The electric light flickered on the body of the positive electric pat, and the electric light shot out, and it came to Ibrahimovic in an instant.


The current slanted onto Ibrahimovic's body, restricting her movement and causing her a lot of damage.

After the discharge is over, the positive electric pat on the cheek flashes an electric light, sending an electromagnetic wave towards Ibrahimovic.

clap clap~~

The electromagnetic wave came to Ibrahimovic, causing him to fall into a state of paralysis.

Throw the Poke Ball!Bai Mo stopped Lisa again.

Lisa made no mistakes this time, and once again took out a Poke Ball and threw it at Ibrahimovic.


The new Poké Ball once again brought Ibrahimovic.

This time, under Lisa's nervous gaze, the Poké Ball stopped spinning three times, and the flashing red light disappeared.


Knowing that she had succeeded, Lisa jumped up excitedly, and trotted to the Poké Ball to pick it up. At the same time, she did not forget to thank you, Dr. Bai Mo, this time thanks to you.

There is also positive electric pat, thank you!

Saying this, Lisa also gave a thumbs up to the positive electric beat.

Moni.The positive electric pat moved his ears cheerfully.

Come out and take a look at Ibrahimovic!Bai Mo took a step forward and chuckled.

All right!Lisa released Ibrahimovic with excitement, crouched down and greeted it, hello, Ibrahimovic, we will be friends in the future.


This Eevee and Bai Mo thought the same, that he was an arrogant girl, and he didn't give Lisa a good look.

However, the main reason was that the positive electro-pattern used by Lisa was Bai Mo's elf, and Bai Mo was still helping to direct.

The direction is good, and you will soon become good friends.Seeing that Lisa was a little disappointed, Bai Mo comforted her, and at the same time squatted down and touched Ibrahimovic's head.


Ibrahimovic narrowed his eyes in enjoyment.

Seeing this, Lisa was hurt enough.

Is there such a big gap between this person?

After subduing Ibrahimovic, Bai Mo saw that the surrounding environment was good, so he asked Shanaido to prepare a picnic around.

Meloetta has absolutely no problem with this proposal.

As for Lugia, this product is really developing in the direction of foodies, and there is no need to refuse at all.

It's the first time I've conquered a pixie, and it's a really exciting feeling.

I haven't experienced this kind of excitement in a long time.

While helping Shanaido to prepare for the picnic, Lisa did not forget to tell her excitement there.

It feels really good to conquer the elf.

Lisa, you don't seem to know much about elves.Shanaido asked curiously, there are not many people in this world who don't know much about elves.

Because I've been on the track team since I was a kid.Lisa said with bright eyes that my dream was to become the best track and field athlete, and I didn't pay too much attention to everything else...

I have been training since I was a child.

It was a strange hour. Since Bai Mo was about to finish the picnic, on the road beside him, a Junsha drove a police car whizzing by.

Seeing this, Lila asked curiously what happened?

If you want to know what's going on, you won't know if you can't follow it and take a look.The corner of Bai Mo's mouth curled up, and he threw a Pokeball at the same time.

Come out, wind speed dog!

At the same time, in Fengliang City, there was an abnormality in the power supply system of the playground. After being notified, Chief Shi brought La Ruguo to the scene, and a Junsha was already on the scene to investigate.

Police found the road was vandalized in what appeared to be a hoax vandalism incident.

When Bai Mo and the others arrived at the scene, it was just when things were being settled.

;It's really boring, it turns out that someone is playing a prank!Bai Mo shook his head boringly.

At this time, Lisa found Kagaki in the crowd. Thinking of how she cried last night, she felt a sense of anger in her heart and went straight up!

Hey, uncle, you know, you lied to me yesterday, and it made me feel very funny to eat at night.

what? !

Kagaki was startled by Lisa's voice, and hurriedly turned around. When he found out that it was the girl he deceived yesterday, he stumbled!

Coincidentally, as he stumbled, the Poke Ball in his pocket fell out.


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