"You know, now is not the time for us to work!"

"Ah, I understand!" After Ai'er explained this, Serena finally understood, and her admiration for Bai Mo deepened.

High heels are generally not liked by girls because they are very tiring to wear.

Only when working and entering the workplace will women wear high heels for added glamour, or shorter girls will wear high heels.

But Maxiu is obviously not in this list.

As a future elf performer, Serena will also wear high heels when she usually trains, because it will be very necessary when she will officially perform on stage in the future.

But usually, Serena still wears more comfortable flat shoes, including the love that has become Queen Carlos!

However, Ma Xiu is not. Ma Xiu is still wearing Gauguin shoes, and they are high heels with high heels.

The reason for this is that Ma Xiu used to be a professional model. In the beginning, she often had to go to the catwalk, and her high heels would not leave her body!

This led Ma Xiu to develop the habit of wearing high heels all the time.

And it is better heels afterward.

Anyone who knows a little bit about the model can really guess it.

"It's amazing!" Serena blushed a little, even Ma Xiu and Aier had some.

Because Bai Mo's performance is too great now.

Who can believe that Bai Mo only found out that Ma Xiu is wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes only with her own eyes, so please deduce her previous occupation.

However, Ma Xiu seemed a little unconvinced. She blinked her beautiful eyes and asked: "Bai Mo, although the speculation is very basis, but it can't be guaranteed to be [-]% correct, right?"

"Maybe it's just my personal hobby?"

"Why are you so sure that I have been a model before, or in other words, how do you know that modeling is just my former profession!"

"It's a good explanation!" Looking at Ma Xiu's cute and unconvinced expression, Bai Mo felt a little amused. In fact, he knew that everything about Ma Xiu was only because he knew about it before crossing.

However, he can still give a reasonable explanation now!

"Your clothes weigh 15 kilograms. If I read it wrong, the value is equivalent to 200 large golden beads." When Ma Xiu was curious, Bai Mo suddenly said this.

This time, Ma Xiu was stunned, and she understood Bai Mo's affirmative reason, and the latter's later words also confirmed this!

"This dress of yours is very distinctive, giving you the feeling of a fairy, it's wonderful! This kind of precious and distinctive clothes is also perfectly suited to temperament, except for the fact that it was designed by the wearer himself, I can't think of another explanation."

"It can be seen from this that, Miss Maxiu, your clothing design skills are also very strong."

"Also, your smile is actually not a real smile, but a business-style smile. Although it is beautiful, it is not real!"

"This is not a skill that gym trainers and models need!"

"Then there is only one explanation, you are now a professional designer!"

"And wearing such expensive clothes, you can still be confident in wearing such high-end shoes, which shows your confidence in yourself. This is your confidence as a model before!"

"As for your affirmation that you are still a model, it does not exist, because you are now a gym trainer, and it is stipulated that you can only have one sideline!"

"Combining the previous two points to confirm each other, we can easily draw a conclusion!"

"Miss Maxiu, you used to be a model, but now, you are a professional designer!"

"Of course, the first goblin gym trainer, am I right?"

After finishing the reasons he sorted out, Bai Mo raised his eyebrows proudly.

At this time, Ma Xiu's three daughters were shocked and speechless.

Who would have thought that Bai Mo could deduce so much just by looking at one person with a little understanding.

Bai Mo is not only powerful in combat, but he is also expected to be an Interpol!

Among the girls, Serena was the first to react and said excitedly: "Brother Bai Mo, you are really amazing, you are right at all, Sister Ma Xiu's current deputy is a clothing designer, she designed Kimonos are very popular with our girls."

"By the way, in order to allow everyone to appreciate the new clothes she designed, she will hold fashion weeks regularly, and she will occasionally make a cameo as a model. Now she has opened a clothing store."

"If you are interested, you can come and see it later!"

Chapter 0935 Invite three women to travel, the shadow of the ultimate alien beast!


Ai'er shook her head speechlessly, and the corners of Ma Xiu's mouth twitched on her always smiling face.

This Serena is really speaking without reservation.

Originally, Ma Xiu still wanted to be ambiguous. She tried Bai Mo again to see what else he could say, but she didn't expect the opportunity to be ruined by Serena.

This was the end of the matter, and it was useless to say more, Ma Xiu had no choice but to acknowledge Bai Mo's reasoning, but her eyes flashed, and she asked another question:

"Bai Mo, what did you mean earlier, my smile is fake!?"

Ma Xiu looked straight at Bai Mo.

Although Bai Mo had praised her a lot in the past when she was reasoning, for example, the clothes she designed were beautiful and so on.

However, as a woman, Ma Xiu's focus was naturally the part that Bai Mo said was not good for her. Even if it was the truth, she was unwilling to admit it.

For the current situation, Bai Mo, who has a huge harem, can be said to be very handy!

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