Even some powerful people are nothing if they have power behind them.

Only those who are powerful and the forces behind them will think that Bai Mo is acting like this, and completely ignore the Galaxy team.

If it is such a person, the team leader thinks that the four of them together are not opponents.

The most important thing is that he always felt that Bai Mo gave him a familiar feeling, and he didn't know if he had seen it before.

This squad leader has not recognized Bai Mo until now, otherwise he might have run away long ago. Bai Mo can be said to be one of the few people in the world who is not afraid of the Galaxy team by virtue of his own strength.

Don't tell me, Bai Mo's own forces are stronger than the Galaxy team!

You don't even know me, so go to hell!Bai Mo shook his head. Originally, he thought that the other party would be a little more self-conscious when he recognized him, but looking at it now, it may be because he has been keeping a low profile for a while recently, and he didn't know these puzzles.

That's it, it's solved directly.

As for what's going on inside, go in and see!

The voice fell, and a faint blue light appeared in Bai Mo's eyes. The four people in front of him were not even qualified to use elves!


Feeling the deep contempt in Bai Mo's eyes, the hearts of the four players in the field suddenly burst into anger.

Since joining the Galaxy team, they have been smooth sailing in the Shenno area except for the qi of their superiors.

When have you come across such a stunner?

In front of the four of them, the young people are not strong enough. After all, they are only young people. They are the elite members of the Galaxy team.

Not every young man in this world is a genius like Bai Mo, with great strength!

and many more!

Thinking of Bai Mo, the pupils of the four of them shrank, and the hand that took out the Poké Ball could no longer move.

Bai Mo, the person in front of him is Bai Mo!

In this piece, the four of them suddenly realized the identity of the person on the opposite side, that Ping Ming proud, the youngest doctor in the alliance, that Bai Mo with a powerful second-level god elf!

Bai Mo, even if the leader of the Galaxy team came, they couldn't beat him, but they actually provoked him.


The team leader wanted to leave after a cry, but Bai Mo and the others would definitely not be able to beat him. They didn't even need to think about it!

Mimi~ Seeing that the people from the Galaxy team were leaving, Xie Mi, who was lying on Bai Mo's shoulder, suddenly cried out anxiously.

Good, I got it!Bai Mo reached out and stroked Xie Mi, and after comforting it, he shouted towards the sky: Fire-breathing Dragon X, I'll give it to you!

When the words fell, Bai Mo turned around and planned to walk into the gate of light. He was really curious about what the Galaxy team was going to do here.


At the moment when Bai Mo turned around, the figure of the fire-breathing dragon X fell from the sky, and he opened his mouth fiercely and spewed out an incomparably hot flame.

Seeing this scene, the four Galaxy team members who wanted to escape all released their strongest elf, and at the same time they used all but the strongest trick!

But the combined attacks of these four elves were completely incomparable to Fire-breathing Dragon X.


Both the attacks used by the four and the four elves themselves were instantly drowned out by the fiery flames spewed by the fire-breathing dragon X.

Not only that, but the four members of the Galaxy team were also enveloped in flames, making a painful cry for a while.

It was here that Bai Mo's pupils, who were about to step into the light, suddenly shrank!

Chapter 1033 Bai Mo: Playing away! ?

what happened!

With a smile, Bai Mo was about to lift his foot and step into the door of light leading to Xie Mi's world, but at a certain moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately retracted his foot!


Without thinking much, Bai Mo took out the Poke Ball and took back the Fire-breathing Dragon X, then hugged Xie Mi, his eyes flashed!


Use for instant movement.

Boom~ A loud noise came out the moment Bai Mo disappeared.

Bai Mo instantly moved into the air with Xie Mi in his arms, and then looked at the situation below in shock.

I saw that the gate of light that Bai Mo was about to step into was enlarged by some kind of force in an instant, and after that, a green light that was enough to illuminate the whole world came from the light with a strong shock wave, sweeping through it. the whole flower field.

The entire sea of ​​flowers in front of the gate of light suffered a devastating blow in an instant, and all the petals were blown away first by the strong wind.

Immediately after, the shock wave came, and all the flowers were uprooted and danced in the sky!


For a while, the green shock wave formed a strange wave with a large number of petals, and it rolled bigger and bigger, and swept away in the distance!

This scene is very beautiful and even makes people feel amazing, but at this time Bai Mo was only shocked.

Bai Mo saw with his own eyes that the four Galaxy team members and their elves who had lost the battle under the blow of Fire-breathing Dragon X were swept away by the strong shock wave.

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