The meeting of the six giants decided the future and fate of hundreds of millions of people in Anzhou.

The six giants held the highest power in Anzhou.

The visitor was ill-intentioned.

The governor Gao Liang looked at the governor Sha Yuejing sitting in the main seat and his heart sank.

"The lord of Hongchang City, Tom Ding, deceived his superiors and subordinates, concealed the city's financial revenue, intercepted the taxes paid to the Han treasury, and sought benefits for illegal forces.

Since 1041 of the Han calendar, there is substantial evidence that Tom Ding intercepted hundreds of billions of Baileys of financial revenue.

Sun Guanxing, the head of Guangming District, Dahe City, was lazy and inactive. He only loved to observe the sky at night. The evil forces in his jurisdiction were rampant. Since 1049 of the Han calendar, in just one year, there have been nearly a thousand incidents of monsters injuring people. The defense line of Guangming District is like a sieve.

Three people in the border guards share a knife, and the financial tension is so severe that How ridiculous.

Zhao Liqiu, the lord of Handong City, is so powerful that he does not respect the king's orders or education. He can almost be said to have broken away from the Han Dynasty and established himself as a king. He can be said to be a local emperor in Handong City...

Zhao Liqiu also has contacts with Mang Village, the largest evil force in Anzhou. He has three wives, and his second wife is the sister of Li Youtian, the lord of Mang Village.

With the help of Zhao Liqiu, Li Youtian became the largest underground weapons dealer in Anzhou, and he has 100 arsenals in various cities in Anzhou!

And the lord of Jiangcheng..."

At this point, Ji Zhengchun, the censor of Anzhou, glanced at Gao Liang.

"This Jiangcheng City Lord Qi Tian Dasheng, colluded with the evil Shanshui Group, and has a large number of shares in it. The profits from the so-called mining of sand and soil are beyond imagination. There is reason to suspect that the sand and soil mined by Qi Tian Dasheng and Shanshui Group contain strategic resources of the Han Dynasty..."

Sha Yuejing waited for Ji Zhengchun to finish speaking, "What do you think of this matter?"

"Then what are you waiting for? The black sheep and termites among these officials must be dealt with to the maximum extent, and they must be severely punished and never tolerated!"

Dahe City Lord Kangda spoke first.

Sha Yuejing nodded and looked at Gao Liang with a scrutinizing look, "Gao Shishi, you have the most say in the appointment and selection of officials and cadres. What do you think?"

Gao Liang smiled, "First of all, I support the views of City Lord Kangda, but City Lord Kangda, don't be anxious."

"Am I anxious?"

Kangda asked back with his head clenched.

Gao Liang ignored Kangda's calm explanation with a smile on his face.

"We can't let a criminal go nor can we frame a good comrade. We can't treat this group of cadres and officials in a one-size-fits-all manner.

For example, in the case of Jiangcheng City Lord Qi Tian Dasheng, how can our Ji Yushi use the word "suspicion" to arbitrarily and hastily judge an official at the level of a second-level city lord?"

Sha Yuejing leaned back in the leather seat and commented, "It makes sense."

Anzhou Beijia Mu Bing said, "What Gao Shishi said does make sense. We can't treat it in a one-size-fits-all manner. I agree with it. But let's talk about the five most famous evil forces in Anzhou.

Three villages and two groups, Tazhai Village, Mang Village, Heishuiwa Village, Shanshui Group, and Qiangsheng Group.

There are two city lords on this list who have deep connections with Mang Village and Shanshui Group. Qi Tian Dasheng is one of them. If he is innocent, it is really hard to convince people."

Anzhou Supervisory Censor Ji Zhengchun followed Mu Bing's words. "Yes, in addition to colluding with Shanshui Group, Qi Tian Dasheng is running Jiangcheng like an iron barrel, no less than Zhao Liqiu, and can be called the uncrowned king."

Gao Liang smiled, but he was suddenly shocked. Sha Taishou had just taken office, and these people started to improve their favorability one by one. Sha Yuejing only showed a little dissatisfaction with the officials on this list, and they all stood on his side.

Tom Ding, the Lord of Hongchang City, was once Kangda's trusted secretary, and he abandoned him just like that.

Just because the Lord is the top leader of Anzhou.

Power is really fascinating, but that position should have belonged to him, Gao Liang...

Sha Yuejing spoke in an unquestionable tone, "The Lord of the City is responsible for the safety of the city and the production safety of tens of millions of people. They will never be allowed to make mistakes. If they have problems, it will be a big problem."

Sha Yuejing made the final decision, and Gao Liang stood up and had to express his opinion.

"I have to admit my mistakes here. I failed to do my duty in selecting and supervising officials. I will reflect on it.

On the issue of Qi Tian Da Sheng, he actually took the initiative to admit his mistakes to me and explained his problems.

As an official in charge of a region, in order to implement his will and gain a firm foothold, he had to flatter the local tyrants when he first took office. It is understandable that he had disputes with Shanshui Group.

