Urban: One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Chapter 575: Zhang Wenyuan: Second Uncle, I was asked to resign

Downstairs at the door.

The old drivers stood on the steps carrying Zhang Wenyuan.

Zhang Wenyuan looked down and panicked: "What are you doing?"

The old drivers laughed and said: "No, just let you see, come, you said, how many steps are there in this step?"

Zhang Wenyuan: "How many and how many levels does it matter to me?"

The old driver smiled and said, "It's really your business. How many levels are related to how painful you fell."

Zhang Wenyuan:? ? ?

Then, just as Zhang Wenyuan was bewildered, a voice rang in his ear.


Then, he felt like he was flying~~

But before flying half a meter high, he fell down the stairs fiercely.

Depend on!

Do this group of goods want to kill me!

no way!

Zhang Wenyuan finally understood, and he reacted very quickly, and at the same time he flew out, he found a foothold on the steps.

Then stood firmly on the steps.


Zhang Wenyuan turned his head, with a look of contempt: "Just this trick, do you dare to show your ugliness? Haha, a bunch of spicy chickens!"

"Leave you!"

As a result, before he was happy for half a second, a young and strong driver behind him gave him a hard kick.

Zhang Wenyuan:!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ

Caught off guard, Zhang Wenyuan crouched directly on the steps, and then rolled all the way down~~


Below the steps.

Zhang Wenyuan sat on the ground for a while, covering his buttocks, and then covering his shoulders. It hurts everywhere.

The old drivers looked surprised and apologized: "Oh, I'm sorry to give you a kick, are you okay?"

Shente got a kick, you're obviously kicking!

Looking up at a group of old drivers standing above, Zhang Wenyuan was furious and cursed: "Damn, I won't let you go, you will wait for me! I will be back!"

"Oh, we are waiting for you~"

After speaking, laughed and walked into the building.

Zhang Wenyuan's angry face was black for a while and green for a while: "You wait for me! I, Zhang Wenyuan, can't be bullied by anyone!"

Indeed, he has the confidence to say this.

Because he entered the Didi company not by his own efforts, but by someone in the company.

The general manager of Didi's Hangzhou branch is his second uncle!

What if you get him out, let the second uncle get him in again, it's not over!


Dare to offend me, I let you go around!

Zhang Wenyuan angrily took out the phone and called his second uncle: "Hey, second uncle, I was asked to resign!!"

Second uncle: "Oh, I was also asked to resign."

Zhang Wenyuan:? ? ?

Suddenly he was stunned: "Second Uncle, what did you just say, aren't you the general manager of the Hangzhou branch? Who can get rid of you? At most, you will be demoted, right?"

On the other side of the phone, the second uncle looked melancholy: "Yes, I don't know which idiot is, who can't offend anyone, I have to offend the shareholder boss!

As a result, he drove myself to death, and it hurts me so much! "

Zhang Wenyuan felt even more melancholy when he heard it: "Second Uncle, I didn't expect your experience to be so miserable. We really feel sorry for the same disease!

By the way, second uncle, you just said that someone offended the shareholders of Didi Company?

Is this person related to you? "

His second uncle: "Yes, the second pen was introduced by Lao Tzu through a relationship."

Zhang Wenyuan: "That's really lacking in foresight. By the way, which shareholder did he offend?"

His second uncle's voice became colder: "Offended the new major shareholder of Didi Company two months ago, Ye Xiu, Mr. Ye!"

"Oh, the new shareholder, it's no wonder he doesn't know him, wait, what do you say his name is?"

Zhang Wenyuan suddenly remembered that the driver who challenged him just now seemed to be Ye Xiu?

On the phone, his second uncle replied in a voice wishing to choke Zhang Wenyuan: "Our company's new major shareholder, Mr. Ye Xiuye!

By the way, he often runs Didi to experience life in the imperial capital. Do you know which idiot I am talking about? "

Zhang Wenyuan: (?⊙?⊙?)! !

"Um, hello? Second uncle? What are you talking about second uncle? My signal doesn't seem to be very good!

Hey? Hey? "


Zhang Wenyuan hung up decisively, panicking.

Now he can be completely sure that he has offended the shareholders of Didi Company just now!

That Ye Xiu is the major shareholder of Didi Company! ?

That's it!

There is no hope for revenge, and life is slim~~

I'm tired of my second uncle~

Zhang Wenyuan's calf trembled when he thought that his second uncle had practiced taekwondo.


At this time.

The phone vibrated a few times.

Zhang Wenyuan looked down and saw that it was a text message sent by his second uncle.

Content: Lovely nephew, remember to come and play during the Chinese New Year, the second uncle has prepared a special gift for you~

Love you Yo (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~~~

Zhang Wenyuan: "..."

Isn't this a banquet? Absolutely, right?


The second uncle added another sentence: "But come, I will find you in person!!"

Zhang Wenyuan:...

Gan! !


The mentality jumped.

ps: Happy New Year's Day everyone (*^▽^*)

Chapter 576 I think the company draws too much, I propose to reduce the difficulty of the rake and reward tasks

Didi branch company.

Director Zhao stood on the stage and warmly greeted the old drivers to sit down.

"Come and come, everyone sits down, and today I am calling everyone here. In fact, the superior wants to ask you what advice you have for Didi.

