"So fast!"

Seeing that the Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival was seized by the other party's mental force even if she had a chance to react, Na Qi's eyes flashed with surprise, and she quickly shouted, "Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival, use the dragon's breath!"

In mid-air, controlled by the super power of Super Hudi, the Qixi Blue Bird, who was struggling desperately to escape, immediately opened his mouth and spit out a dark green breath after receiving Na Qi's order.

This breath moved towards Hu Di with a powerful force, but when this breath came in front of Hu Di, its eyes swept away, a floating spoon moved, and this breath was captured by it His mental strength was blocked.

In the end, under the control of Hu Di's superpower, it spread out radially.

But Na Qi also used this opportunity to say loudly, "Stupid!"

In the air, a white light appeared in the eyes of the Qixi Blue Bird, who was controlled by Super Hudi with his powerful super power.

The next moment, a figure exactly like the Qixi Blue Bird appeared behind the body controlled by the superpower, and with a wave of its wings, it flew high into the sky.

And the Qixi Blue Bird, which was controlled by Super Hudi's strong mental thoughts, was directly shattered into bits and pieces after being oppressed by the strong mental thoughts for a long time.

"The superpower of this inexplicably evolved Hu Di is too strong, and a frontal attack is not appropriate. Since this is the case..." Na Qi's mind was thinking quickly at this time. In the end, her eyes lit up and she shouted, "Qixi Blue Bird, use high-speed movement!"

Following Na Qi's order, the Qixi Blue Bird in the sky quickly flew around Super Sister Hu Di, preventing Super Hu Di from using his mental strength to seize the opportunity.

By the way, it interferes with Hu Di's judgment, but at this time, the super-evolutionary Hu Di's brain is too developed, and these are all tricks in front of him.

"It's right now, Qixi Blue Bird, use the magic bird strike!"

Seeing that Super Hudi has not done anything, suddenly, Na Qi felt that the time had come and ordered loudly.

Suddenly, in the air, I saw that the Qixi Blue Bird, which was moving fast, was emitting white light all over its body. After spinning and charging for a while, it rushed towards its back from behind Super Hudi. .

"It turns out that when using high-speed movement, it has already begun to gather the power required by the bird, a very clever idea!"

Seeing Na Qi's arrangement, Bai Mo secretly praised!

The fast-flying Qixi Blue Bird attacked the back of Super Hu Di, Bai Mo was really indifferent, and only when the two were about to collide, did he say lightly, "Hu Di, move instantly, and then Frozen Fist!"

I saw that Super Hudi suddenly disappeared when he was about to be hit.

Then it appeared directly behind the Qixi Blue Bird. The frozen energy had already gathered on the fist, and it slammed directly at the back of the Qixi Blue Bird, which was close at hand. The strong cold gathered immediately made the Qixi Blue Bird let out a whimper. , jumped to the ground!

"The ice-type trick, restraining the flying and dragon elements, has quadrupled the effect! The effect is excellent!" Seeing the Qixi Blue Bird, he was severely injured, and the corner of Bai Mo's mouth became more curved.

And then at this moment, Na Qi also not to be outdone, she said loudly, "Return with Yan!"

The Qixi Blue Bird, which fell towards the ground, opened its eyes closed instantly because of the pain. The next moment, its wings slammed, turned its head up and turned, and slammed into Hu Di.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shouted at the right time, "Hu Di!"

"Magic shines!"

Chapter 0204 Fifth Badge

"Hudi, magic shines!"

Bai Mo's voice calmly entered Hu Di's ears. The five spoons on Hu Di's head began to spin, and his body suddenly became as bright as a sun, with countless dazzling rays of light.

The Qixi Blue Bird flying straight towards Hu Di was instantly irradiated by this light. Looking at this dazzling light, the Qixi Blue Bird instinctively closed his eyes, and Yan Hui also lost the target of his attack.

At the same time, after the light shrouded the Qixi Blue Bird's body, it brought great pain to it.

"That's the trick, the goblin's trick!" Na Qi's heart tightened when she saw the scene in the air. He knew that the trick Bai Mo used was the one he wrote about in his paper on the Elf Forum, the goblin trick. , It seems to have a restraining effect on the dragon system.

And looking at the situation of the Qixi Blue Bird in the sky, it is obviously true.

However, this is far from over. The Qixi Blue Bird, who was made to close his eyes by the magic glitter, and who was in great pain, was still waiting for his physical state to turn around. At this time, Bai Mo's thoughts were passed on to Super Hudi. in mind.

The latter's eyes shone with blue light and used teleportation.

When it reappeared, it was already on the head of the Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival, and there was an ice blue light with a cold air on his hand.


In the next instant, Hu Di's fist hit the Qixi Blue Bird's head.

Once again hit by an ice-type trick like the Frozen Fist, the Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival screamed and fell heavily to the ground, causing a side of smoke.

When the smoke cleared, what appeared in front of everyone was the Qixi Blue Bird who had passed out in a coma.


Seeing this scene, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. It was because Bai Mo won too quickly, too easily and neatly, giving the impression that it was a battle of the same level!

"This is, using his own abilities to make the elf stronger, Mega evolution, super evolution." Seeing this scene, Hirona's eyes were also full of brilliance, and she sighed in her heart.

At the same time, Shirona is also determined to learn this method.

Joey announced at this time, "Qingxi Qingniao loses his ability to fight, so Hu Di wins."

"Because the five Pokémons of the gym trainer Naqi lost their ability to fight, the one who won was the challenger, Bai Mo!"

Hearing Joey's words, he picked it up in a daze and finally recovered. After taking a deep breath, he smiled and took out the Poké Ball to retrieve the Qixi Blue Bird. He came to Bai Mo and said, "Congratulations, Bai Mo. Doctor, this is the token of winning the Yinyu Gym - the white feather badge, please accept it!"

Saying that, Naqi took out a badge like wings from her small space backpack and handed it over.

"Thank you!" Bai Mo reached out, took the badge, put it in the badge box, and then chuckled, "Miss Naqi doesn't need to be so outspoken, just call me Bai Mo."

Hearing this, Na Qi looked at Bai Mo very seriously. No elf lost his fighting power. He easily defeated him with only three elves.

"He looks so handsome, and his brain is so easy to use. Now it only took less than half a year to have such strength, which is too perverted."

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