Urban: One Billion In Public Welfare Rewards

Chapter 578: Let's go, brothers, let this handsome guy have a drink first

Inside the hotel.

Gorgeous decoration, full of guests.

A total of two regions are divided.

On the left are Liu Qiang's relatives, friends and colleagues who have worked.

On the right, Li Wenxin's relatives and friends.

Before Liu Qiang was just a food delivery company, his family was not a big door, so he had few relatives and friends.

Together with the colleagues who have worked, there are only five or six tables.

On the right, Li Wenxin's relatives alone sat at the table.

There are four or five tables for business partners, and five or six tables for good friends.

The lineup completely kills Liu Qiang here.

Moreover, any person on the right is several grades higher than the one on the left in terms of dressing alone, which is not considered an asset.

Just take out a promising young man or business elite who started at a million.

And the left.

They are all ordinary working-class people, even Liu Qiang's parents.

At the end, there was a takeaway boy sitting at the table.

This gap can no longer be narrowed.

The eyes on the right were very contemptuous.

the reason is simple.

To put it bluntly, Liu Qiang is the rich woman, otherwise this group of spicy chickens is not qualified to sit and eat with them.

Sitting in a room is cheap.

So one by one, Liu Qiang's relatives and friends are not pleasing to the eye.

A young man glanced at the last table, and muttered loudly while seemingly quietly: "I really don't know what Sister Li thinks about marrying such a poor dick. Look, what are the people sitting over there? goods.

Even the food delivery is here!

It's hilarious. "

"Be quiet, don't let the bridegroom officer hear you upset." The person next to him reminded him with a smile, but his voice was louder than him, which was obviously intended to be heard by Liu Qiang.

He also added: “You don’t understand this.

The fate of this person is determined from birth.

What he was like at the beginning.

The sparrow flies up to the branch, and he can't become a phoenix either. "

After a pause, he glanced at Liu Qiang, and added: "No matter how high this lazy toad is, it won't be able to eat swan meat!"

The meaning is obvious. It is mocking Liu Qiang and his relatives and friends.

"What did you say!?"

A friend of Liu Qiang next to him got angry and stood up directly.

The young man named Zhao Song took a look and chuckled: "What's the matter? Still want to do it? Come on, smash Lao Tzu, do you dare to smash Lao Tzu, do you believe it?

Lord, this life is worth at least five million, can you afford it! "

Liu Qiang's friends are very angry. They have seen arrogant ones, and have never seen such arrogant ones.

Had it not been for Liu Qiang's wedding, he would have done it a long time ago, and if you are worth a few million, go to the hospital and lie down for a few days!

Seeing that the other party didn't dare to do anything, Zhao Song was shocked to push the friend next to him, and pointed to the last table opposite: "Oh yo, look at that table, is that a takeaway?

I am not wrong, right? When can food delivery people come to Pangu Hotel for banquets? "

"Zhao Song! Shut up!" Liu Qiang was angry in his heart, condensed his eyebrows and shouted: "This is my wedding with Wenxin. If you still want to be there, just shut up!"

Zhao Song didn't eat his style at all, and he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I was invited by Sister Li, and it was Sister Li who wanted to drive me away.


Not worthy! "

The few people nearby burst into laughter, making no secret of the mockery.

Liu Qiang's shoulders trembled in anger.

Before Liu Qiang could speak, Zhao Song took the initiative to stand up, holding a glass of wine, and greeted with a smile: "Everyone, we finally get together with our relatives, we don't even know each other, otherwise, we all go to toast?

Walk around. "

Most of Li Wenxin's elders did not move much.

But Zhao Song seems to have some influence in the younger generation.

As soon as he spoke, many younger generations took the initiative to stand up, and booed: "Walk around and toast in the past. I want to see if they earn a few million a year, how many girls have they had?

I'm afraid it's not a bachelor for a lifetime, hahahahaha..."

A group of young people lined up to the left.

Start with the last table first.

"Hello, my name is Zhao Song. I am the boss of a technology company. Dare to ask where you are?"

Zhao Song asked with a smile.

The other's face was ugly and said: "Delivery or delivery."

"Oh~~ a promising career, come on!" Zhao Song smiled and walked to the next person very proudly.

"Hello, my name is Zhao Song. I currently open a technology company, mainly engaged in game development. What does your Excellency do?"

"Run, run Didi."

Zhao Song: "Hello, my name is Zhao Song, yes..."

Other party: "Meal, restaurant waiter."

Zhao Song led people from the last table to the second table, and then to the next table, it was Liu Qiang's parents and relatives.

Liu Qiang said angrily when he saw this scene: "Zhao Song, don't be too presumptuous!!"

Zhao Song paused, took a look at Liu Qiang, and smiled: "I don't know what you are talking about. I'm just taking friends to meet your uncles and aunts. Why are you nervous?"

After speaking, he smiled and walked towards the first table, a fierce flash in his eyes.

Li Wenxin, a rich woman worth tens of millions.

Zhao Song once pursued it, but Li Wenxin said that he only regarded him as his younger brother!

Now he is married to a LOWB who delivers food! ?

This is a big mockery of him!

Today, he will spread all this anger on Liu Qiang and Liu Qiang's relatives and friends! !

At the same time, Li Wenxin is his goal.

Even if you get married, I, Zhao Song, will never give up!

Today, let me humiliate you guys who are not on the table!

Zhao Song was fierce, holding the wine, and walked towards the first table.

"Excuse me, Liu Qiang, there is a traffic jam on the road, I am late!"

While the goose was at this moment, a voice came from the door, causing Zhao Song and others to look back.

When Liu Qiang saw the incoming person, his expression was also pleasantly surprised: "Brother Ye, you are here! That's great!"

Zhao Song's heart moved: Brother Ye? Liu Qiang called his brother? It means that the relationship is very familiar?

Zhao Song narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Xiu carefully.

Well, spread the goods all over the place.

Behave lazily.

There is not the slightest breath of superiors.

In short, there is nothing good except being handsome.

Looking at Ye Xiu carefully, Zhao Song smiled.

Are you familiar with Liu Qiang?

That's great, let's start with you first?

"Yeah, I missed one after a round of toasting, let's go, brothers, let this handsome guy have a drink first!"

Zhao Song gave an order, took his friends, and walked towards Ye Xiu who had just entered the door.

Liu Qiang originally wanted to stop it, but suddenly he remembered Ye Ge's Lycan sports car worth tens of millions, and he didn't feel anxious for a moment.

There was even a little bit of cheer.

To be honest, I belong to Brother Ye Niubi among my relatives and friends.

Zhao Song, you must use all your skills to pretend to be forced.

I look forward to the way you cry~~

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