Bai Mo suggested that all the girls and Shang Zhi had spoken to the old man Huck.

In this regard, the confident old man did not object, nodding his head!

Then, he straightened up the cordon and approached the Canghai Crown to observe!

But the next moment.The old man's originally confident expression suddenly changed, his eyes widened unconsciously!

Shocked, he took off the tempered glass cover and completely exposed the Canghai Crown.


how can that be possible?

Old Huck picked up the Canghai Crown, his hands trembled nervously, and when he got to the back, his whole body trembled uncontrollably!

Call ~

The more he looked, the more excited Huck's performance became, his breathing became more rapid, and sweat dripped down his cheeks from his forehead.

It seems that it is not a substitute, but a problem?

Bai Mo looked at the expression of the old man Huck, but closed his eyes slightly, and immediately made an inference in his heart!

With Bai Mo's ability, he could easily know whether Huck's performance was in his heart or pretending.

At this time, looking at the performance of the old man Huck, the four guards also realized that it was not good!

One of the female guards should be from the Junsha family. She should be the leader of the four. She took out the pager and contacted Junsha in the police station!

The two or three quickly stepped onto the high platform, reaching out to support the old Huck who was already like a concubine and was abnormally out of shape.


As the three hugged Huck, he let go of the hand holding the Canghai Crown.

The crown slipped to the top in an instant, making a close contact with the ground. , In an instant, the crown shattered into extremely fast, in fact, the hug also shattered Lei Kai.

What kind of treasure is this, it is so easy to break? !Bai Mo raised his brows one by one, and then, his pupils shrank, and he shouted that it is not good, there is poison in the beads on the crown of the sea!

Bai Mo said in a deep voice.

As his voice appeared, a pink gas came out from the shattered sea crown shards!

Immediately, several guards who were close to him felt their heads sinking, their eyes dazzled, and their tongues tingled!

Afterwards, they all became weak, lost all their strength, and all fell to the ground!

Seeing this, Bai Mo immediately released his powerful super powers and protected everyone!

It's Bai Mo constantly, Chaomeng and Dream's actions are not slow, and they protect everyone in the first time!

at the same time!

Chief, the crown of the sea in the Siya Museum has been destroyed just now!

Confirm that the gas plasma wins the early release!

Aisi Island, inside a research base!

A god wearing scientific research clothes, looking about thirty years old, a gentle man sitting in front of the computer, his hands and ten fingers quickly tapped the keyboard!

Soon, the picture appeared on a huge screen in front of them.

And in this picture, it is the scene in the Siya Museum!

The screen is constantly locked and expanded under the control of this person.

Soon, the picture was finally fixed on the broken sea crown on the ground.


A man's voice came, and a man wearing a black cloak with a cane in the shape of a sword in his hand walked in slowly.

This person's name, whose full name is Kuiqisi Harmenia, is one of the Seven Sages of the Plasma Team in the United States.

He is also the boss of the Plasma team who has real power.

If Bai Mo was here, he would definitely recognize him.

Because this man is trying to use the power of N, a young man who has the ability to understand the soul of spirits, and the power of the legendary Pokémon Reshiram and Zekrom, to realize his ambition to have only one of his own spirits, and to dominate those who do not have spirits.

Although he talks and behaves like a gentleman, he also has a cold side and treats N, who was raised as a child, as a monster.

Among these people, two of them are Shenao champion Shirona and Kalo champion Karuna!

Another old man in his [-]s came over, in the same costume!

After seeing the situation in the video, this old man couldn't help showing a wicked smile. Although this is a bit different from the plan, it can poison the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings in two regions.

This old man is called Vio, and he is one of the seven sages that Kui Qisi found all over the world!

No, the big head is not the identity of the two regional champions, but the man standing!

This time we made a big profit!

Another person appeared next to the old man, and he was also an old man. His name was Roth, and he was also one of the Seven Sages!

Is it that simple?

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