

Boss: "Let's go"

The man does not go: "Oh, how about you?"

The two continued to compete again.

The man said every time he wanted to leave, but he did not leave.

Finally, the man grabbed Ye Xiu, then turned and said.

"Dude, you judge, how dark this person is.

A piece of cake costs... five or five yuan... money... Ye Xiu? "

As soon as the man finished speaking, he looked at the handsome face in front of him, and he was dumbfounded.

Ye Xiu was also surprised, and took a close look at the man.

Then he suddenly smiled and said, "It's Comrade Zhang Mingyang."

This man is no one else.

It was Zhang Mingyang who wanted to kill Lin Keke's cousin and was turned green again.

After that, all funds were frozen.

"Yes, yes, it's me."

Zhang Mingyang nodded repeatedly, laughed, and said shamelessly: "You also buy pancakes and fruits?

Buy me one too? "


Ye Xiu smiled and said, "Boss, make him a pancake with fruit, add an egg and an intestine.

I'll treat. "

Boss: "Good."


Zhang Mingyang's pancakes are also ready.

Zhang Mingyang followed Ye Xiu while eating.

Shy face said: "Hey, buddy.

The previous thing was that I was wrong.

I apologize to you.

In fact, we have no grudges.

It's all about me and the old woman.

Now I am down.

Can you help?

Tell me something about work.

By the way, what do you do?

Is there such a way to make big money?

Seeing you look so handsome, you must know a few rich women, right?

Or, introduce me to one?

Don't worry, I promise to repay you in the future!


Ye Xiu knew what Zhang Mingyang said.

This person's three views from his heart have been distorted.

Every day I think of the rich woman, thinking of getting rich.

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "I'm sorry.

I don't know any rich woman.

If I can't help you, I still have something to go. "

Ye Xiu continued walking forward.

But Zhang Mingyang was not reconciled.

Continue to follow Ye Xiu and say, "Impossible.

You are so handsome, you must know a few rich women.

Quick, tell me a chant.

My buddy gives you an IOU.

As long as I am up and running, I will definitely give you money.

Ok? "


Zhang Mingyang followed Ye Xiu all the way to the parking spot.

Ye Xiu couldn't be patient anymore.

Just about to let Zhang Mingyang get out.

The result is at this moment.

A voice came from nearby.

"Yeah, Zhang Mingyang, do you dare to show up?"

Zhang Mingyang's expression changed as he listened to the voice.

He heard this sound too familiar.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Lin Keke's cousin walking towards this side with a few bodyguards.

Zhang Mingyang's face changed, and he turned around to run.

The result was directly stopped by the bodyguard.


Blocked by an enemy!

Is this still alive?

Zhang Mingyang squatted on the ground and shivered.

Lin Keke's cousin glanced at Zhang Mingyang coldly: "I will settle accounts with you later!"

After speaking, he walked towards Ye Xiu with a smile.

"Little brother, don't you really plan to think about it?"

Lin Keke's cousin took out a check.

Very overbearing and proud to say.

"As long as you are willing to follow me, write this check as you like.

As long as it does not exceed 30 million, it is all yours. "

thirty million?

Zhang Mingyang, who was squatting on the ground, listened, turned his head and glanced at Lin Keke's cousin.

What a special thing, I gave him one million at the beginning!

But this kid actually said thirty million?

Why is the gap between people so big?

If you had given him 30 million.

He won't betray if he is killed!


Zhang Mingyang complained.

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