Fire-breathing dragon Y, use the dragon god to dive and break free!

Bai Mo naturally wanted to understand the situation that Yaxida analyzed. This is actually a matter of trade-offs!

However, Bai Mo has always been the kind of indecisive person!

In the current situation, even if the sandstorm finally dissipated, the fire-breathing dragon Y at that time would be exhausted due to the rapid consumption of physical strength. In this case, can the fire-breathing dragon Y be able to block the attack of the Iron Ninja?

Therefore, Bai Mo would not choose this method at all.

What's more, in Bai Mo's calculation, he has already mastered the best time to defeat the Iron Mask Ninja.

So he gave the order without hesitation.

Hey~ Nanamei barrier, what kind of skill is this Dragon God swooping?Lisa asked Nanami after hearing Bai Mo's order.

Lisa can really be said to be a little elf. She doesn't even know elves, so she naturally doesn't know the attributes and types of elves!

Dragon God swooping is a dragon-type skill!

The elves who use this move will release a powerful murderous aura, which is easy to lock the opponent's hit, and has a certain chance to make the opponent fall into a state of fear!

This is a very powerful move!

Fire-breathing dragon's normal state is to fly and add fire! , but the fire-breathing dragon can also undergo super-evolution, and this super-evolution was also discovered by Bai Mo.

After the elf undergoes super-evolution, it can also become a fire-breathing dragon Y, which is also the existence of the flight system and the fire system!

It can also become a fire-breathing dragon X, and this attribute will be transformed into a dragon-type plus fire-type!

Therefore, it is not surprising that the fire-breathing dragon will meet the dragon-type trick!

Nanami began to educate Lisa.

At this time, Cattleya looked at the situation on the field and said to Na Zi that Bai Mo had a good time to use this move!

Although the sandstorm attacked the fire-breathing dragon Y, it also relatively guaranteed that it would not be hurt by the iron-faced ninja during the charging time.

Bai Mo is indeed an expert at using scenes.

While the girls were talking, in the arena at this time, following Bai Mo's order, the fire-breathing dragon Y in the cyclone in the salon quickly gathered strength, and a dazzling golden light shrouded his entire body!

As this layer of golden light began to rotate in the opposite direction, gradually, an extremely powerful impact force was generated.

In this force and the Sharon tornado against each other this.


In the end, the wind in the salon broke out unexpectedly.

It was at this moment that Kamidai seized the opportunity to guide and shouted

Iron Ninja, Yan Hui! .

Following God's order, all the shadow clones of the Iron Mask Ninja glowed white, instantly hitting the fire-breathing dragon Y that had just broken free!


Fire-breathing Dragon Y suddenly let out a scream, and the golden light all over his body slammed into countless golden light spots that dissipated!

All the shadow clones of Iron Ninja dissipated at this time.

The fire-breathing dragon Y vocabulary lost its strength and fell to the ground.

The outcome has been decided, the iron-faced ninja, Yan Hui!

Shendai's eyes were full of brilliance, he shouted loudly, and chased after the victory.


The iron-faced ninja body once again emitted a white light, and the figure turned into a flash of light, chasing after the fire-breathing dragon Y like lightning.

Ah, it's game over! !In the audience, Lisa couldn't help but shouted.

No, Bai Mo should have an arrangement!

Otherwise why are you smiling? !Ai'er observed this time very carefully, and immediately raised a question and shouted it out.

At this time, Bai Mo was indeed laughing in the arena, and suddenly asked Mr. Kamdai, the speed of the iron-faced ninja has been increased to the fastest, right? !

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Shendai's heart tightened, and he faintly felt bad!

But he still tried his best to keep calm and calm, his eyes only locked on the iron-faced ninja who was chasing closer and closer!

At this time, Bai Mo's eyes flashed and he issued an order.

Fire-breathing dragon Y, at thirty-five degrees above, the power of the hot wind is full!


Following Bai Mo's order, the falling fire-breathing dragon Y abruptly opened his eyes, and his entire wings emitted a dazzling red light!

As the fire-breathing dragon Y's wings began to flap violently.

The crimson hot wind was instantly launched towards the iron-faced ninja who was rushing forward, and the iron-faced ninja was even more evasive, and rushed directly into the hot wind...

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo put his hands on his back and confidently said that the ninja's characteristic is acceleration!

An elves with this feature will increase their speed by one level every time they fight for a period of time, and the maximum spread can be increased!

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