Urban: One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Chapter 456: Someone wants to steal my brother Ye?

The next day, Ye Xiu got news.

The old man of the Zhao family was arrested in the police station along with Zhao Zhishan's wife on suspicion of a major bribery case.

Waiting for the court's decision.

Zhao Mingming and Zhao Zhishan, who had just been imprisoned, were also implicated.

Zhao Mingming, who had been sentenced to 40 years in prison, added another three years.

Zhao Zhishan, who was waiting for his father to spend money to make money, was also sentenced to two and a half years.

The above requests to understand this case as soon as possible.

So the old man didn't even have the chance to move, and he was sentenced in court three days later and was sentenced to ten years in prison.

The fourth day.

A family, young and old, in a prison cell.


Zhao Zhishan looked at his father, then his wife...

The old man looked at Zhao Zhishan, and then at Zhao Mingming...

Everyone was silent for a while.

Only Zhao Mingming still grinned: "Oh, who was in court and didn't regret it?

In the end, didn't they follow in?

Grandpa, sit down.

It's a rare meeting for our family.


Father: "..." (How can I have such a stupid granddaughter!)

A slanting glance at Zhao Zhishan: "Zhishan!"

Eyes warning!


Zhao Zhishan's back was cold. Turning his head, he pointed his finger at Zhao Mingming's forehead and cursed: "You idiot!

We are all here to save you! ! "

Zhao Mingming: Oh, I don't believe it.



Inside Hangzhou People's Hospital.

Ye Xiu sat in front of the hospital bed, looked at Wang Shiyue who was sleeping, and asked a doctor from Xuanke Hospital standing next to her.

"Doctor Wang, when will this little girl recover his memory?"

Dr. Wang: “I’m not sure. I guessed that my memory will be restored in about a week.

Her brain concussion is a bit serious, if it is fast, it may take one or two months, if it is slow, it may take one or two years. "

Ye Xiu looked at Wang Shiyue, who was sleeping quietly, with a pity on his face.

At such a young age, the death of both parents, coupled with amnesia, I am afraid that the future will be difficult.

Although the little girl kept calling Ye Xiu's father.

But ask yourself, is Ye Xiu really willing to be a father?

Not so good~

My girlfriend hasn’t even talked about it yet, so I want to take a baby?

Transcend dating and become a daddy?


Just think about it.

A child, I believe it is a terrible thing for the men who have just become fathers.

What's more, Ye Xiu, a single dog?

Although Ye Xiu wanted to help her very much, it didn't seem to be convenient to take it with her.

If it doesn't work, just help her family...

Give hundreds of millions to make her life worry-free in the future?

It is more appropriate for the girl to leave it to her grandparents to take care of it.

I have a headache.

"You help me watch for a while, and I'll go out to get some breath."

Ye Xiu rubbed his head, got up and left.

As we all know, coaxing children is not only an individual effort, but also a mental effort.

Ye Xiu quickly got up and left, and walked out of the hospital to get some breath.

And he didn't know.

Just when his front foot left.

Two acquaintances walked into one on the back foot.

One big and one small.

The big figure is tall, wearing a white fringed suit skirt, head high, long hair fluttering, and full of aura.

The little one is wearing a black jk suit and small skirt, long black hair shawl, and big eyes.

Jumping around, like an elf in the dark, very cute.

One big and one small, one white and one black, and their appearance is extremely high.

When the two entered the hospital, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

One after another showed amazed eyes.

This woman is so beautiful! So domineering!

This girl is so cute and kawaii!

If Ye Xiu was inside, he would recognize these two acquaintances at a glance.

It is Lin Qingxue and Mengmeng, the long-lost female **** of war.

Mengmeng still held a white bear doll in her hand, and asked as she walked: "Mom, is Uncle Li hurt badly?

Why not get treatment in the team, but go outside to get treatment? "

Lin Qingxue's face was calm: "The conditions in the team are hard, and there are some things that are only available here."


Mengmeng's big eyes grumbled and turned, and suddenly both feet braked suddenly and stood still.

Lin Qingxue paused, turned her head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Mengmeng raised her head, clutching her abdomen, and said innocently, "I have a stomachache, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Well, go, and come to ward 211 to find me later."


Mengmeng nodded, then turned and ran all the way, turning and ran into a corridor.


Hiding at the edge of the corridor, after watching Lin Qingxue leave.

Only then stretched out the little white hand: Papa.



In a corner not far away, a young man came over immediately.

Mengmeng's big eyes gleamed with the light of wisdom, and asked: "Is the investigation clear?

Brother Ye is in this hospital? "

The young man nodded: "It's not wrong. A few days ago, he saved a little girl."

Mengmeng's eyes smiled into crescent moons: "Hehe, my brother Ye has such a kind heart!"

Then the young man continued to say: "He also fought a lawsuit over this little girl."

Mengmeng nodded: "Well, bullying the kid, this lawsuit must be helped!

Did you win in the end? "

Youth: "I won."

Mengmeng smiled: "Brother Ye is still that great? Any other news?"

Youth: "I heard that the little girl seems to be called Dad Ye Xiu."

Mengmeng:? ? ? ?

The smile on his little face stopped immediately.

"You say it again?" Mengmeng raised her head, her big eyes flashing dangerously.

The youth bit the bullet and said: "Miss, I did hear the little girl calling him father. Many people in the hospital heard it."

At this moment, the young man noticed that Mengmeng's face changed and became very fierce.

The milk is fierce.

"Someone wants to steal my brother Ye!?

no way!

Brother Ye is mine!

Which room is she in? "

Youth: "105."


Mengmeng nodded and left.

And just walked before Mengmeng.

In the other corridor, Lin Qingxue walked out and watched Mengmeng leave.

The young man ran over immediately, bowed, took the initiative to admit his mistakes, and said grievances: "My lord, the lady is here to see Ye Xiu, she won't let me tell you~~~"

Lin Qingxue pursed her mouth slightly and smiled and said, "It's okay, can I not know her little flower intestines?

It's okay and suddenly want to visit my comrades with me.

Ha ha. "

The youth was ashamed: "The young lady..."

"Let her go."

Lin Qingxue turned around, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Anyway, this is the last time she went out this year."

The young man smiled bitterly: Miss, it's not that I don't help you, we really can't play adults~~~

Lin Qingxue who was walking in front suddenly said, "Xiao Yan!"

The young man immediately stood at attention: "Here!"

"Go back 10 kilometers off-road with a heavy load! Don't eat for three days!"

Xiao Yan: ∑(っ°Д°;)っ! ?

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