With the sound of several collisions, the coal tortoise spun and easily bounced off the cut air, slid onto the side of the field, and hit the ground, leaving a few deep marks.

After doing all this, the coal turtle continued to spin and flew in the direction of the fire-breathing dragon.

Seeing this, Bai Mo immediately shouted. "Fire-breathing dragon, avoid it!"

"Coal turtle, spray flames!" Mura easily counterattacked.

In the air, when the coal turtle was spinning at a high speed, the fire-breathing dragon that was ordered by Bai Mo flapped its wings and flew in the air. Bai Mo usually did not waste his flight training. Although he was not small, he flew flexibly in the air. Moving, easily avoiding high-speed rotation.

At this time, the Coal Turtle heard Mura's order, and the moment he got the order, his body stopped spinning, and his head quickly stretched out of the shell, a fiery flame and spewed out of his mouth, facing the fire-breathing dragon in the air. shoot away.

This time, the fire-breathing dragon didn't dodge any more, and the flames instantly hit its back, knocking the fire-breathing dragon to the ground.

However, the effect of fire-type skills on fire-type elves is halved, and Mura let the coal turtle use jet flame, obviously not for the purpose of causing damage.

Just when Bai Mo was thinking about Mu La's motives, the latter shouted at this time, "The Coal Turtle, the top of Mount Tai!"

In the air, the Coal Turtle got the order, and the whole body was completely stretched out. After making its coverage area larger, it pressed down in the direction of the fire-breathing dragon.


Seeing this scene, Bai Mo opened his mouth to give an order, but the next moment, a trace of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"It's amazing, it almost pulls me into his fighting rhythm!"

Looking at Mu La solemnly, he deeply felt the powerful commanding ability of one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Fang Yuan, but the corner of Bai Mo's mouth turned a little more.

Bai Mo did not arrive at the slightest fear, but was aroused by a raging fighting spirit. With one side of his eyes, he said solemnly, "Fire-breathing dragon, hold on!"

Hearing Bai Mo's order, the fire-breathing dragon shook his head, his eyes narrowed, and he recovered from the damage caused by the jet of flames. One wing controlled his falling body, and a white light appeared in his body. , quickly forming a protective mask.


After the top of the Coal Turtle's Mount Tai was directly pressed on the guardian light, after the two elves were deadlocked for a while, the Coal Turtle was immediately bounced away.

"Primitive power!" After carefully observing the situation of the fire-breathing dragon, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed and he shouted.

"Iron wall!" Mu La reacted almost at the same time as Bai Mo.

In the arena, the fire-breathing dragon's guarding light curtain disappeared at this time, and after receiving the order from Bai Mo, he immediately opened his mouth and sent out a khaki energy light wave.

The speed of the light wave appeared extremely fast, and it was sent directly towards the coal turtle that was bounced away, and it arrived in an instant.


A huge explosion occurred, and everyone saw the Coal Turtle being blown away in bursts of panicked cries.

Obviously, although Mura's commanding speed as a trainer kept up with the rhythm and his response was very quick, the quasi-king-level elves he sent out could not keep up with this rhythm.

In other words, Bai Mo had already figured it out, the speed at which Primordial Power hit the opponent, unless Mula predicted, otherwise, the elf he sent was just a quasi-king level, and he couldn't react.

"Fire-breathing dragon, counterattack, air slash!" Suddenly getting rid of Mura's rhythm, Bai Mo did not dare to slack off, and directly pursued the victory.

"Oh, I broke free so quickly."

"As expected of Dr. Bai Mo, he could win against Chi Yansong."

Mula noticed that his fighting rhythm was broken, and he was not surprised. When the elf's strength was equal, he couldn't directly crush it. Then he would fight with the trainer's command. Bai Mo was obviously similar to himself.

"It's really at the level of a champion, so young and promising."

I secretly praised it in my heart, but Mula continued to order, "Coal turtle, rotate at high speed!"

As soon as the blown up coal turtle heard Mura's words, its limbs shrank again and quickly spun again, slashing the air away, and then counterattacked at the fire-breathing dragon.

"The same trick is useless to me!" Bai Mo immediately shouted, "Fire-breathing dragon, use air slash to the ground!"

The fire-breathing dragon's wings slammed violently, and several half-moon-shaped air blades were released with a fierce momentum.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..." The voices sounded one after another.

Because the air slashes made by the fire-breathing dragon kept appearing with air blades, which kept hitting the ground, immediately stirring up pieces of dust, which just blocked the coal tortoise and the fire-breathing dragon.

"No, Coal Turtle, stop!" Mu La's voice came at this time, with a hint of panic.

At this moment, because of the dust, neither Mula nor the Coal Turtle know what is going on on the opposite side. If the latter rushes over like this, they don't know what kind of situation they will face!

The most important thing is that the Coal Turtle can react once or twice, but because of the fact that Mu La is covered by dust, he does not have the same super power as Bai Mo. He can't see the situation on the other side in a short time, so he can't make a judgment. and command.

In this case, there is a gap between the champion trainer's command in the battle between the fire-breathing dragon and the coal turtle. This gap is fatal when the trainer's strength is similar and the advantage is not obvious!

The corners of Bai Mo's mouth also twitched at this time!


"Rock collapse!"

Chapter 0216 The second game, the battle of the kings!

Although Mura's order came quickly, the speed of the coal turtle hitting the fire-breathing dragon was already very fast, and even if it wanted to stop, it couldn't stop for a while.

When the Coal Turtle began to respond to Mura's order, stopped its spinning body, and stretched out its head, it had come to the other side of the smoke and dust, and the fire-breathing dragon was not far in front of him.

At the same time, the fire-breathing dragon had stepped on the ground, a huge rock appeared in front of him, and he punched the coal turtle.

There was no time for the Coal Turtle to react at all, and with the sound of "Boom", the Coal Turtle was directly knocked out by the rock ball.

"Fire-breathing dragon, air slash!" Bai Mo ordered again with a successful strike.

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