Fire-breathing Dragon Y's pair of dragon eyes locked on the Cunning Tengu tightly. It screamed, its wings glowed red, and a large amount of hot wind swept toward the Cunning Tengu.

"Cunning Tengu, go back to the forest!"

Yukang's eyes flashed and he ordered.


The cunning Tengu did a backflip to avoid the first round of the hot wind's attack, and turned out of the rock platform, quickly sprinting on the slope toward the forest below.

"Don't let it escape, the spinning dragon god swoops!"

Bai Mo immediately issued an order.


Fire-breathing Dragon Y appeared on the body with a golden radiance, and it spun rapidly with the body, like a huge golden spinning top.

The tip of the golden spinning top was chasing the cunning tengu.

At the same time, Bai Mo and Yukang also acted at the same time, following the two elves towards the forest below.

Sly Tengu can jump very fast in the forest, but this speed is definitely expressed when his legs are running on the rocks, not to mention the fire-breathing dragon Y is still flying, so it is quickly caught up by the fire-breathing dragon Y from behind. .

Seeing that the cunning tengu was about to be hit.

Yukang's voice came.

"Cunning Tengu, Shadow Clone!"


Fire-breathing dragon Y's attack penetrated the body of the cunning tengu, but it was only a shadow clone.

"Right now, use broken rocks!" Yukang launched the anti-armor!

"So fast!" Bai Mo was shocked!

Inside the arena, the sly tengu who quickly separated their shadow clones merged again after hearing Yukang's order, and their fan-like hands slapped the slope like lightning.


A lot of rocks shattered and fell towards Fire-breathing Dragon Y!

The current environment is a slope, and the fire-breathing dragon Y is also attacking on the slope in order to attack the cunning tengu, which caused her to lose the opportunity to fly and avoid, and was directly hit by a large number of rocks and fell towards the forest below.

Chapter 0942 fierce confrontation

"Mr. Yukang's cunning tengu is very strong!"

Seeing the fire-breathing dragon Y falling behind, Bai Mo faced Yukang Dao, who was running side by side with him.

"Your special fire-breathing dragon is not weak!"

Yukang made a comment and shouted again:

"Cunning tengu, lightning bolt!"

Hearing Yukang's order, the cunning tengu jumped up, and his whole body emitted a white white light...


It fell like lightning and chased towards Fire-breathing Dragon Y.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, dragon claw!"


Hearing Bai Mo's order, the fire-breathing dragon Y let out a furious roar, and woke up from the injury from being hit by a rock!


The sharp eyes were aimed at the sly tengu who was chasing behind, and the fire-breathing dragon's claws glowed with purple light, and instantly turned around and collided with the sly tengu.


The two elves collided, evenly matched, and separated from each other.

Impressed, the two elves entered the forest.

"Oh, Bai Mo, the old man, and their little elves are full of energy!"

Yahida in the hot air balloon with the spread from the electronic referee!

"What a powerful battle!" On the back of the blood-winged dragon, Serena and the three looked at the battle below, not even daring to let out the air.

Champion-level trainers command the confrontation of the king-level pinnacle elves, they have never seen it with their own eyes!

"When you enter the forest, you can't use fire-type tricks!"

Bai Mo and Yukang also quickly ran into the forest, the former frowning slightly.

At this moment, the two elves started a competition, and after the cunning tengu entered the forest, the speed was one point faster.

Fire-breathing Dragon Y itself is a flying elf. Although it is more advantageous to fly in the sky without obstacles, it can also cope with it in the forest.

Although there were obstacles caused by trees, the speed of Fire-breathing Dragon Y did not drop in the slightest, and instead showed excellent flying skills.

"Those who love nature can be rewarded by nature!"

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