(The matter was done ahead of schedule, but fortunately it wasn't too late)

"Found it!"

"Let's go, go over and have a look!" Renault said and led the way.

By this time, the sky had darkened, and it was almost night. Renault clearly saw that there was another figure next to the float, disassembling the float.

"Hello, can I ask you something?" Approaching, Renault asked the man who was busy with his work.

"Huh? What's up? The man seemed to have seen Renault and them a long time ago, and he was not surprised at all, but just replied casually.

"Well, I want to ask, where is the young lady who was holding the stone on this float just now?" Renault asked.

"Huh?!" This time the man was surprised.

"What are you looking for her?"

"Well, the child said, and she heard the sound from the stone. So we came and asked. Renault pretended not to know the details and said slowly.

"Really?!" The man looked up suddenly, and the man was a little surprised.

"Did she really hear that? 20! The man looked at Lori in surprise.

Xiao Lori, who was a little scared, saw that the man was staring at her, so she directly turned her head and buried her face in Lu Yao's arms.

Problematic! Renault's eyebrows furrowed, and he glanced at the man with a little meaning before he spoke:

"Well, she said, what the stone is saying about the stars calling or something."

"Alright, you come with me!" I saw that the man immediately put down the work in his hand and took the lead into the venue next to him.

Circus? After the three followed, Renault looked at the set in the arena and thought.

Problematic! Big question! How did they get the sleeping Kirachi? Renault doesn't believe in the possibility of chance. You know, Kiraqi sleeps in the ground! Unless these people find Kirachi and dig it up! And, judging by this man's performance, they were indeed deliberately looking for someone who could wake up Kiraqi!

What do they want to do?! Renault pondered.

"That's right! My name is Zhen Yong, what about you? On the way, the man introduced himself.

"My name is Renault." After Renault finished speaking, he introduced the two daughters again.

After a while, several people came to a room, and Zhen Yong directly opened the door and walked in.

"Come in." Zhen Yong said.

After the three of them walked in, they saw the woman before and the stone beside her.

"Zhen Yong, are they...?" The woman looked at the three Renaults suspiciously.

Then, Zhen Yong introduced the three Renaults to the woman, and then said that little Lori could hear the voice.

"Really?!" I saw that the woman also looked at the little Lori with a look of surprise.

I saw that little Lori hid her face again and buried her head in the place of envy.

Later, the woman also introduced herself. However, the three of Renault just said the name An Xin.

I saw that An Xin picked up the stone next to him and said to Little Lori:

"We also got it by accident, and since you can hear it, little sister, then it's in your care!"

After saying that, he handed the stone to little Lori.

By chance? Hehe! After hearing An Xin's words, Renault smiled coldly in his heart.

Little Lori happily took it and held it in her arms.

Then, An Xin instructed a few more words, nothing more than to take good care of them or something.

Subsequently, Renault and the others took their leave.

"There's a problem!" Outside the amusement park, Lu Yao suddenly spoke.

"Huh? Have you noticed that too? Renault looked at her with some surprise.

"Well, things went too well! When they know the sound, they know what the stone is. Would the average person give it to a stranger so easily? "

Lu Yao calmly analyzed.

"Moreover, I don't believe they got it by accident, they lied!"

"That's right!" Renault nodded, it seems that Lu Yao's brain is also quite good.

"Then you're still so calm?" Lu Yao looked at the leisurely Renault speechlessly.

"Afraid of what?! The boat is naturally straight to the bridge, and it is useless to guess here. Renault shrugged.

"Cut~" Lu Yao pursed his lips.

Then, the three of them went all the way back to Lu's house. They don't plan to participate in tonight's celebration, after all, with a little Lori, plus a mythical beast, it's easy for people to have accidents.

And after the little Lori got the stone, she hugged it with a happy face, and she didn't care about anything else.

However, the three of Renault did not notice that a gentleman crow had been following them hundreds of meters in the air above their heads, and this gentleman crow had a camera strapped to its feet.

Just when the three of Renault returned to Lu's house, a conversation also started in the venue of the previous amusement park.

"The Lu family?! It seems that they are from the Lu family! What to do? "

"What are you afraid of! What about the Lu family? No one can stop our ambition! "

"Okay. Kiraqi has found a partner, have you reported this? "

"Not yet, didn't you know who they were? Now that I know, I'll report later. "



In the evening, after dinner, Renault and Lu Yao took little Lori to watch the stars in the courtyard.

The starry sky tonight is very special, I saw a comet with a bright white light and a long tail in the sky, making the surrounding stars dim.

"Xiaoxi, you can sing it a song." Seeing that the comet had appeared, Renault turned his head and said to little Lori.

Little Lori has been holding the two-pound stone and refusing to let go, and even the food is fed by Lu Yao, which shows how much she is looking forward to Kiraqi's awakening.

"Singing?" Little Lori was stunned.

"Well, you sing a song to it, and maybe it will wake up." Renault said with a smile.

"Good!" After hearing Renault's words, little Lori became excited and looked at the stone in her arms expectantly.

Then, the crisp and melodious singing voice came out of the little Lori's mouth, echoing in the poorly lit courtyard.

After a while, I saw that the stone in Lori's arms suddenly glowed.

"This is?!" Lu Yao looked at it in surprise, and then at Renault.

"It's waking up." Renault laughed.

I saw that the glowing stone broke free from the embrace of little Lori, slowly floated up, and stopped in mid-air.

Then, the stone in mid-air slowly began to deform in that light.

A moment later, an elf resembling a star with two cloth-shaped streamers on its back appeared in front of the trio.

"Ding! Kirachi (Golden): Lv—"_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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