"Oops! Don't be careless!"

Fang Rong's face changed drastically.

At this point, there was actually an alarm system here. In an instant, the door of the computer room laboratory was automatically raised, and countless weird zombies ran towards Fang Rong!

This place is already very deep underground, and the laboratory is located in the center of the underground, there is no escape at all!

"I'm going to die...

Let's fight!"

Fang Rong's brain was working at a high speed, and he instinctively looked at the unknown arm.

He crossed his hands and faced the glass wall, and the blood in his body formed and gathered in his palms, and the blood was extremely compressed.

"Red Blood Manipulation Technique•Hundred Condensation Piercing Blood!!!"

Fang Rong combined the blood wrapped in true qi with the force-generating technique of the six-style finger gun and shot it at the glass like a bullet. The blood bullet exceeded the speed of sound and smashed the thick glass wall into pieces!

The terrifying zombie wave behind him was only 40 meters away from him, and it seemed that being surrounded and swallowed was a foregone conclusion!

Fang Rong was calmer than ever before, and calmly grasped the unknown arm and pulled it up by the roots! The small antenna tree growing on the palm was so fragile that it broke directly.

At that moment, the zombies that surrounded him stopped moving, and the world fell into silence.

Fang Rong raised his broken arm high as if it was not his arm that was holding, but the life and death of all the people in Qingcheng.

In front of the gate of Qingcheng No. 1 Middle School.

Principal Situ Liancheng stood at the gate holding a heavy bronze Tang horizontal sword, with the momentum of one man blocking the pass and ten thousand men unable to open it. The Tang horizontal sword in his hand was stained with blood, and the two sides of the sword looked like a sword from a distance.

There were countless zombie corpses cut in half around him.

The blood dyed the ground red, and many teachers who were supposed to fight side by side with him were now lying quietly in a pool of blood and losing their lives.

The dean who used to love bickering with Situ Liancheng, the 185th PE teacher who always had a stomachache during class, the six-style instructor who was meticulous and serious and was nicknamed the black-faced tiger by students, and Jiang Chen's head teacher, Mr. Chu...

They were all guarding the door of life behind them and died in the siege of zombies.

Behind that door were nearly 10,000 students who were still growing up.

Those dead teachers never retreated a single step at the end of their lives.

They used their lives to buy time for their students to survive.

Except for Situ Liancheng, all 52 teachers in the school died in the battle.

Another wave of zombies attacked, and Situ Liancheng's body was like a ghost and turned into a phantom that passed through the zombie group. His figure returned to the school gate again. Situ Liancheng stood with a knife in his hand, and the heads of the zombies in that wave of zombies instantly split open neatly!

Principal Situ's arms were trembling slightly. It was not fear, but too tired.

He was too tired... All the teachers had died in the battle until now, and he was the only one left. He had overused the power of the Superman Speed ​​Fruit, and his physical strength was exhausted. The injuries he had suffered when he was young also broke out at this moment.

He knew that he could not hold on any longer. He was almost at his limit.

The area that was left empty by the killing was gradually filled with zombies. Soon another wave of zombies gathered and attacked again!

Situ Liancheng closed his eyes, and a sense of sadness surged in his heart. After fighting for this long, he could not protect his students.

This school, which he had protected for half his life, he had not yet seen it become famous, and he had not yet seen those children become famous all over the world...

He had not yet fulfilled his promise to lead these teachers to retire one by one in the future and enjoy their old age, and to spend his pension wantonly.

The children protected by the school were all students from the first to second year of junior high school. Their fruits had not yet awakened, and their strength was weak. They were completely unable to resist this terrifying zombie crisis.

Each of them hid in front of the glass window with eyes full of fear and ignorance. They were protected too well by the city and did not understand the cruelty and bloodiness of war.

They could only cover their mouths and bite their lips tightly, watching the teachers who had laughed and urged them to study die tragically on the street one by one.

The drooling zombie opened its ferocious mouth and was about to bite Situ Liancheng's head to pieces, exhaling a fishy wind.

Situ Liancheng was neither happy nor sad, quietly waiting for the fate of death.

At that moment, the zombie's movement stopped abruptly.

Situ Liancheng looked at the zombie whose mouth had covered his head. He could still see a huge decayed tooth in the zombie's mouth, and dense worms were entangled and crawling in the tooth hole.

