This elf floats in mid-air, with a white body but a purple head, giving it a transparent and colorful feel.

This elf has purple flames fluttering on its limbs, very beautiful!

This elf is called Ghost Elf, or it can also be called Ghost Eevee.

It is a new evolution of Ibrahimovic discovered by Bai Mo.

The way of evolution is to get a special gas condensed after the death of the ghost elf.

"At this time, the ghost elf!" Bai Mo saw that everyone was surprised, and said with a smile: "This is the new evolution of Ibrahimovic that I just discovered!"

"Ibrahimovic's new evolution!" Everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Bai Mo found a new evolution of Ibrahimovic.

And it's a mysterious ghost.

"Oh, it's just a ghost spirit~"

A hint of sultry flashed in Yahida's eyes. He had seen Genggui, one of the four heavenly kings, the second echelon of Kikuko.

That Gengar can make the surrounding temperature drop just by its momentum.

And Bai Mo's ghost elf is not bad at all.

Yahida decided that if she guessed correctly, this ghost elf should be the existence of the peak of the king!

"But the sun elf is also Lila's strongest elf!"

"It's also a battle of Ibrahimovic evolution type!"

"It should be a close battle again, and the key to victory is this one!"

"This time the opponent is very good!" The ghost elf looked at the sun elf for a while, then turned to Bai Mo and said with a smile.

"Well, don't be careless, fight with all your strength!"

Bai Mo nodded, the ghost type restrained the super power type.

I believe this game will be more interesting!

Chapter 0957 Ibrahimovic Evolutionary Battle!

"A talking elf?"

There was a hint of surprise on Lila's face, but she quickly returned to normal, her face full of fighting intent.

Although her own attributes are not dominant, Lila is also true!

"Ghost spirit, attack, shadow ball!"

Bai Mo directed the ghost elves to attack first.

The ghost elf opened its mouth slightly, and a purple-black energy group appeared in front of it, and then its mouth moved to form a shadow ball and threw it out at the sun elf!

"Lightning flash!" Lila thought!

The sun elf understood, and immediately flashed a flash of electric light, exerting an agile speed beyond imagination, easily avoiding the attack of the shadow ball, and at the same time approaching the ghost elf, a metallic luster appeared on its tail!

This is the Iron Tail Attack!

The ghost elf still has a sister personality in her mind, and her reaction speed is super fast. Although she is amazed at the super fast speed of the sun elf, she is not flustered at all. The body floating in the air rotates and easily avoids the sun elf. Steel Tail's sweeping attack!

At the same time, a dark door appeared in the purple pupils of the ghost elf, staring eerily at the sun elf who was close at hand!

At this time, the eyes of the sun elf also emitted a blue light.

"Ghost Blade!!"

Bai Mo quickly gave the order.

The ghost light blade is the exclusive skill of ghost elves, and the special skills of ghosts!


The ghost elf opened its mouth slightly, condensing a half-moon-shaped purple light blade, but if you look carefully, you can see that this light blade is completely composed of countless waves, which instantly broke the sun elf's super power trick and knocked the sun elf flying. go out!

"Come up!"

Bai Mo's voice resounded in the ghost spirit's heart!

"Yeah, Master, let me go out to fight next time!" The voice of the Moon Elf appeared!

"I, I, I will prove who is the strongest sun elf!" The figure of the sun elf!

"Go away, you're not my opponent!" The Moon Elf attacked directly!

"Hohohoho!" The fairy elf appeared!

"Everyone is doing well!" The ice elf's cute voice sounded!

"Speak less iceberg!" The voice of the fire elf appeared!

"Don't bully Xiaobing!" The gentle figure of the water elf appeared!

The voices of the elves appeared one after another, and the corner of Bai Mo's mouth twitched, cutting off the telepathy with the ghost elves!

It's really not something ordinary people can stand these women together!

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