"And my precious dragon, I have communicated with it, and it was caught in Shenao. How can I know the gathering place of the blood-winged flying dragon group in the Fangyuan area!"

"I said Xiaonai, you have been with Yayi for a long time recently, so are you stupid?"

"What!" Seeing Bai Mo say this to herself, she realized that she was innocent and Xiao Nai blushed, "I'm just thinking about you."

"Okay, okay, thank you Xiaonai!" Bai Mo smiled, but an inexplicable gleam flashed in his eyes. There was one fact he didn't say, that is, others may not know it now, but he Bai Mo It is very clear that the blood-winged dragon race is deep in the cave behind Meteor Falls.

And he has already made plans!

Chapter 0212 Fuyan Town, Hot Springs!

Previously, Bai Mo had used his superpower to observe it. There was indeed a cave behind the waterfall. Without thinking much, Bai Mo directly controlled the surrounding stones with his superpower to seal the cave.

Of course, this can only play a role in delaying a little bit. The real big deal, Bai Mo intends to buy Meteor Falls directly.

That's right, it's bought. Any piece of land in the world is allowed to be bought and sold. Those with owners can be bought and sold privately. If there are no owners, even if they belong to the alliance, just pay the alliance money.

Now, the secret of Meteor Falls has not been discovered. It is only regarded as a good tourist attraction for the time being, and valuable things such as fragments of stars are still unknown. If this place is not taken down, it will be a bit silly. .

And as Bai Mo, he can buy all the land with Meteor Falls as the origin without spending too much money.

As for if the situation of Meteor Falls is discovered after winning, will it be confiscated by force.

Hehe, Bai Mo said that he bought this place and immediately posted it on the Elf Forum to express his joy. I hope that the alliance is willing to take the risk of the world to snatch it. When Bai Mo arrives, he will not be soft-hearted. If anyone dares to make his idea, He will only make the other party pay the price.

After hiding the entrance of the cave and taking Shanaido and Minas for a while, Bai Mo and them went back to the elf center.

After meeting Yayi, Touzi, and Ram, and buying enough materials together, the group followed Bai Mo's suggestion and came to the top of the waterfall at night. After the stars came out at night, they were fine again. Enjoyed the view of Meteor Falls.

Until midnight, everyone went back to sleep in their sleeping bags.

Early the next morning, the group embarked on a journey to Qiuye Town, and Bai Mo had already sent a request to the Alliance to buy enough Meteor Falls at night.

The next period of time is to wait for the alliance to evaluate, the two sides negotiate, and then sign an agreement.

On the way to Akiba Town, there may be many people fishing because of the abundant water sources.

Originally, after meeting Bai Mo's Minas, the three daughters of Ram had been obsessed with it. Now ordinary people don't know that Minas evolved from the ugly fish, but they do know.

Therefore, after inquiring this time, after learning that someone here has actually caught ugly fish, the three of Ram suddenly came to their senses.

Unfortunately, for several days in a row, the group of water elves caught quite a few, but most of them were king carp, but none of the ugly fish, which disappointed the three girls in Yayi.

"Hey~ it's the carp king again!" Yayi lifted the fishing rod and threw the carp king on it back into the water, stood up and said to Bai Mo, "Forget it, Mo, let's continue to go to Qiuye Town. ."

"The gym competition is important."

"Okay." Bai Mo nodded, seeing Ya Yi's dejected look, he patted Ya Yi's shoulder thoughtfully and said, "Don't be discouraged, doesn't my Minas know where it used to live, although time It's been so long, I don't know if it's still there, but if we have the opportunity to see it in the future, there's still a great chance!"


Hearing Bai Mo say that, the three girls naturally didn't have any opinion.

Qiuye Town is a small town next to Yantu Mountain. It is famous for seeing falling meteorites from time to time. However, in terms of prosperity, it cannot catch up with Fuyan Town on the other side of Yantu Mountain. After all, there is a row in the Fangyuan area. The existence of Fuyan Gym in the second Heavenly King Gym.

After today's trek again, Bai Mo and his women finally came to Qiuye Town.

Seeing that it was getting late, Bai Mo said to the girls around him, "Today we will rest in Qiuye Town, and we will leave for Fuyan Town tomorrow."

"Okay!" The closer you get to Yantu Mountain, the hotter the weather is. The girls who love beauty don't want to travel in sweat every day, especially when they are with the man they like, so for Bai Mo's proposal, they pleasure.

Early the next morning, when the sun just rose, Bai Mo and his women came to the foot of Yantu Mountain.

Looking up at Mt. Yantu, standing tall, Tou Zi couldn't help but sigh, "Is this Mt. Yantu? Isn't it an active volcano that is very famous in the whole world, even if it's just at the foot of the mountain, I can Feel the hot wind and the strong smell of sulphur that accompanies it..."

"Mo, are we going to take the cable car?" Shanaido asked, pointing to the cable car in front.

"Of course!" Bai Mo nodded with a light smile, "It's the town of Buyan that takes the cable car to the top, and then we have to travel through a forest. By the time we get to the town of Buyan, it should already be night, just in time to enjoy the town of Buyan. The town is famous for its hot springs.”

"The gym competition is scheduled for tomorrow."

"Hot spring? It's great!" For Bai Mo's proposal, the girls all raised their hands in approval, but some of the corners of their mouths did evoke a meaningful arc.

"The scenery is so beautiful, I never imagined that there would be such a large number of trees living here at the foot of Yantu Mountain." On the cable car, the girls couldn't help but admire, from the sky down, the whole bottom is covered in a green sea, but The closer you are to Yantu Mountain, the fewer trees. When you really enter the Yantu Mountain range, you can only see bare rocks and rolling magma.

Ram is constantly capturing these views with the camera in his hands.

On this day, it can be said that Bai Mo and the girls had a whole day of fun.

They didn't arrive at Buyan Town until late at night!

Buyan Town is a famous hot spring town, the most famous of which is the Hot Spring Street. First, go to the Elf Center and hand over a few Elf Balls to Miss Joy. Bai Mo took the girls to the famous town of Buyan Town. Hot Spring Street.

He directly chose the largest hot spring pavilion. Bai Mo brought the girls to the pavilion. After changing into the well-packaged bathrobes, the group came to the hall to meet.

After everyone gathered, Xiao Nai on the side asked as a representative, "Mo, what hot spring are we soaking in?"

After Xiao Nai finished asking Bai Mo this question, her pretty face couldn't help blushing.

Tou Zi's face was also a little red, and the faces of the other Minas, Monarch Snake, and the women of the Alliance also had varying degrees of blush. White Street.

Noticing this situation, Bai Mo couldn't help swallowing his saliva. It seemed that some of his bad thoughts had come true!

Chapter 0213 take a hot spring together, mixed bath!

This hot spring hotel has three types of hot springs.

The first is the open-air bath, which can be mixed with men and women, but it is a mixed bath of many men and women. Generally, it is better to wear a swimsuit if you take a hot spring here. After all, they are strangers.

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