Of course, did he have any problems? Yes, he did. He embezzled money from land construction and intercepted fiscal revenue..

There is indeed a strong and overbearing situation in management, which is an objective fact.

I will send a special inspection team to help them rectify and urge them to correct their mistakes.

It is not the goal to kill with one stick. It is our principle to punish the past and prevent the future and cure the disease and save talents. "

Kangda sneered, "Gao Shi, you are too much of a big deal, and you are too evasive.

You can't treat Qi Tian Dasheng so lightly just because he is your student. "

Mu Bing also spoke, "I have heard that there is a Gaoda Gang in Anzhou. It is said that this Qi Tian Dasheng has a strong backing. Recently, he will be promoted to the chief of the Supervisory Department of Anzhou Dahe City. He has been reported all the way and has been given the green light all the way. "

Sha Yuejing turned to look at Gao Liang, "Gao Da Gang? There is such a thing?"

Gao Liang understood that this meeting of giants was clearly aimed at him. At this point, he had already stood on the opposite side of all the giants.

In this case, let's see who is better!

Gao Liang took a sip of tea, glanced at everyone, and remained calm in the face of danger.

"Our Anzhou is a plain area, where there are not so many mountain bosses. This is the first time I have heard of the term Gao Da Gang.

Subjectively, there is no such thing, but objectively, it may exist.

After all, it is understandable for leading cadres to select and appoint some familiar subordinates when selecting and appointing officials below.

If you are familiar with them, you know their roots and their abilities and character.

Invisibly, so-called gangs may appear, just like this Tom Ding, who was promoted by the Lord of Kanda City and is the secretary of the Lord of Kanda City. In the words of Mu Bing, should this be called the Secretary Gang? ”

Anzhou Beijia Mu Bing’s face turned ugly, and Kangda also glared at Mu Bing with an unhappy look.

“Gao Shishi is right, factionalism is nonsense, Mu Bing Beijia, we are discussing the treatment of this group of cadres, you should not discuss these irrelevant topics!”

“That makes some sense.”

Even Sha Yuejing had to admire Gao Liang’s meticulous logic and views.

3V1, can’t this take Gao Liang down, and he has to do it himself.

“Gao Shishi said well, you continue.”

Gao Liang took advantage of the victory to pursue,

“Then I will say a few words, it is not easy for the Han Dynasty to train city lord-level strongmen like Qi Tian Dasheng, fighting against fog, fighting monsters, and developing people’s livelihood. They are responsible for all the things.

We must be cautious and cautious in dealing with them.

We can’t just look at it and not think about it.

The Great Sage Qi Tian almost died in his quest to capture the Golden Level Weird Mirror Heart Demon. In that battle, he summoned many colleagues of the same realm, which shows that he has a foundation among the masses. "Yes, the mass foundation here does not refer to the common people, but the cadres who are also officials. They are the mass foundation. "As for the problem of corruption, which official can withstand investigation these days? If you must find the problem here, I think everyone present should be imprisoned." "My opinion on how to deal with them is that it is a great virtue to know the mistakes and correct them. After all, our supervision and inspection has always been not to focus on the central government or the grassroots. "

Everyone was speechless after hearing what Gao Liang said. His words were well-reasoned and there was hardly any fault to be found. If they insisted on finding fault and insisted on using the rules and regulations, it would be like turning the table over and completely tearing the relationship apart.

For the first time, a wave appeared on Sha Yuejing's calm face. Could it be that as a top leader, she had to compromise with Gao Liang! How could I carry out my work in the future!

At the critical moment, Ji Zhengchun, the censor of Anzhou, received a call and then told Sha Yuejing that there was a new situation.

Gao Liang suddenly felt a little uneasy.

The fifth-level master realm is almost what normal humans can achieve. Peak, in the human world, can be called the peak of martial arts.

Above the Grandmaster, no one in the world can reach it.

He believed that his uneasiness was not a whim.

Above the Grandmaster is the sixth-level Lord realm, where one must question the heart, overcome the inner demons, and find a ray of light in the reincarnation of a hundred lives, so that the true self can return to reality. Otherwise, one will sink into the boundless illusion and die of soul exhaustion.

And the seventh-level king must overcome the three disasters and six difficulties, otherwise he will die.

And the legendary eighth-level throne needs to be blessed by the mysterious power of heaven and earth.

"The director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hou Liangping, has found new supplementary materials."

Sha Yuejing was delighted and coughed, "Hurry up and let him come in to report on his work. "

Hou Liangping came over with a dignified manner and saluted everyone. Gao Liang looked at his proud student with mixed feelings.

What Hou Liangping took out was a list of equity.

"This is the information that our sacrificed comrades have passed on with great difficulty. On that list, Jiangcheng City Lord QiTianda Shengguang's annual dividends reach 100 billion, and he only owns 5% of the shares.

