But this time, Bai Mo didn't plan to continue using the fire-breathing dragon. The big steel snake in front of him had the highest aptitude, and the strength of the quasi-celestial king was obviously the same as what the girls had guessed, and he was the leader of this valley.

This little elf has the value of conquering. It has a race value of more than 500, and the most important thing is that it can be Mega. Therefore, it is worth conquering.

"Fire-breathing dragon, you've been fighting long enough, rest first, and let other partners show their faces." Said to the fire-breathing dragon, Bai Mo took out the elf ball to put it on fire, and then took out another elf The ball was thrown into the open space in front of him.

A red light flashed, and a handsome elf appeared in front of everyone.

It was Lucario.

"The fighting type Lucario, the effect is very good to deal with the big steel snake with the steel type attribute." Seeing Bai Mo sending out Lucario, Na Qi nodded and began to observe seriously .

He saw the battle between Bai Mo and Chi Yansong. They were masters. After that, they were going to battle, so they had to be treated well.

Lucario appeared, and Bai Mo took the lead in directing him to attack.

"Lucario, wave missile!"

Chapter 0196 Conquering the Big Steel Snake

As Bai Mo's order sounded, light blue light gathered in front of Lucario's chest, and then formed a light blue light bullet.

After brewing for a while, Lucario fired this wave of missiles at the big steel snake.


At the moment when the wave missile hit the big steel snake's body, an explosion occurred. Suddenly, the big steel snake let out a roar. Instinctively, he swept his tail with a metallic luster, and instantly swept the road. Kalio was swept away.

"This big steel snake has high resistance!" It was Bai Mo's turn to be surprised. Generally speaking, the big steel snake's physical defense ability is very high, but its special defense ability is very low. It was hit by a special attack wave just now. The iron tail counterattack can be made immediately after hitting, it seems that the attack just now has no effect.

Of course, after the surprise, it was a surprise, because this big steel snake was about to become his property.

"Mo, this big steel snake is not easy to deal with. Even fighting skills have no effect." Tou Zi, who was beside him, said in surprise.

"Well, this big steel snake is not easy to deal with." Bai Mo nodded, then looked at Lucario who was struggling to get up.

"Lucario, the wave of water!" After Lucario got up, Bai Mo immediately instructed him to use the water-based trick he learned in Minas.

A soft blue light immediately appeared in Lucario's eyes, and a water ball began to slowly form in his hand like a wave missile, and was finally pushed towards the big steel snake by it.

The water polo with weird fluctuations flew straight at the big steel snake. Seeing this scene, the big steel snake's slightly vicious eyes suddenly stared at the boss, and the torso in the middle of the body quickly rotated.

With the rapid rotation of the big steel snake's torso, a rotating sandstorm immediately formed on the ground, which also flew in the direction of Lucario.

The waves of water were shrouded.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Bai Mo's mouth twitched. Wild elf is a wild elf. Although the big steel snake is not stupid, the battle experience is not bad, but there is no trainer's command, so it is impossible to face it. Every attack makes the right counter-attack.

For example, now, the big steel snake thought that he could use a trick like sandstorm to offset the fluctuation of water, but he didn't know that the skill of water fluctuation had other conditions besides restraining him and causing big losses.

Under Bai Mo's gaze, in the sandstorm, the wave of water that was shrouded in it suddenly burst open at this time, and the sandstorm stopped spinning instantly because it was soaked in water.

But at this moment, a strange fluctuation flashed by, and the water droplets accompanied by the sand hit the big steel snake with a head.

However, something unexpected happened to Bai Mo. The wave of water that had been smeared with sand seemed to have no effect on the big steel snake. At this time, the big steel snake opened its mouth and sprayed out a purple jet. light waves.

A breath of dragon sprayed straight towards Lucario.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo immediately ordered.

"Lucario, Frozen Fist!"

Looking at the dragon's breath flying towards him, Lucario's eyes narrowed, and a white, cold light began to condense on his left hand.

Then, he swung it violently, and after the breath of the dragon came to him, the freezing fist directly hit the breath of the dragon and completely shattered the light wave.

At this time, Bai Mo said loudly, "One more time, the waves of water!"

Lucario's eyes gathered strength again and sent out water waves.

This time, the big steel snake has already suffered a loss. Obviously, it knows that the sandstorm cannot deal with this trick, so he directly uses his best iron tail, and after directly defeating the fluctuation of the water, he continues to smash it towards Lucario. down.

"Hold on!" Bai Mo immediately shouted.

A light curtain immediately appeared around Lucario.


The big steel snake's tail with metallic luster slammed heavily on the light curtain, making a loud noise.

To defend to the end is to defend. Lucario's strength is only one level worse than that of the big steel snake. After the light curtain has endured the iron tail of the big steel snake, it still stands there steadily.

However, although Lucario's holding skills blocked the iron tail of the big steel snake from hitting him, the huge force still slammed it towards the rear at once.

Lucario was surrounded by a light curtain and moved a few meters behind him. There was a trace on the ground on his face, which was left by Lucario's legs. It can be seen that The mighty power of the big steel snake.

The attack failed, and the big steel snake took advantage of the situation to retract its tail, intending to bow its head and use a dragon's breath.

But the disadvantage of the wild elf appeared again.

The moment the big steel snake retracted its tail was caught by Bai Mo. After he glanced at Lucario, he immediately said loudly, "Jump up, Bo missile!"

"Lu!" Because of the previous attack of the big steel snake and iron tail, Lucario had his hands on his head and his head lowered, but upon hearing Bai Mo's order, he jumped without hesitation. up.

At the same time, the dragon's breath of the big steel snake was long overdue, just hitting the open space where Lucario was standing before.


Seizing this opportunity, Lucario did not hesitate, folded his hands and condensed a wave of missiles that was launched towards the big steel snake!

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