He is Bai Mo, the youngest doctor in the alliance, at least a master trainer!The elite's voice trembled as he explained that without the super power elf escaping, he knew very well that he was going to get cold this time.

The name of the shadow man of the tree.

In the face of absolute strength, how to struggle is futile.

If they don't want to suffer, it's better for them to do nothing like what Bai Mo said earlier.

Bai Mo?

Bai Mo!

That white street!

At this time, Dr. Cologne finally reacted, with a look of despair and daze in his eyes. He didn't know why his plan had been going so smoothly, but at the end there was a variable called Bai Mo.

Noticing Dr. Cologne's expression, Bai Mo had lost the patience to play with cats and mice, and planned to catch all the guys in front of him.

However, in order for a certain plan to proceed normally, these people have to go to his small world to do prison time for a while...

But right now...


He remembered with a weak and panicked scream.

Da Shemi's body was finally sucked out by the whirlpool.

Xie Mi, who was barely maintaining her sky form, was panting, struggling to get back into the vortex, as if she could feel more secure in this way.

But it didn't work out in the end either.


Shemi fell to the ground, and because it was night outside, it retreated from the sky form to the earth form at the moment of falling.


As Big Xie Mi landed, Xiao Xie Mi, who was in Bai Mo's arms, hurriedly jumped out.

Shemmy, wait a minute!

Bai Mo was about to attack Dr. Cologne, but he didn't pay attention to Xiao Xie Mi and let it run away. When he reacted, Xiao Xie Mi had fallen into the clump of petals below.

The occurrence of this scene made Bai Mo speechless, but he is not a fool and the protagonist will not screw the cart before the horse.

With a flick of his wrist, six Poké Balls appeared in Bai Mo's hand!

Chapter 1035 The dying Cologne, the origin of the beast space!

boom! !

With the sound of an explosion, there was no accident at all. Under Bai Mo's absolute strength, all the Galaxy team members were taken down by him.

Only Dr. Cologne escaped.

This Dr. Cologne finally took out a strange fragment and detonated it to win a part of the opportunity for himself.

But these are not really a problem for Bai Mo, but he was very curious about what Dr. Cologne came to choose and what purpose he wanted to accomplish, so he deliberately let him go.

Xie Mi, little Xie Mi, are you all right?Bai Mo came to the two Xemi and asked.


Xie Mi put Xiao Xie Mi behind him and looked at Bai Mo with a wary expression.

Although Bai Mo's previous performance was obviously to help them again, Xie Mi was very cautious about what happened before.

Mimi~~Xiao Xie Mi hurriedly exchanged a few words with Xie Mi, as if explaining something, and when it was finished, Bai Mo said: Don't worry, I have no malicious intentions! !

Saying that, Bai Mo released the power of Arceus!

Feeling the comfortable feeling in the power of Arceus and the power to get close to him unconsciously, Xie Mi finally relaxed his vigilance.

Afterwards, Xie Mi and Bai Mo chatted a little about the interior of the space...

An interesting look appeared in Bai Mo's eyes.

At this time, the people in Yuanzhi Town finally came to Huatian under the leadership of Joey and Junsha. The movement made by the Galaxy team was so great that even in the middle of the night, everyone was awakened!

Noticing the arrival of these people, Bai Mo spoke to the two Xie Mi, and it was not easy for the figure to disappear suddenly!


Still on the island, inside the secret base!

Dr. Cologne, who came back by special means, hid himself in his own laboratory, a crazy researcher.


On top of some red shards in his hand, in the red shards is a green orb of light, which he got after destroying Shemi's space.

In fact, the purpose of Cologne has never been Shemi, but these two things.

As for Suixing and Huoxing, they don't even know his end!

At this moment, Dr. Cologne was trembling all over, and his expression was extremely excited. He stretched out his hand as if to touch the green prisoner, but he tried and tried, but he didn't dare to touch it!

Finally he stood up, raised his hands and laughed:

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