The martial arts exam will be held on the next day.

There will be multiple examiners as testers. Candidates will challenge the examiners on the stage. The examiners will evaluate them in terms of speed, strength, defense and martial arts fruit ability in actual combat.

Jiang Chen sat in the audience and played with his number plate boredly. It recorded the serial number of the stage. He was the last one to go on the stage.

The arenas below the stage were fighting fiercely, with a harmonious and friendly scene of brothers and sisters, except for the C stage.

Ye Zhen was really competing with the examiner. Both sides were angry and their moves were bloody! It was full of gunpowder!

"Xi Yi looked up at the stars in the sky, as a fighting technique to push people's lives,

Auspicious position, Ren Kui!"

Ye Zhen took a step to the south and avoided several strong winds from the opposite side!

"I bet on Lord Sha's belief that you evil-minded people must be stopped here!"

The examiner saw that the attack was ineffective, and approached Ye Zhen's huge palm under the command of the demon-slaying form.

"Iron block!"

The examiner shouted, and his luck was all over his body. His muscles were tense, and the powerful six-style iron block gave him a strong defensive power!

Boom! ! !

The giant palm slapped on the ring, and Ye Zhen's full-strength attack smashed the ring into pieces!

"You are deceiving yourself! Naive guy, in troubled times, you should use severe punishment! People like you don't understand the greatness of Lord Jiang at all!

This chaotic world must be ended by people like Lord Jiang!"

The entire ring was ravaged by Ye Zhen's powerful bronze-level power!

Suddenly, Ye Zhen's scarecrow palm exploded! The examiner covered in blood soared into the sky from his palm!

"Crazy! How old are you? How dare you talk nonsense!"

The examiner gathered all his strength and held the iron sword, extending a three-foot aura and completely giving up defense. He fought fiercely with his life for his life, and went straight to Ye Zhen.

"Playing with your life? Then you have found the wrong person!"

Ye Zhen did not dodge, and the straw in his right hand changed into a sharp long thorn, and also stabbed towards the examiner's body!

The next moment, Ye Zhen's body was torn apart! The examiner's chest was pierced!

The examiner spit out blood and fell to the ground, miserable, "It's better to die together..."

"What the hell do you want!" The two halves of the straw body extended fine straws like needles and threads, and soon the two halves of the body merged into one!

"This is an immortal body! How can you have it!" The examiner spit out a mouthful of old blood and fainted.

"Frog in the well!" Ye Zhen curled his lips in disdain.

Many candidates in the audience were amazed, "Too strong, bronze level strength, and the strange power of immortality! Even the examiner was defeated by him!"

"What a monster, second only to Jiang Chen, right? As expected of the warden of Rabbit Bowl, the immortal demon Ye Zhen!"

"Too strong, I feel like I'm living a dog's life. I thought that as long as I worked hard enough, I could also achieve success and fame. In fact, it has nothing to do with hard work, it's a matter of talent.

If I play for three years in high school, I will suffer for thirty years!

If I work hard for three years in high school, I will suffer for thirty-three years!"

"It's already a huge lead, right? Who else among the senior high school students can compare to Jiang Chen's men?"

"Yes! There are others!" a candidate said excitedly.

"Who else?" the people around him asked hurriedly.

"This is naturally the most beautiful girl in Qingcheng, Bai Qingxu, the cuckold boy He Wei! There is also Blood Hand Fang Rong and the self-happy brother Ye Fan! If anyone can match Jiang Chen's men, it must be them!"

"Where are they now?"

A handsome boy stood up, and everyone's eyes were on him!

Could this person be... a genius who can match the straw devil Ye Zhen and others?

"What are you doing?" Ye Fan scratched his head, "My underwear is stuck in the seam, I got up and buckled it."


At this time in the Rabbit Bowl Plantation, a prisoner suddenly screamed, and his whole body was split in two!

Blood was spilled all over the growing cotton, and the surrounding jailers were not surprised. Soon a team of corpse collectors dragged the body away.

Seeing this, the other prisoners trembled and squatted with their heads in their hands, "It's him! The devil warden! He... He's angry again, oooo, oooo, I don't want to die..."