How can the profit of mining in that mine reach this level?"

"Liangping, this is not the original one. It looks like it should be handwritten."

Hou Liangping said to his teacher Gao Liang, "Yes, it was lost during the escape of our undercover personnel. This is a survivor named Fang Rong who copied it based on his memory."

Gao Liang snorted coldly, "It's ridiculous to frame one of our city lords with a substantive evidence without basis!"

"Gao Shishi, don't get excited. Liangping was your student in the past. How can he deceive you? Let's not talk about the authenticity of this evidence for now.

True gold is not afraid of fire, so let's investigate it carefully, investigate Shanshui Group and Qi Tian Dasheng, and clear his name."

Hou Liangping stepped forward anxiously and interrupted, "This is the information that our people sacrificed for!"

Kanda shouted, "Shut up, it's not your turn to make a loud noise here! ”

The master should not be insulted, and it is not Hou Liangping's turn to make irresponsible remarks at the meeting of giants.

"But, Sha Taishou, Zhang Shifan is behind Shanshui Group, and his father is Zhang Juzheng, the right prime minister of the court. Do we need to think about this matter in the long run?"

Sha Taishou regained the right to speak, and struck while the iron was hot, "Gao Shishi, your understanding is not good enough, and it is difficult to convince people.

What about Zhang Juzheng? I'm here to express my opinion.

The inspection work of officials in Anzhou has no upper limit and no lower limit. No matter who is found, officials of that level will be tracked down to the end, and tigers and flies will be swatted together. Although flies are small, they are also disgusting.

For officials who are found to be innocent during the inspection, we will restore their honor.

You all say that merits and demerits offset each other. They have worked hard for the city. The stability and prosperity of a region can only be developed in the hands of these evil forces and corrupt officials?

Whether it is the underground arms dealer Mang Village, the hallucinogen producer Tazhai Village, the alien breeding industry Heishuiwa Village, the background of the Shanshui Group and the construction industry leader Qiangsheng Group.

Because they are greedy enough, sucking blood from the people, throwing away some scraps and calling it benefiting the people, the people in this area can live and work in peace and contentment?

If we want to repel the monsters, dispel the fog, and ensure the development of mankind, we must clean the house and kill all the rats, bedbugs and cockroaches. Therefore, it is imperative to eliminate evil and fight corruption! "

Shou Sha's words were powerful, and all the giants in the audience applauded.

Gao Liang fell into silence.

Shou Sha finally proposed to investigate a few controversial officials on the list, including Qi Tian Dasheng, and immediately freeze the appointments of the remaining problematic cadres.

Then the six giants voted.

Shou Sha raised his hand first, followed by the Lord of Kangda City, Anzhou Beijia Mubing, Supervisory Censor Ji Zhengchun, and Anzhou Sima Cheng Xiao who chose to abstain.

Cheng Xiao, who was in charge of all the army forces in Anzhou, generally did not participate in the specific administration of Anzhou, unless there was a major threat from monsters in Anzhou.

"Gao Shi? Gao Shi! What do you think?"

Shou Sha called Gao Liang, who was lost in thought.

Gao Liang came to his senses. He lost this meeting. He sighed helplessly and raised his hand.

"I... I support the resolution of Shou Sha."

"Hey, that's right. ”


Anzhou Jiangcheng.

A remote rural house.

Qi Tian Dasheng, the Lord of Jiangcheng, was bending over and cutting wheat in the field on a hot day.

Whenever Qi Tian Dasheng felt depressed, he would come to his uncle, do farm work and then sit quietly.

After cutting a cart, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and returned to his uncle's yard.

He was holding a box of exquisite pastries in his hand.

"Uncle, I have done the work for you. You should take good care of your injuries. Here is the Bai Zhaoji peach cake that you loved to eat the most."

Uncle, hunched over and leaning on a cane, he took it with a smile.

Tasted a few bites.

"Well, authentic, still the same taste as before. I loved to eat it before, but I couldn't bear to buy it because I was too poor at that time.

I am not poor now, but now my teeth are almost falling out, my blood sugar is high, and I can't eat sweets. There is no way in this life. "

The third uncle's eyes were cloudy, as if he was reminiscing. His words were light and relieved, as if he was mourning the helpless past.

The Great Sage Qi Tian wiped his sweat, "Yes, if you hadn't been frugal, I wouldn't be here today.

But you are still too frugal, I won't be like you."

Life is in the world, drink wine today.

"If you are greedy for enjoyment at a young age, enjoy life, enjoy love, enjoy wine, enjoy freedom, then when you are old you will find that thisI basically have no regrets in my life."

Qi Tian Dasheng looked at the cicadas chirping outside the window in the midsummer, and there was an unrelieved sorrow in his heart.

News came from the main city that there was a topic about him at the giant meeting. Although he didn't know what the situation was, his teacher Gao Liang did not support him.

Qi Tian Dasheng felt a little uneasy.

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