Calmly pulling his head out from under the zombie's mouth, Situ Liancheng saw that the street was full of zombies standing still.

"Which hero prevented this catastrophe..."

The team that was firing wildly at the zombies in the Sweet Home community stopped pulling the trigger, and everyone showed an expression of surviving a disaster.

The zombies in front of them were motionless as if they had really become corpses.

In order to prevent the zombies from becoming active again, the soldiers in the team took the opportunity to go forward and kill the zombies.'s head.

Duan Wei supported her weak body and asked Liu Qiang, "The zombies are not moving?"

"Yes, someone must have found the source and stopped the zombie crisis."

"Really? That must be my father!" Duan Wei smiled.

"Minister Duan is extremely powerful and is devoted to the human race. The city lord Xing is good at calculating and obsessed with power struggles.

The financial director is greedy for money. The chairman of the Liu Group and the head of the Bai family of the Youlong Chamber of Commerce are both businessmen who seek profit and avoid harm.

The Supervisory Department is leaderless. The newly promoted strong man, the Blue Dragon Baron Jiang Chen, is a generation of heroes with a perverse personality and difficult to guess. If anyone can stop the catastrophe, it must be our Minister Duan who can turn the tide!"

Liu Qiang began to make random analyses.

"Really? I want to ask my father about the situation." After saying that, Duan Wei turned on her mobile phone and called Duan Tianya. The phone rang continuously, but no one answered.

Duan Wei's heart began to twitch again, "Something is wrong, I'm going to find my father!"

Liu Qiang stopped her, "The situation is not clear yet, it's very dangerous to leave the main force, don't worry, Minister Duan is very strong and his combat power is recognized as the best in Qingcheng!

Who in Qingcheng dares to say that he can beat the Minister in a one-on-one fight? Relax Duan Wei, the Minister must have something to do and didn't answer your call."



Back in Oritis Manor, He Wei unconsciously burst out with the domineering aura of the king, broke free from the restraints and trembled to hug his grandfather He Zhan's head.

There was uncontrollable grief in his eyes.

Liu Donglin was like a madman, constantly pulling the big eyes of the nearby zombies, "Move! Move for me!"

The zombies were indifferent.

Liu Donglin pushed the zombie with big eyes away and grabbed the zombie with the third thigh and kicked its crotch again and again, "Move! Move! You fucking trash!"

The zombie's third leg was kicked soft by Liu Donglin...

The crazy doctor hung his head, and Park Shiren looked at Jiang Chen warily.

Ye Zhen, the flying dragon swordsman Cheng Xinli, the madman, and the hatred-filled He Wei, together with Jiang Chen, surrounded Liu Donglin, the crazy doctor, and Park Shiren.

"Liu Donglin, I want you to pay with blood!" He Wei clenched his fists tightly, and his knuckles were bleeding without knowing it.

"Don't shout, don't shout Liu Donglin, we are surrounded by a group of real monsters!"

Park Shiren slapped Liu Donglin twice.

It's so unlucky, these young people are so powerful! Their methods are completely beyond Park Shiren's imagination.

He didn't understand how they, who had the most silver-level monster masters and the endless zombies under their command, could have directly dominated Qingcheng at the beginning.

Park Shiren looked at Jiang Chen, who was so powerful that he chased the six silver masters from beginning to end.

He looked at the strange and handsome young man who could continuously transfer damage to the zombies.

He also saw He Wei, the legendary one-in-a-million domineering aura owner who burst out with hatred and showed the talent of a king.

Park Shiren suddenly felt that his life was straight, the kind that he could see the end at a glance.

Dr. Crazy felt that if he surrendered, there should be a way out.

The idea was ridiculous. They were the third-level silver masters who dominated the area, and one day they would feel scared and terrified because they were facing a group of teenagers who were only 18 years old.

Yes! That's right, only 18 years old! Dr. Crazy thought, and his heart became as cold as Park Shiren's.

"Fight on your own, both of you. Give up the illusory idea of ​​surrender. There is still a glimmer of hope if you fight, but surrender will definitely lead to death!"

Liu Donglin regained his sanity briefly. After analyzing the situation, he no longer had any hope of completing the live broadcast.

Now it was a luxury for them to even survive Jiang Chen and his men.

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