"I've had enough fun and enjoyed watching. Sha Wuhen, let's stop talking nonsense and get to the point!"

After saying that, Jiang Chen flew over the No. A ring.

Sitting on the high platform, Sha Wuhen slowly closed his deep eyes, as if he was isolated from the whole world. As time passed, his body gradually became blurred, like sand and dust blown by a breeze, slowly drifting away.

At this moment, an amazing scene happened. A gust of wind suddenly blew over the No. A ring, and countless tiny sand grains were rolled up, forming a huge vortex.

These sand grains spun rapidly in the air, colliding and merging with each other, and finally converging into a tall human figure.

When the wind and sand dissipated, it was Sha Wuhen who appeared before people's eyes! He stood there quietly, exuding an indescribable aura of majesty.

At this moment, he and Jiang Chen on the opposite side faced each other from a distance, and their eyes met, like two lightnings intersecting in the air.

The atmosphere between them was extremely tense, and an invisible pressure gushed out from the two of them, covering the entire arena like a mountain crushing an egg.

The audience felt this powerful momentum, held their breath, and their heartbeats accelerated involuntarily. Some weaker people even felt their legs weak and almost unstable.

"If this city lets you continue to do evil, I don't know how many poor ordinary people will have nightmares!"

A small vortex sandstorm was swirling in Sha Wuhen's palm.

"You and your subordinates are all idiots, including Hai Rui, you are all a bunch of self-satisfied idiots!"

Jiang Chen's body was crackling with lightning! Horrible thunder flashed!

"How dare you! Master Hai Rui is not someone you, a yellow-mouthed child, can slander!"

Crescent-shaped sand dunes!!!

Sha Wuhen took the lead and his arm became huge and turned into a crescent-shaped sand blade, sweeping towards Jiang Chen!

The sand blade passed through the sycamore trees on both sides of the arena, and the water was sucked out and carbonized!

"Humph, how did you poke a sore spot? Let me guess that your colleagues or superiors have said this to you a lot? Or did you choose to be demoted to Qingcheng to avoid rumors?"

Jiang Chen laughed, and the Eight Fasts quietly emerged in his hand!


One of the four great Mingwang moves! Jiang Chen wielded the iron rod and combined it with the innate body-breaking invisible sword energy to swing out a column of rod energy! ! !

The stick energy and the sand blade collided and both exploded at the same time. For a moment, the entire ring was filled with yellow sand and energetic energy!

"You are over thirty, Sha Wuhen! You are so old, haven't you figured out the rules of this world yet!

This era is an era where people eat people, people eat monsters, and monsters eat people! An era of strange three-way annexation of humans and monsters!

Power brings power!!!"

Jiang Chen passed through the wind and sand at high speed with lightning flashing in his eyes! With explosive power, he swung the stick and smashed Sha Wuhen's head!

Sha Wuhen drew out the Tangxi Water-avoiding Sword from his waist and hurriedly resisted!

The sound of weapons knocking continued to explode! Deafening!

"The people are the most important, the country is the second, and the king is the least important!

The history of thousands of years has never been created by high-level strongmen! It is the people! It is the people who gather together to push history forward!

They are the roots of our Han Dynasty! And Jiang Chen! Your behavior is digging up the roots, and the right prime minister is indulging you to dig up the roots!"

Sha Wuhen forced Jiang Chen back with a strong blow.

Sha Lan!!!

Sha Wuhen threw the vortex sandstorm in his hand! The sandstorm kept getting bigger and bigger until it covered the sky and covered Jiang Chen!

The devastating power of the sandstorm tore the surrounding houses apart!

Colorless Realm Divine Power!!!

A huge pale white sword energy protective shield formed around Jiang Chen. The terrifying sword energy swept, and the arena was cut into pieces and powder by the sword energy! Jiang Chen rushed out of the encirclement under the pressure of the sandstorm!

"Wow wow wow, I'm going to die, run!"

Some people in the examination room were scared and fled in all directions.

Both sides looked at the mess around them, looked at each other at the same time, and flew out of the city!

The next battle is not suitable to be held in the city. Both sides are extremely powerful silver-level peak masters, and the power of their attacks far exceeds that of ordinary silver-level combat power.

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