Or if you have any dissatisfaction with the company's system, everyone can tell us, and we will try our best to adopt everyone's suggestions and carry out internal rectification of the company. "

Director Zhao stood on the stage and repeated Zhang Wenyuan's words roughly.

But not many people in the audience spoke, and it was obvious that they didn't trust the new Director Zhao very much.

Although Zhang Wenyuan was driven away, from the perspective of the old drivers, this is just competition within their company. In essence, they are all raccoon dogs, and the jackal and the tiger and leopard are not much different.

Seeing the expressions of the old drivers, Ye Xiu knew that they were sad.

But for such a good opportunity, someone has to stand up.

After thinking about it, Ye Xiu took the initiative to say: "I think the company's commission is a bit too much. Didi drivers are very tired after working all day, but the money they earn is too small, which is not proportional to their working hours.

I propose to reduce the rake and reduce the difficulty of reward tasks. "

Hearing this, an old driver next to him shook his head with an expression that had been severely beaten by the society a long time ago: "Boy, what you said is pretty good, but this kind of request is impossible for a big company like this."

The person next to him: "Yes, this is tantamount to letting big companies give us the benefits of part-time jobs. It's impossible to think about it."

Both of them looked at Ye Xiu with an expression of "You kid doesn't seem to have been severely beaten by the society, and you don't know that the human heart is sinister".

The result is at this moment.

Director Zhao standing on the stage suddenly said: "This handsome guy said well! This issue is actually being discussed within the company. Wait a moment, and I will send a message to the headquarters to inform you of your proposal."

After half a minute.

Director Zhao lifted the phone and said with a smile, "The headquarters of the company attached great importance to it after hearing it, and after discussion, it was unanimously decided to reduce the rake from 30% to 20%..."

The old drivers were shocked.

Damn it, is this down? If you say drop it, drop it?

When has Didi been so talkative?

If the commission is reduced by 10%, their income can increase by 10%!

If you run five hundred yuan a day, you will earn fifty yuan more.

Don't underestimate the fifty yuan, it's enough for their meals a day!

The old drivers were excited when they heard it.

However, Ye Xiu shook his head: "Twenty percent is too much, so drop it again."


The old drivers turned their heads to look at Ye Xiu, and even whispered to persuade them when they approached: "My brother, it's pretty good to get a big company to give us 10% concessions!

We can't ask too much, it will be miserable if people are upset and regret it. "

"Everyone, wait a minute, I'll ask your superiors for instructions." Director Zhao didn't talk nonsense, and immediately sent a message to the superiors and got a reply soon.

Director Zhao looked up and looked at Ye Xiu with a smile on his face: "The superior just told me that 20% is indeed a bit too much, and promised to reduce the rake to 10%."

Old drivers: (*?▽?*)? ? ? ?

The old drivers are all stupid.

Why is the company so talkative today?

Is the sun coming out from the west?

The rake is reduced to 10%!

Then they will increase their income by 20%! ! !

Oh my god!

They couldn't even think of this before!

At the moment they were so happy!

However, at this time.

Ye Xiu shook his head, "Ten percent is still too much. The maximum draw is... 8%, no more."


The old drivers turned their heads and stared at Ye Xiu.

The nearby old buddies even stretched out their hands directly.


They all covered Ye Xiu's mouth, not allowing him to speak.

One by one is anxious: Brother, don't talk nonsense anymore! If it arouses disgust, it will be in trouble! !


Director Zhao sent a message to his superiors very seriously. After a while, he smiled and said: "The superiors said that 8% is 8%, it's not a problem at all."

Old drivers:? ? ? ?

People are dumbfounded.

Subconsciously let go of Ye Xiu's mouth.

Ye Xiu added: "The difficulty of the reward task should be lowered."

Director Zhao: "Okay."

Ye Xiu: "Plan for corporate management and stop people like Zhang Wenyuan."

Director Zhao: "Okay."

"It's okay to engage in more activity rewards, so that everyone can feel the warmth of the company."


"Every New Year's Day, the driver master also prepares some gifts to show his heart."



Ye Xiu made seven or eight suggestions, and Director Zhao nodded and agreed with a smile.

Just look at the old drivers as silly.

Is this still their immediate boss?

Are you sure it wasn't the kid Ye Xiu's request?

No matter how you look at it, I feel that these two people are performing a duo for them~


Director Zhao promised to reduce the rake to 8%, and to rectify the company's management, distribute various prizes to Didi drivers, reduce the difficulty of the task, and so on...

Ye Xiu walked out of the company with the old drivers with satisfaction.

Walking in the corridor, the old drivers haven’t gotten over, just like dreaming~~

An old man couldn't help but ask Ye Xiu, "Brother, what happened today? Why did the supervisor agree to our proposal so easily?"

Ye Xiu loosened his shoulders and smiled and said, "I don't know, maybe... I found out my conscience~~"

Old drivers: "..." (They will find out with conscience? Ha! Unless the sun hits the west!)

Although they don't know what's going on, it doesn't prevent them from being in a good mood.

This time they made a 22% net profit on this trip!

That's so cool!

"Let's go, brother, today you have done a good job. Brothers invite you to the Lijiang Hotel and have a good meal!"

Ye Xiu was stunned, Lijiang Hotel?

Good guy, go to my hotel and invite me to dinner?


It seems not bad~~

"Go on~"

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